1. Bubbles
Nine patch and Rail Fence
first quilt I started
quilted by Pat Roche
2. Girlfriends
first applique and first finished quilt
made for my walking buddy, Sue
3. Butterfly Garden
first sampler
machine pieced, hand tied
4. Prairie Queen
made for my son and his bride when they married
machine pieced
quilted by Pat Roche
5. Bottoms Up Baby Quilt
for the first baby of an acquaintance
machine pieced four-patch
free motion quilted
free motion quilted
6. Celebrate!
donated to the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative
design used by permission from the artist, Synthia St. James
raw-edged applique with gold ring embellishment
7. Shell Game
donated to Downy Quilts for Kids
machine pieced and quilted
8. Spring!
sampler pattern courtesy of the Fabshophop
machine pieced and appliqued
quilting by Tammy Ortega
9. Hunt and Peck
birthday gift for a friend
applique and free motion quilted
10. Little Brown Bear
a kit made at the request of a friend
raw-edged applique and free motion quilted
11. A Cat for All Seasons
dedicated to the memory of my little cat, Krissy
1991 - 2010 (Rest in peace, Gingerbread Cat)
applique and free motion quilted
12. Abe's Kittens
donated to the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative
Original art © Maren Schaffner, used by permission
raw-edged applique and free motion quilted
("No matter how much cats fight, there always seem to be plenty of kittens." ~Abraham Lincoln)
13. Metamorphosis
made as a Christmas gift for my daughter-in-law, Mae
card trick block
quilted by Erin Davis
14. Salsa
made as a Christmas gift for my son, Erik
card trick block
quilted by Erin Davis
15. Preto e Verde
(Portuguese for black and green)
made as a Christmas gift for my son, Matthew
quilted by Karen Walker
After traveling in Brazil, Matthew requested a green and black quilt, the colors of the Brazilian flag.
16. Bonaire Dreams
made as a Christmas gift for my husband, Mike
named for our favorite scuba diving destination in the Netherlands Antilles
quilted by Tammi Ortega
17. Snowed In
made as a house-warming gift for a friend
machine pieced and quilted
18. Stained Glass Cross
first paper-pieced project
made for a friend
machine quilted and hand embroidered
19. Great Outdoors
first flannel quilt, first rag quilt
machine pieced and machine tied
originally conmpleted 11/09
reworked when it frayed apart at the seams
finished a second time 2/09/25
61 x 53 inches
20. Red, Black, & White Delight
first quilt made for me
quilted by Erin Davis
21. Blue Moon
king sized
log cabin block
quilted by Erin Davis
22. Mewsician
raw-edged applique, machine quilted
23. Catch as Cat Can
first attempt at free motion quilting
machine pieced and applique
24. Bugaboo
first Downy Quilts for Kids donation
machine pieced and machine quilted
25. Pantry
bug jar block
machine pieced
quilted by Tammi Ortega
26. White Tie
original design used with permission by Nancy Brown
first mitred borders
first mitred borders
machine pieced and machine quilted
27. My Stars and Garters
first quilt made from flannel scraps
machine pieced, hand tied
28. Rock and Roll
donated to Downy Quilts for Kids
machine pieced, quilted with machine embroidery
29. White Tie II
first donation to the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative
used by permission from designer, Nancy Brown
machine applique and machine quilted
30. Grand Slam
donated to Downy Quilts for Kids
machine pieced, free motion quilted
31. Winter Wonderland
first use of Angelina fibers
first use of hot fix crystals
machine quilt as you go
made as a Christmas gift for a neighbor
32. Ribbit, Ribbit
made for a friend (The Dancing Frog Ranch)
machine applique, free motion quilted
33. If you Snooze you Lose
machine applique and machine quilted
34. Tiptoe Through the Tulips
first quilt using a panel
17 borders
quilted by Tammi Ortega
35. The Secret Garden
first mystery quilt
named for the book by Frances Hodgson Burnett
donated to a young girl in Joplin, MO, following
the devastating tornado of May, 2011
quilted by Tammi Ortega
first mystery quilt
named for the book by Frances Hodgson Burnett
donated to a young girl in Joplin, MO, following
the devastating tornado of May, 2011
quilted by Tammi Ortega
36. Santa Fe
named for Santa Fe, NM, where I purchased the pattern and fabric
a table mat made for a handmade gift exchange
exchanged with a participant from South Africa
machine pieced and appliqued, machine quilted
37. Flip Flops
machine applique, free motion quilted
grosgrain ribbon and button embellishments
raw edged machine applique and hand embroidery
machine quilting by Tammi Ortega
40. LimeAde
first doll quilt (19 x 14 inches)
made for a doll quilt swap
first bias-cut binding
machine pieced and machine quilted
41. Dave's Not Here
named for the comedy routine by Cheech and Chong
a gift for a good and long-time friend
Portrait Gallery pattern from the Moda Bake Shop
machine quilted by Tammi Ortega
42. Green Means Go
made for a doll quilt swap (20 x 20 inches)
bear's paw block
made using one-inch half square triangles
machine pieced and free motion quilted
43. Deck the Halls
made for a Christmas swap (5 x 19 inches)
paper-pieced and machine quilted
44. Cat on a Pumpkin
made for a doll quilt swap (18 x 22 inches)
machine applique and free motion quilted
a table mat made for a handmade gift exchange
exchanged with a participant from South Africa
machine pieced and appliqued, machine quilted
machine applique, free motion quilted
grosgrain ribbon and button embellishments
38. Whole Cloth Heart
hand quilted project for a Quilt University class
a doll quilt
39. A Kitten's Tale
first completed BOM, first time making yo-yo'sraw edged machine applique and hand embroidery
machine quilting by Tammi Ortega
first doll quilt (19 x 14 inches)
made for a doll quilt swap
first bias-cut binding
machine pieced and machine quilted
named for the comedy routine by Cheech and Chong
a gift for a good and long-time friend
Portrait Gallery pattern from the Moda Bake Shop
machine quilted by Tammi Ortega
made for a doll quilt swap (20 x 20 inches)
bear's paw block
made using one-inch half square triangles
machine pieced and free motion quilted
made for a Christmas swap (5 x 19 inches)
paper-pieced and machine quilted
made for a doll quilt swap (18 x 22 inches)
machine applique and free motion quilted
traditional piecing (snail's trail block), machine applique
and machine embroidery
quilting by Tammi Ortega
traditional piecing, machine quilting, queen-sized
quilting by Nancy Mankin
Peaches and Dreams pattern by Judy Laquidara
traditional piecing, hand embroidery, hot fix crystals
machine quilted by Tammi Ortega
BOM, raw-edged (pinked) applique,
machine-topstitching and machine quilting, full-sized
displayed at the 2012 International Quilt Festival of Ireland
Paper-pieced, free motion quilted
November, 2011, Doll Quilt Swap (18 x 23 inches)
Traditional machine piecing and free motion quilting
a gift for a family member (49 x 21 inches)
Paper-pieced and machine applique
Free motion quilted
January, 2012 Doll Quilt Swap
Theme: "Show Us Where you Live" (19 x 23 inches)
Machine appliqued and pieced
Free motion quilted
a doll quilt for the granddaughter of a friend (27 x 27 inches)
53. Pretty Little Ponies
Machine applique and traditional piecing
Free motion quilted
a doll quilt for the granddaughter of a friend (29 x 29 inches)
54. Castles in the Air
Traditional and paper piecing
Free motion quilted and embellished with Swarovski crystals
a doll quilt for the granddaughter of a friend (31 x 31 inches)
55. Luck O' the Irish
Traditional piecing and machine applique
Traditional piecing and machine applique
Machine quilted
a doll quilt for the granddaughter (named Irish) of a friend (29 x 29 inches)
a doll quilt for the granddaughter (named Irish) of a friend (29 x 29 inches)
56. Flying Colors
Traditional piecing
Free motion quilted
a swap quilt
57. Beaver Fever
Traditional piecing
Machine quilted by Nancy Mankin
a stadium quilt for my son and daughter-in-law to use
when they attend Oregon State University football games
Beaver Fever is an easy-carry quilt. See my tutorial to turn
a bulky stadium quilt into an easy-carry bundle.
