
Birdie Bungalows

Good morning, my friends. Our snow isn't lasting long. It's a slushy, patchy, wet mess outside, having rained overnight. Unfortunately, we're heading into a very cold snowy few days this weekend, with a possibility of freezing rain on Tuesday. Since that's the day our carpet installation is supposed to happen, it looks as if we're going to be delayed. For not too long, I hope, but we'll just have to wait and see. We're continuing with our efforts at getting ready for it. I love a good period of chaos and pandemonium, don't you?

Yesterday was devoted to finishing off my Project Quilting piece for the "bird house" prompt. I finished stitching the fifth bird house. 

I spent so much time stitching the past few days, I actually wore a blister on my ring finger where the eye of the needle rests when I'm holding it. I finished up with a band-aid on my finger as a cushion. Sewing is not for wimps.

From there, I threw it in the washer to wash out the Sticky Fabri-Solvy, and then we headed off to the grocery store. It was finished washing by the time we got home. After giving it some time to dry, I was able to iron the wrinkles out.

And then, I went to work turning it into a little quilt. Smitty was on hand to help with that.

I added two borders. These were done quilt-as-you-go style. I didn't really want to do any quilting within the center bird house panel because I liked the simplicity of it. 

Then, I used the same inner border fabric for the binding. It's a fabric left over from one of the McKenna Ryan kits I sewed into a quilt. Her fabrics are very pretty.

And then, I spent about an hour hand-sewing the binding, and then my quilt was finished. It ends up at 24 x 15 inches.

Here's how it looks from the back.

So phew! I'm glad to be returning to my "regular" sewing today. I'll spend some time stitching the Girls' Getaway where I left off a few days ago.

After that, I'll make two of the pieced blocks for the same quilt. If I can finish those, I'll get to work making two more blocks for the Shop Hop quilt. When those are done, I will have reached the end of my WIPs list, and I can get on with tying the French Roses quilt.

I've been thinking this will be a good project to work on while the carpet is being installed. If the weather forecast holds, I might actually finish it before the carpet is installed. 

It was a full day yesterday, and so I didn't get my task of cleaning and clearing my desk finished. I'll have to do that first this morning. After that I want to get in a Bow-flex workout, and then get back to my regular sewing. 
Oh my goodness...the weather back east! I hope none of you are in the thick of the terrible storms and flooding. Seeing all of that is making me think twice when whining about the possibility of our carpet installation being delayed. Stay warm, safe, and dry, my friends. 


Barbara said...

If the world seems cold to you, kindle fires to warm it. ~ Lucy Larcom

Danette said...

This is a very cute project for the Challenge!

Sara said...

Oh my - the feather fabric is so perfect with the birdhouses. Awesome finish! I might regret kid/dog sitting for my daughter as I drove here in snow, and tonight and tomorrow we’re expecting a blizzard with -20 wind chills. I went to the grocery store for a few extra provisions after taking the kids to school this morning. Meanwhile they are attending a wedding and spending a week on the beach in Mexico.

Marianne said...

I love the fabric you used to finish the bird house quilt! So cute!

Thanks for your concern about our snow and rain. We in central VT had a major flood this summer, a smaller one in Dec., and now this. That's enough! Thank goodness the rain didn't last too long, but our 13" of snow melted quite quickly. We were being asked not to drive down Main St. yesterday because some puddles were up to the top of the curbs and cars driving by were sloshing water into the stores. It was pretty much gone by afternoon.

Terri in BC said...

Love this! I've been working on a X-stitch sampler from Long Dog Samplers which is a long-term project.

I want to start my French Roses, but of course took out the pattern a while back to look at it, and now I can't find it! Good thing I'm in the midst of a declutter challenge, I'm sure it will turn up.

Jenny said...

Your bird houses are so pretty. And I love your fabric choices, feathers on the front and birdies on the back, just perfect.

Lyndsey said...

The bird house quilt is fabulous. Your extended stitching hours were well worth the effort and your choice of fabrics is spot on. Beautiful.

Quilter Kathy said...

Wonderful job on the birdhouse finish! You are so right - sewing is not for wimps! Way to go! Fun fabrics for the border and backing!

Vicki W said...

Birdie Bungalows is so cute!

Kate said...

Very cute challenge project! Both borders work so well with the center. Our big weather is the cold over the weekend into early next week. I had an extensive text conversation with Grad Girl about how to deal with the cold in terms of house prep. Houses in south Texas aren't built for temps below zero. Hopefully TX does better on the power issue this time.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Your birdhouse project turned out so well! Perfect fabrics to use for both the border and the backing so obviously meant to be.
A big storm and cold is supposed to be heading our way starting tonight. Quick pickup of our groceries this morning and then home to hunker down.

piecefulwendy said...

I love this! Cute little bird houses to show your beautiful stitching, and you had the perfect fabrics to finish it all up! Nicely done!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

The bird house quilt is cute! You learned new stitches with this project, which is always a good thing.

PersimonDreams said...

This is amazing! LOVE this!

Start To Finish said...

Love it! Admire your stitching and fabric choices. Way to finish your Bird Houses. They make me smile.