58. Home is Where the Heart Is
Fusible applique with Machine top-stitching
a block-of -the-month quilt (84 x 94 inches)
traditional log cabin border
machine quilted by Erin Davis
59. Butterfly Garden
Traditional piecing and fusible applique with machine top-stitching
a doll quilt for the granddaughter of a friend (29 x 29 inches)
free motion quilted
inspired by a quilt in a book entitled,
Joined at the Heart, by Ann Moscicki and Linda Wyckoff-Hickey
60. Mixed Up
a swap quilt for Doll Quilters Monthly
doll quilt swap (17 x 17 inches)
April, 2012, theme of "Three Colors"
Traditional "Goose in the Pond" block
machine quilted
61. A Day in the Life of Mr. Bear
hand embroidery and traditional piecing
55 x 61 inches
machine quilting by Marcia Wachuta
62. Wonky Schoolhouse
made for a friend who is a teacher
fusible applique
15 x 20 inches
free motion quilted
63. Winged Dreams
made for a friend's birthday
pieced from scraps (58 x 58 inches)
machine quilted by Nancy Mankin
64. Daisies & Dots
for my cousin, Ruthie
traditional piecing (68 x 81 inches)
machine quilted by Nancy Mankin
65. Smitty's World
a wall hanging made for the Dots on Dots Blog Hop
machine applique (15 x 15 inches)
free motion quilted
named for my kitten, Smitty
66. Scarecrow
a doll quilt made for the September Doll Quilt Swap
"Harvest Time" theme
raw-edged machine applique (19 x 25 inches)
free motion quilted
raffia at feet, hands and neck of the scarecrow
67. Bow Tie Bonanza
blocks contributed by members of the
We Bee Learning Block Bee
traditional piecing (42 x 55 inches)
machine quilted
68. Turkey in the Straw
a doll quilt made for the November Doll Quilt Swap
theme "Use One Solid Fabric"
fusible applique (22 x 22 inches)
free motion quilted
69. Catty Canes
a doll quilt made for the December Doll Quilt Swap
theme "Signs of the Season"
traditional piecing and paper piecing (23 x 21 inches)
quilted using stitch in the ditch and free motion quilting
pattern inspired by Janet Kime's book "Christmas Cats and Dogs
70. Sled Ready
a doll quilt made for the January Doll Quilt Swap
theme "Snow"
traditional piecing (17 x 19.5 inches)
free motion quilted with snowflakes and mittens
pattern is a small version of the free pattern available at Allpeoplequilt.com
71. I'm a Little Biased
a wall-hanging made for the "It's All About Me" blog hop
machine applique (11.5 x 14.5 inches)
free motion quilted with paw prints
pattern by Amy Butler (created especially for the hop)
72. Two Grandmothers
hand embroidered by Clarice Maust Nelson (my mother)
lovingly restored after having been used by two babies
free motion quilted
73. Cat Patches
a doll quilt made for the March Doll Quilt Swap
theme "Animals"
traditional piecing and fusible applique (28 x 27 inches)
free motion quilted with hearts and paw prints
pattern: Scrappy Cat by Bobby G. Designs
74. Perfect Harmony
a wall-hanging made for son Matthew's 29th Birthday
fusible applique (24 x 30 inches)
free motion quilted
pattern: Acoustic Montage by Maureen Erhardt
75. Line Dancing
a wall-hanging made to cover a circuit breaker panel in my laundry room
fusible applique (22 x 36 inches)
free motion quilted and heavily embellished
pattern: Jackie's Clothesline by Debra Gabel
76. Happy Birthday
a doll quilt for the April, 2013 Doll Quilt Swap
theme was "Happy Birthday" to celebrate the first anniversary of the swap
free motion quilted and fusible applique
pattern: Happy Birthday Poster by Patrick Lose
77. Plain and Simple
Amish Sampler pattern
designed by Cori Derksen and Myra Harder
made to honor my Amish ancestry
traditional piecing
machine quilting by Erin Davis
78. A Slice of Summer
a doll quilt for the May, 2013 Doll Quilt Swap
theme was "Shape Shifters" with a goal of making a quilt in a shape other than square
quilt as you go with watermelon seed button embellishments
pattern: Springtime Table Runner by Shelley Robson
79. Divine Promises
a sew-along BOM by the talented Jenny of Elefantz
started 1/16/12 and finished 5/22/13
each block is a promise from the Bible
hand embroidered and free motion quilted by me
80. For the Birds
a doll quilt for the June, 2013 Doll Quilt Swap
(18.5 x 18.5 inches)
pattern by Lynette Anderson from her book,
"It's Quilting Cats & Dogs"
81. Love Me Love My Cat
started 6/3/12 and finished 6/22/13
pattern by Birdbrain Designs
hand embroidered and free motion quilted by me
winner "Best Pet-Themed Quilt" in the Pets on Quilts Show blogging event
winner of the Redwork Challenge, 2014 Road to California quilt show
winner red ribbon in the 2014 Oregon State Fair
82. Stars and Stripes
a doll quilt for the July, 2013 Doll Quilt Swap
(23 x 20 inches)
my own design, quilt as you go
83. You Are My Sunshine
started 3/14/12 and finished 7/26/13
pattern by April Mae Designs
traditional piecing and machine applique
free motion quilted on my domestic sewing machine
2nd place winner at the 2013 Oregon State Fair
84. Hello Kitty Doll Quilt
(18.5 x 14.25 inches)
a doll quilt for a friend's daughter
pattern by Kathleen Tracy
traditional piecing
free motion quilted on my domestic sewing machine
85. True Hope
(53 x 60 inches)
for my cousin Rebecca
started 12/28/12, finished 8/24/13
inspired by "Summer Flutter" pattern in
Quilting & Embroidery magazine Spring, 2010 issue
"True hope is swift and flies with swallow's wings." ~Wm. Shakespeare
tablerunner started 6/9/13, finished 9/2/13
pattern designed by Jennifer Reynolds, Jenny of Elefantz
hand embroidered, machine quilted
87. Home Sweet Home
(13 x 15 inches)
wallhanging inspired by a pattern in Quiltmaker, October, 2013
a housewarming gift for my son and daughter-in-law when
they purchased their first home
hand embroidered, machine quilted
88. Cat House
(21 x 23 inches)
a doll quilt for the October doll quilt swap
89. Snow Birds
(58 x 74 inches)
inspired by a pattern from the October, 2010, issue of Quilter's World
traditional piecing with fusible applique
free motion quilted on my domestic sewing machine
started 7/12/12 and completed 10/26/13
blue ribbon winner, 2014 Oregon State Fair
90. Salt Water Taffy
(56 x 72 inches)
inspired by an online pattern
traditional piecing and hand-tied
started 5/12/12 and completed 12/12/13
tablerunner started 2/9/13 and completed 12/27/13
pattern from Jan/Feb 2013 McCall's Quilting
free heart block pattern right here
traditional piecing and free motion quilted
92. Vintage Miniature Sewing Machines
started 3/15/12 and completed 1/19/2014
pattern by Ella and Skysie Designs
hand embroidered and free motion quilted
blue ribbon and division winner, 2014 Oregon State Fair
93. Freckled Fruit
started 7/26/13 and completed 2/22/14
from the April/May 2011 issue of The Quilter magazine
fusible applique, traditional piecing and free motion quilted
94. Réimsà Glas
a doll quilt in the March, 2014 Monthly Doll Quilt Swap
optionnal theme: "Keen on Green"
started 3/1/14 and completed 3/3/14
a project from the book, Sew Celtic, by Nikki Foley
15 x 15 inches, fusible applique
95. On a Roll
pattern by Java House Quilts
started 1/18/14 and completed 3/8/14
16 x 37 inches, fusible applique
96. Outback Sunrise
a table runner from the book, Skinny Quilts and Table Runners II
started 1/26/14 and completed 3/20/14
80 x 20 inches, traditional piecing and free motion quilted
97. Spring Fever
a wall-hanging from the book, Stained Glass Applique
started 3/26/14 and completed on 3/28/14
11 1/4 x 21 inches, stained glass fusible applique and machine quilted
98. Shine On
a wall hanging, 25 x 37 inches
inspired by the "Duluth Trees" pattern from Frieda Anderson
started 2/13/14 and completed on 4/4/14
free piecing, fusible applique, and free motion quilted
red ribbon winner, 2014 Oregon State Fair
99. Hot Stuff
23" in diameter, from the pattern by Pam Wolf
started 3/21/14 and completed 4/12/14
fusible applique and free motion quilted
100. Intel Underneath
started 1/10/13 and finished 5/6/14
86 x 88
traditional piecing, machine quilting by Erin Davis
101. A World Apart
started 5/19/14 and finished 5/25/14
22 x 17
stained glass fusible applique and machine quilted
102. Pretty Posies
started 5/31/14 and finished 6/2/14
13 x 17
traditional piecing and machine applique
Carolina Lily pattern from allpeoplequilt.com
103. We Are the World
for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, started 1/14/13 and completed 6/26/14
60 x 75
Using the "Little Red Dresses" pattern by Barbara Weiland Talbert
104. Initially Yours: Blooming Sunflower
a quilt for my guild challenge of making a quilt to
represent my initials of BS
pattern by Jane L. Kakaley
36 x 36
started 6/3/14 and finished 7/5/14
105. Lady Liberty
made for my partner in the July, 2014 doll quilt swap
optional theme: "On My Bucket List"
New York Beauty block, signifying my desire to see the Statue of Liberty
paper-pieced and free motion quilted
18 x 18
started 7/16/14 and completed 7/22/14
106. Where Angels Walk
the "Good Morning" pattern from McCalls Quilting March/April 2012
started 11/19/13 and completed 7/29/14
60 x 82.5
traditional piecing, machine quilting
107. Happy Campers
a wall hanging inspired by the original art work of
Portland artist Rachel Austin
started 4/26/14 and completed 8/4/14
30 x 30
fusible machine applique and machine quilted
108. Joseph's Quilt (A Quilt of Many Colors)
a lap quilt made as a participant in the Blogger's Block of the Month
started August, 2011, and completed August 14, 2014
61 x 61
traditional piecing and free-motion machine quilted
109. Cornflowers
table runner started 11/18/13 and finished 10/2/14
fusible applique pattern by Sticks and Broomstraws
17 x 36
first time making "prairie points"
110. The Grim Ripper
a wallhanging started and finished on 10/5/14
fusible applique
free pattern by Terry Chilko
9.5 x 12.5 inches
111. Leafpeeping
pattern from the book, Skinny Quilts, by Kim Schaefer
a table runner started 10/8/14 and finished 10/19/14
fusible applique and free motion quilted
88.5 x 22.5 inches
112. An Embroider's Blessing
pattern by Meg Hawkey of Crabapple Hill Studios
started 6/22/14 and finished 10/28/14
12 x 15.5 inches
first project quilted on my Baby Lock Tiara mid-arm
103. The Sparrow
pattern by Jennifer Reynolds
started and finished in a single November weekend, 2014
7 x 10 inches
a mug rug given as a Pay it Forward gift to a friend
104. Mickey's Mug
inspired by the work of T'onna Peters of USS Crafty blog
started and finished 11/11/14
7 x 10 inches
a mug rug given as a Pay it Forward gift to a friend
105. Peppermint Star
a table topper 45 x 45 inches
from the book Quilting With Bits & Pieces
traditional piecing and free motion quilted
started 11/2/14 and completed 11/29/14
an online block of the month, Hello Moon, by April Mae Designs.
38.5 x 30 inches
113. Fractured Flower Garden
21 x 44 inches
made for the "Orphan Blocks and UFO's" theme
Project Quilting 6 Challenge #3
my own design made from cut-up blocks made
in a curved-piecing class.
finished December 4, 2016
machine applique, free motion machine embroidery
and free motion machine quilting
164. Carolina Lily
made for Project Quilting Season 8,
Challenge #2 theme of "Carolina Lily"
11.5 x 14 inches
fusible applique, thread painting, and embellished with
hot fix nailheads, Shiva Artist's Paintstik, and metallic threads
started and finished in one day on January 16, 2017
165. Stars & Stripes
made from blocks for the "We Bee With It" online quilting bee
blocks collected May, 2015, quilt completed January 25, 2017
traditional pinwheel stars and a setting of my own design
free motion quilted on my mid-arm machine
60 x 76 inches
166. Saguaro Cactus
made for Project Quilting, Season 8
Challenge #3: Tune in to Texture
9 x 12 inches
Shiva Artist's Paintstiks, cotton and metallic threads
started 1/30/17 and finished 2/2/17
167. Bright and Early
made for Project Quilting, Season 8
Challenge #4: The Brighter the Better
15 x 18 inches
stained glass applique
started and finished 2/13-14/17
168. Welcome Wagon
16 x 18 inches
composite of patterns by Sher Hastings and Amy Bradley
fusible applique and free motion quilting
started and finished 2/12-16/17
Challenge #5: A Well Dressed Man
12 x 14 inches
machine applique
started and finished 2/27/17
170. At a Minimum
made for the Precision Piecing Quilt-Along
pieced mini quilt blocks, each 2 inches (unfinished)
8 1/2-inches square
stitch-in-the-ditch quilting
started and finished in two days 2/28/17
175. Cats in the Garden
free motion quilting sampler created by
Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt
started 5/15/17 and finished 7/3/17
27 x 21 inches
106. Merry and Bright
a wall hanging 32 x 44 inches
from the book Quilting With Bits & Pieces
traditional piecing and free motion quilted
tree is "lit" with hot fix crystals and metallic thread
started 2/23/14 and finished 12/10/14
107. A Gardener's Journal
55 x 55 inches
started 12/6/12 and finished 12/20/14
designed by Anni Downs of Hatched and Patched
hand embroidery, traditional piecing, free motion quilted
108. Sew Powerful
22 x 30 inches
"Never Underestimate" pattern by Bobbie G. Designs
an embroidered wall-hanging
started 9/29/14 and finished 1/5/15
109. A Walk in the Woods
16 x 16 inches
a doll quilt for my partner in the doll quilt swap
swap theme was "A Good Book", and this one was
made for Bill Bryson's book of the same name
Also used as my challenge quilt for the "Trees" theme of
Project Quilting, Season 6
started 1/4/15 and finished 1/7/15
110. This Little Piggy
9 1/2 x 6 1/2 inches
a mug rug for a friend
pattern by 2strings
started and finished on 1/7/15
111. Sunrise, Sunset
17 x 19.5 inches
made for the "Sunrise, Sunset" theme
Project Quilting 6 Challenge #2
pattern adapted from Lise Merchant and Brenda Brayfield's original
quilt in their book "Stained Glass Applique"
started and finished Jan. 18-21, 2015
112. Shoot for the Moon (if you miss you'll land among the stars)
started 4/16/13 and completed 1/27/15an online block of the month, Hello Moon, by April Mae Designs.
38.5 x 30 inches
113. Fractured Flower Garden
21 x 44 inches
made for the "Orphan Blocks and UFO's" theme
Project Quilting 6 Challenge #3
my own design made from cut-up blocks made
in a curved-piecing class.
started and finished Feb. 1-4, 2015
114. Eyes on the Prize
5 x 8 inches
made for my daughter-in-law Valerie's birthday
mug rug designed by patchsmith
fusible applique and machine quilted
started and finished Feb. 7, 2015
115. Colorful Colorado
a wall hanging, 18 x 33 inches
from the book "Portraits from Nature" by Jean Wells
started 6/19/14 and finished 2/11/15
a gift for a friend from high school
116. Psycatdelic
started 10/27/12 and completed 3/20/15
"Folk Art Cats" pattern by John Simpkins
65 x 81 inches
117. Stitching for Spring
started 3/22/15 and completed 3/23/15
free motion embroidery
from the book Coloring with Thread by Ann Fahl
made for Another Little Quilt Swap 9 and Let's Book It Challenge
12.5 x 12.5 inches
118. Sew Helpful
pattern by Carol Armstrong from her book, Kitty Capers
fusible applique
started 12/22/14 and finished 3/26/15
18 x 18 inches
119. Aged to Purrfection
pattern by Sher Hastings
fusible applique and machine quilted
given as a giveaway prize to celebrate Smitty's 3rd birthday
7 x 10 inches
started and finished 4/5/15
120. Rubber Duckies
started 3/1/15 and finished 4/17/15
a gift for some friends' first grandchild
from the "Turn Around Baby" pattern by Queen Bee Designs
41 x 50 inches
121. I Love Lulu
started and finished 4/18/15
a birthday present for a good friend
from the Vintage Sewing Machine mug rug pattern by Sher Hastings Designs
6.5 x 10 inches
122. Mae's Garden
started and finished 4/22/15
a birthday present for my daughter-in-law
adapted from the original design by Anita Peluso
8 x 10 inches
123. Bumblebee Playground
tablerunner designed by Patrick Lose
started 4/21/15 and completed 5/16/15
12 x 32 inches
124. Block Party
started 4/1/15 and finished 5/17/15
for a guild challenge Neutrals + 1 Color + a Zinger
from the Third Street Neighborhood pattern by Debbie Grifka
35 x 35 inches
125. Over the Moon
Tablerunner pattern by Dawn White
started 6/20/15 and finished 7/14/15
16 x 57 inches
first project using inset circles
126. To the Rescue
a baby quilt for the first grandchild of a friend
pattern from The Virginia Quilter
started 6/29/15 and finished 8/12/15
45 x 54 inches
127. Four Fabric Forest
from a class taught by Lisa Crnich
based on the technique of Ruth McDowell
started 8/1/15 and completed 9/2/15
wall hanging 13.5 x 23 inches
128. Vintage Tin
started 7/15/13 and finished 9/29/15
pattern by Crabapple Hill Studios
for my son Erik's 36th birthday
64 x 70 inches
129. Gracie
a portrait quilt of my kitty
started 10/1/15 and finished 10/5/15
using the techniques learned from June Jaeger
fusible applique, free motion embroidery, and free motion quilting
8 x 11 inches
130. Dream Machines
made for the 2014 Rainbow Scrap Challenge
started 1/3/14 and finished 10/18/15
pattern by Barbara Weiland Talbert
62 x 72 inches
131. Farmily Jewels
a thank you gift for my CSA farmers
fusible applique and free motion quilted on my domestic machine
adapted from a tutorial by Purl Soho
started and completed 10/17-22/15
32 x 21 inches
132. Blushing Aspens
pattern by Frieda Anderson
started 8/20/15 and finished 10/31/15
a tablerunner with inset leaves
18 x 55 inches
133. Smitty
a portrait quilt of my kitty
started 10/30/15 and finished 11/1/15
using the techniques learned from June Jaeger
fusible applique, free motion embroidery, and free motion quilting
8 x 11 inches
134. Feed the Cat
pattern by Waltzing with Bears
started 8/14/15 and finished 11/28/15
a wallhanging 20 x 30 inches
hand embroidery, fusible machine applique, and free motion quilting
135. The Doors of Ireland
136. Whose Woods are These?
started 12/16/15 and finished 12/25/15
traditional piecing and free motion quilted
25.5 inches square
free pattern from Patchalot Patterns
137. Icy Blues
a free pattern from All People Quilt
a winter table runner
started 12/8/15 and finished 12/31/15
138. Quilting Snowladies
embroidery designs by Carol L. Steffensen
of Chickadee Hollow Designs
60 x 80 inches
hand embroidered, machine quilted
started 2/12/13 and finished 1/14/16
139. Be Mine
for the Let's Book It challenge
a table runner from Little Bits of This & That (free pattern)
quilt as you go project
started 2/22/16 and finished 2/25/16
16 x 38 inches
140. Samson
11 x 14 wall hanging
pattern by June Jaeger
started 9/26/15 and finished 3/5/16
a "make and take" project from a class taught by
June Jaeger at the Northwest Quilting Expo
141. Pawtrait of Maggie
9 x 12 wall hanging
from an image
started 3/3/16 and finished 3/7/16
fusible applique, thread painting, and free motion quilted
142. My Vintage Kitchen
a wall hanging, 22 x 13.5 inches
pattern by Jennifer Reynolds of Jenny of Elefantz
started 1/19/15 and finished 3/10/16
hand embroidered, traditional piecing
free motion quilted on my domestic sewing machine
143. Four Fabric Forest II
a wall hanging, 13.5 x 23 inches
from a class taught by Lisa Crnich
based on the technique of Ruth McDowell
started 12/6/15 and completed 3/23/16
freezer paper template piecing
free motion quilted on my domestic sewing machine
144. Mom Cats
a doll quilt from the book, Cat's Meow, by Janet Kime
started 4/22/14 and completed 3/31/16
25 x 27 inches
The aprons are made from
my grandmother's vintage handkerchiefs
145. Endless Pawsibilities (front and back)
a mini quilt for Another Little Quilt Swap 10
made 4/13-14/16
12 x 12 inches
traditional piecing, machine quilted
146. Sweet Tweets
a table runner inspired by the book, Skinny Quilts & Tablerunners II
started 3/28/16 and finished 4/23/16
14.5 x 42 inches
traditional piecing, machine quilted
147. Yard Art
started 11/8/12 and finished 5/31/16
"Flamingos in Paradise" pattern by Carol Burniston
fusible applique and free motion quilted
56 x 64
148. Live, Love, Teach
a retirement quilt for a friend
blocks designs were submitted by family, friends, students, and colleagues
and then rendered into fabric quilt blocks
started 1/28/15 and finished 6/20/16
fusible applique, hand embroidery, straight line quilting
56 x 54
149. Pawtrait of Scooter
a pay-it-forward gift
created 6/21-26/16
fusible applique, free motion thread painting and machine quilted
8.5 x 12 inches
150. Seating for Two
created as a project for a "Designing from Nature" class
Ruth McDowell's technique as taught by Ann Shaw
a wall-hanging, 38 x 47
started 4/28/16 an completed 7/23/16
traditional piecing and free motion quilted
151. Pawtrait of Sadie
for the Pets on Quilts show
a mini quilt 11 x 13 inches
started 8/3/16 and completed 8/8/16
fusible applique and free motion quilted
152. Baby Birds
free pattern from Studio E Designs
started 6/28/16 and finished 8/27/16
a gift for the grandchild of my cousin
48 x 48 inches
traditional piecing, fusible applique, free motion quilting
153. Written in Thread
a wallhanging, pattern by Bareroots Designs
started 10/10/15 and finished 9/22/16
hand embroidery, traditional piecing, and free motion quilted
22 x 28 inches
154. Stitch Sampler
a free motion quilting stitch sampler
a stitch-along for the
Sit Down Free Motion Quilters Facebook Group
started 6/9/16 and finished 9/23/16
22 x 22 inches
155. Cats of a Different Color
2015 Rainbow Scrap Challenge quilt
started 2/5/15 and finished 10/27/16
50 x 65 inches
free motion quilting on my mid-arm machine
156. Pumpkin Patch
designed by Julie Weaver, featured in Quilter's World, September, 2016
started 9/4/16 and finished 11/13/16
a table topper 28 x 28 inches
traditional piecing and free motion quilted on my mid-arm machine
157. Happy Village
from the book "Happy Villages" by Karen Eckmeier
started 11/5/16 and finished 11/20/16
16 x 16, collage-style piecing
free motion quilted on my domestic sewing machine
158. Sunflower Sampler
a free motion quilting sampler created by
Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt
started 10/11/16 and finished 11/17/16
20 x 20 inches
159. Poinsettia Sampler
another free motion quilting sampler created by
Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt
started 11/28/16 and finished 12/2/16
22 x 22 inches
160. Quilt Barn Trail
started May 18, 2011 from my own photographfinished December 4, 2016
machine applique, free motion machine embroidery
and free motion machine quilting
161. Gingerbread Square
pattern by Meg Hawkey of Crabapple Hill Studios
started 12/26/14 and finished 12/20/16
69 x 69
hand embroidery, free motion quilting
162. An Octave in Ivory
original design made for Project Quilting
Season Eight Challenge #1 Theme: "Eight is Great"
14 x 19 inches
started and finished 1/1/17
traditional piecing, straight line machine quilting
162. An Octave in Ivory
original design made for Project Quilting
Season Eight Challenge #1 Theme: "Eight is Great"
14 x 19 inches
started and finished 1/1/17
traditional piecing, straight line machine quilting
163. Be My Little Valentine
pattern from Kathleen Tracy's Small and Scrappy book
15 x 15 inches
traditional piecing, free motion quilted
made for Kathleen Tracy's January small quilt challenge
started 1/8/17 and finished 1/11/17
made for Project Quilting Season 8,
Challenge #2 theme of "Carolina Lily"
11.5 x 14 inches
fusible applique, thread painting, and embellished with
hot fix nailheads, Shiva Artist's Paintstik, and metallic threads
started and finished in one day on January 16, 2017
165. Stars & Stripes
made from blocks for the "We Bee With It" online quilting bee
blocks collected May, 2015, quilt completed January 25, 2017
traditional pinwheel stars and a setting of my own design
free motion quilted on my mid-arm machine
60 x 76 inches
166. Saguaro Cactus
made for Project Quilting, Season 8
Challenge #3: Tune in to Texture
9 x 12 inches
Shiva Artist's Paintstiks, cotton and metallic threads
started 1/30/17 and finished 2/2/17
167. Bright and Early
made for Project Quilting, Season 8
Challenge #4: The Brighter the Better
15 x 18 inches
stained glass applique
started and finished 2/13-14/17
168. Welcome Wagon
16 x 18 inches
composite of patterns by Sher Hastings and Amy Bradley
fusible applique and free motion quilting
started and finished 2/12-16/17
169. A Well Dressed Man
made for Project Quilting, Season 8Challenge #5: A Well Dressed Man
12 x 14 inches
machine applique
started and finished 2/27/17
170. At a Minimum
made for the Precision Piecing Quilt-Along
pieced mini quilt blocks, each 2 inches (unfinished)
8 1/2-inches square
stitch-in-the-ditch quilting
started and finished in two days 2/28/17
171. Pinwheel Poetry
made for Kathleen Tracy's Small Quilt Lover's Challenge
created from "bonus triangles" leftover from four projects
traditional piecing and straight line quilting
28 x 22 inches
started and finished 3/2-6/17
172. Pawtrait of The Emperor
made for a blogging friend from her original photograph
fusible applique and thread painting
free motion quilted on my domestic machine
14 x 11.5 inches
started and finished in a single weekend, April, 2017
173. Mommy & Me
pattern by QP Designs
started 4/13/17 and finished 5/6/17
a gift for the grandchild of some friends
40 x 52, traditional piecing and fusible applique
free motion quilted on my mid-arm machine
174. Snips and Snails
created as a project for a "Designing from Nature" class
Ruth McDowell's technique as taught by Ann Shaw
started 3/10/17 and finished 6/17/17
free motion quilted on my mid-arm machine
32 x 46 inches
175. Cats in the Garden
free motion quilting sampler created by
Lori Kennedy at The Inbox Jaunt
started 5/15/17 and finished 7/3/17
27 x 21 inches
176. Little Bunnies
A table runner
Free "Bunny Quartet" pattern by Kristina Brinkerhoff
available in the Moda Bake Shop.
Started 4/11/17 and finished 7/4/17
18 x 33 inches
177. Wheel Estate
for the 2016 Rainbow Scrap Challenge
from the "Campers" pattern by Amy Bradley
started 2/19/16 and finished 7/21/17
39 x 57 inches
fusible applique, free motion quilted
178. Mumm's the Word
started 8/26/12 and finished 7/30/2017
traditional piecing and big-stitch hand-quilting
45 x 45 inches
pattern compliments of Debbie Mumm
179. Bee Loving
free pattern designed by Pamela Morgan for the Moda Bake Shop
started 6/13/16 and finished 8/17/17
57 x 70 inches
hand embroidered, traditional piecing, and free motion quilted
180. Meowvelous Mini
from the Marvelous Mini Monday Challenge
by Temecula Quilt Company
started 6/20/17 and finished 2/10/18
needs quilting and binding
31 x 24 inches
traditional piecing, free motion quilted on my domestic machine
traditional piecing, free motion quilted on my domestic machine
183. Chinese Zodiac
a charity quilt for Quilts for Kids
started 4/16/18 and finished 4/23/18
38 x 44 inches
traditional piecing and free motion quilting
185. A Quiltmaker's Garden
started 5/29/13 and finished 5/29/18
published in five parts from Quiltmaker magazine to celebrate
Quiltmaker's 30th Anniversary
free motion quilting, traditional piecing, paper piecing
and fusible applique
72 x 94 inches
181. Bitty Bow Ties
a mini quilt 10 x 6 inches
started 4/6/18 and finished 4/8/18
traditional piecing, straight line quilted on my domestic machine
182. So Yelo
a mug rug
pattern by Sher Hastings of Sher's Creative Space
started and finished 4/18-19/18
a charity quilt for Quilts for Kids
started 4/16/18 and finished 4/23/18
38 x 44 inches
traditional piecing and free motion quilting
184. Santa's Village
a collage wallhanging
using the "Happy Villages" technique by Karen Eckmeier
started 4/28/18 and finished 5/11/18
for the RV Quilters "any holiday" challenge on Facebook
16 x 16 inches
started 5/29/13 and finished 5/29/18
published in five parts from Quiltmaker magazine to celebrate
Quiltmaker's 30th Anniversary
free motion quilting, traditional piecing, paper piecing
and fusible applique
72 x 94 inches
186. Pawtrait of Todd
started and finished 6/14-20/18
fusible applique and free motion quilted
17 x 16 inches
187. Working for Peanuts
original design from my own photograph
using the technique of Ruth McDowell
first attempt without the guidance of an instructor
started 6/22/17 and finished 7/26/18
29 x 32 inches
188. Summer Holiday
a wallhanging from Lynette Anderson's book
It's Quilting Cats and Dogs
started 8/31/16 and finished 8/14/18
traditional piecing, free motion quilting, hand embroidery
35 x 35 inches
189. 100% Cat Lover
a mug rug
embroidery design by Robin Kingsley of Birdbrain Designs
made for my swap partner in the Teal Mini Quilt Swap
a fundraiser for ovarian cancer
started 8/29/18 and finished 9/3/18
hand embroidery, straight line quilting
10 x 10 inches
190. Welcome Home
a mini quilt mystery from Kathleen Tracy
started 2/3/17 and finished 9/11/18
31 x 31
traditional piecing, free motion quilting
191. Starry Night
a wall hanging
combination of patterns from Sher Hastings Designs and Patchabilities
started and finished 9/24-27/18
15 x 18 inches
raw-edged applique, free motion quilting
192. The More the Marinarier
a table topper
printed fabric blocks from Old American Antiques
started 4/12/18 and finished 10/31/18
17 x 21 inches
193. Wonky Windowpanes
a mini quilt from Teeny-Tiny Quilts, a book by Donna Lynn Thomas
started 11/25/18 and finished 11/29/18
10 x 10 inches
194. Wind in the Whiskers
started 8/29/13 and finished 12/26/18
a Block of the Month project from McKenna Ryan
fusible applique, free motion quilting, and bead embellishment
65 1/2 x 62 1/2
38 x 44 inches
195. Going Bananas
a charity quilt for Quilts for Kids
started 11/24/18 and finished 1/9/1938 x 44 inches
196. Threads of Hope
original design made for Project Quilting
Season Ten, Challenge #1 Theme: "Hope Springs Eternal"
from my favorite quotation by William Shakespeare:
"True hope is swift and flies with swallows' wings."
16 x 21 inches
started 1/9/19 and finished 1/11/19
thread painting, hand embroidery, and free motion quilting
197. Lucky Charm
pattern adapted from Canoe Ridge Creations
started 3/17/18 and finished 1/13/19
traditional piecing and free motion quilting
22 x 22 inches
199. Feathers and Flurries
pattern is Tweety's Snowflake by Wendy Butler Berns
Season Ten, Challenge #2 Theme: Red, White, and Blue
12.5 x 14 inches
started 1/20/19 and finished 1/21/19
fusible applique and free motion quilting
Viewer's Choice Winner!
Season Ten, Challenge #3 Theme: Bigger than a Breadbox
18 x 16 inches
started 2/3/19 and finished 2/5/19
fusible applique and free motion quilting
Season Ten, Challenge #4 Theme: Pixel Play
21 x 17 inches
started 2/18/19 and finished 2/19/19
traditional piecing and straight-line machine quilting
started 7/6/15 and finished 2/24/19
hand embroidery and free motion quilting
68 x 68 inches
206. L is for Love
pattern from Ellis and Higgs
Season Ten, Challenge #5 Theme: Abecedasius
24 x 28 inches
started 3/4/19 and finished 3/7/19
traditional piecing and free motion quilted on my domestic machine
208. Stitched Inchies Sampler
created by Meg Hawkey for National Embroidery Month 2019
hand embroidered and hand quilted
started 2/1/19 and finished 4/1/19
10.5 x 11.5 inches
243. Gulls Just Want to Have Fun
248. Peas on Earth
196. Threads of Hope
original design made for Project Quilting
Season Ten, Challenge #1 Theme: "Hope Springs Eternal"
from my favorite quotation by William Shakespeare:
"True hope is swift and flies with swallows' wings."
16 x 21 inches
started 1/9/19 and finished 1/11/19
thread painting, hand embroidery, and free motion quilting
197. Lucky Charm
pattern adapted from Canoe Ridge Creations
started 3/17/18 and finished 1/13/19
traditional piecing and free motion quilting
22 x 22 inches
198. Let's RV
a cross-stitch pattern from Ursula Michael Designs
started 1/4/19 and finished 1/20/19
12 x 17.5 inches
199. Feathers and Flurries
pattern is Tweety's Snowflake by Wendy Butler Berns
Season Ten, Challenge #2 Theme: Red, White, and Blue
12.5 x 14 inches
started 1/20/19 and finished 1/21/19
fusible applique and free motion quilting
Viewer's Choice Winner!
200. Alley Cat Quilt Guild
a small quilt from Alley Cat Tales
fusible applique and traditional piecing
free motion quilting
started 12/16/18 and finished 1/24/19
201. Pawtrait of Cricket
a small wall-hanging of my grandkitten
fusible applique
started 1/26/19 and finished 2/4/19
14 x 17.5 inches
202. Muskcat Love
pattern is Cat Butt Valentine Banner from Orange BettieSeason Ten, Challenge #3 Theme: Bigger than a Breadbox
18 x 16 inches
started 2/3/19 and finished 2/5/19
fusible applique and free motion quilting
203. Emerald Isle
a table runner adapted from
Little Bits of This & That (free pattern)
quilt as you go project
started 1/24/19 and finished 2/6/19
17 x 38 inches
204. Cupcake
design inspiration from Melissa at Make it YoursSeason Ten, Challenge #4 Theme: Pixel Play
21 x 17 inches
started 2/18/19 and finished 2/19/19
traditional piecing and straight-line machine quilting
205. Hocuspocusville
pattern by Meg Hawkey of Crabapple Hill Studiosstarted 7/6/15 and finished 2/24/19
hand embroidery and free motion quilting
68 x 68 inches
206. L is for Love
pattern from Ellis and Higgs
Season Ten, Challenge #5 Theme: Abecedasius
24 x 28 inches
started 3/4/19 and finished 3/7/19
traditional piecing and free motion quilted on my domestic machine
207. Flamingles
from an original photograph
using the technique of Ruth McDowell
started 5/17/18 and finished 3/19/19
42 x 36.5 inches
208. Stitched Inchies Sampler
created by Meg Hawkey for National Embroidery Month 2019
hand embroidered and hand quilted
started 2/1/19 and finished 4/1/19
10.5 x 11.5 inches
209. Bunny Garden
wall-hanging from Lynette Anderson
started 2/27/19 and finished 4/11/19
hand embroidery, traditional piecing, machine quilting
13 x 14 inches
210. Rainbow Jubilee
pattern is Jubilee Lap Quilt from
the Black and White, Bright and Bold book by Kim Shaefer
traditional piecing and free motion quilting
61 x 81 inches
started 4/8/18 and finished 4/13/19
211. Cardinal Mosaic
started 10/10/18 and finished 5/24/19
traditional piecing, hand applique, and free motion quilting
41 x 41 inches
212. Heart and Home
Pattern by Robin Kingsley, Bird Brain Designs
started 11/15/17 and finished 6/20/19
hand embroidery and free motion quilting
48 x 48 inches
213. Pawtrait of Clementine
original design from an original photograph
completed 6/23-29/19
fusible applique, free motion quilting and free motion embroidery
14 x 14.5 inches
214. When Life Gives You Scraps
hand embroidery started 3/11/19 and finished 7/2/19
hand embroidery and free motion quilting
13 x 15 inches
215. Solstice to Solstice
a challenge quilt from Pat Sloan
started 12/16/16 and finished 7/16/19
traditional piecing and free motion quilting
86 x 86 inches
216. Beach Hut
pattern from Patch Abilities
started and finished 7/21-23/19
fusible applique, traditional piecing, machine embroidery
6 x 12 inches
217. Sew with a Merry Heart
pattern from Jenny of Elefantz
started and finished 7/21-29/19
hand embroidery, traditional piecing, machine quilting
8 x 11 inches
218. Bakkery
upcycled mug rug from a pouch that contained bread mix
from Erick Schat's Bakkery in Bishop, California
8 x 11
219. Quiltemala
made from hand-woven fabrics my son brought from Guatemala
from a pattern in the book by Kim Schaefer
Black and White, Bright and Bold.
started 5/22/19 and finished 8/7/19
traditional piecing, free motion quilting
84 x 64 inches
220. "Z" is for Zebra
pattern by Tartankiwi
18.5 x 18.5 inches
started 7/22/19 and finished 8/9/19
paper-pieced and free motion quilted
221. Modern Teal
a mug rug for my partner in the Teal Mini Swap
a fundraiser for ovarian cancer research
9 x 8 inches
started and finished 8/9-10/19
222. "U" is for Unicorn
pattern from Robynie.com
17 x 17 inches
paper-pieced and free motion quilted
started and finished 8/12-14/19
223. Home Sweet Home 2.0
pattern by Bird Brain Designs
10 x 17 inches
hand embroidered and straight-line quilted
started and finished 8/11-26/19
224. Wine Country
vintage embroidery transfers from Aunt Martha
hand embroidery and free motion quilting
started 5/25/16 and finished 10/23/19
58 x 73 inches
225. It's Raining Cats and Dogs
a pattern by Bunny Hill Designs
started 12/12/13 and finished 11/27/19
fusible applique and free motion quilting
55 x 62 inches
226. Semper Fi
started 10/23/19 and finished 12/11/19
89 x 102 inches
traditional piecing, free motion quilting
227. Pumpkin Pie
from a class with Meg Hawkey
of Crabapple Hill Studios
started 8/10/18 and finished 1/25/20
hand embroidery and free motion quilting
16 x 23 inches
228. Farm Fresh Eggs
started 9/15/19 and finiched 3/21/20
hand embroidery, free motion quilting
9-1/2 x 14-1/2 inches
229. Pansy Mosaic
started 4/21/19 and finished 4/16/20
34 x 47 inches
traditional piecing, free motion quilting
230. Lord Bless You
designed by Jenny of Elefantz
started 4/11/20 and finished 4/19/20
a pay it forward gift
hand embroidery and traditional piecing
10 x 11 inches
231. The Sparrow 2.0
designed by Jenny of Elefantz
a pay-it-forward gift
started 4/20/20 and finished 4/24/20
fusible applique and hand embroidery
9 x 11 inches
232. 12 Trees for Christmas
combined with the Tiny Tree sew-along blocks
to make one quilt project
started 10/31/19 and finished 5/17/20
25 x 27 inches
hand embroidered, traditional piecing, and
free motion quilted on my domestic machine
233. Stitched Inchies 2020
created by Meg Hawkey for
International Embroidery Month 2020
hand embroidery, machine quilted
started 2/1/20 and finished 5/19/20
12 x 14 inches
234. Sweet Land of Liberty
Pattern by Crabapple Hill Studio
Hand embroidery, traditional piecing, free motion quilting
Started 8/23/19 and finished 6/6/20
24 x 24 inches
235. Hearts A-Plenty
an embroidered heart for each month of the year
design from Nancy Huggins of
"The Basket Case Needlework Therapy"
started 4/16/19 and finished 6/7/20
24 x 34
238. Pink Lemonade
a scrap quilt made from bonus triangles
started 4/19/20 and finished 7/6/20
a donation quilt for Quilts for Kids
33 x 47 inches
239. Shop Hop
a memory quilt of quilt shops I've visited
traditional piecing, hand embroidery, and free motion quilting
started 4/4/18 and finished 8/8/20
78 x 78 inches
240. Tuxedo's Tales
pattern by Bonnie Sullivan
started 1/23/17 and finished 8/14/20
fusible applique, traditional piecing, machine and hand embroidery
free motion quilting
41 x 52 inches
241. Chicken Buffet
started 2/27/15 and finished 8/25/20
pattern by Linda Huber & Bonnie Collins
Fusible applique, traditional piecing, hand and machine embroidery,
Free motion machine quilting
51 x 66 inches
242. Stitch Sampler
two embroidery samplers from Crabapple Hill Studios
started 4/28/19 and finished 8/27/20
hand embroidery, free motion quilting
26 x 17 inches
made for "The Sea" Challenge
started 8/28/20 and finished 9/1/20
from an original photograph
20 x 24
244. Half Square Affair
a scrap quilt made from bonus triangles
started 4/15/20 and finished 9/7/20
28 inches square
245. Bag Ladies of the Fat Quarter Club Stitch-along
patterns by Chickadee Hollow Designs
hand embroidery started 1/1/17 and finished 9/25/20
52 x 71 inches
246. Snow Globes
Pattern by Meg Hawkey, Crabapple Hill Studios
hand embroidery started 11/8/17 and finished 10/14/20
hand embroidery, traditional piecing, and free motion quilting
68 x 68 inches
247. Wyatt's World
made from a pre-printed panel
created 10/25-28/20
34 x 42 inches
a mug rug made from a soup pouch
created 11/5-6/20
11 x 14 inches

274. Rise & Shine
288. I Believe in Snowmen
298. Ones Upon a Time
302. North-South
312. Dancing Chickens and Flying Pigs
332. Sunset Sail
249. Mulligan Stew
from the book, Hobo Quilts, by Debra G. Henninger
started 4/15/13 and finished 11/18/20
started 4/15/13 and finished 11/18/20
machine pieced, hand quilted
60 x 67 inches
250. Friendship's Garden
pattern by Robin Kingsley, Bird Brain Designs
hand embroidery started 3/9/18 and finished 11/18/20
49 x 49 inches

251. Blue on Blue
an art quilt for The Endeavourers
started 11/7/20 and finished 11/20/20
19 x 19 inches
252. Stitched Inchies 3.0
a stitch-along designed by Meg Hawkey
of Crabapple Hill Studios for International Embroidery Month
hand embroidery, free motion quilting
started 2/1/21 and finished 3/18/21
18 x 22 inches
253. Mini Spinners
pattern from Suzanne's Art House
started 1/26/21 and finished 2/19/21
12 x 12 inches
254. Color Theory: Flights of Fancy
made for The Endeavourers Art Quilt Group Challenge
started and finished 3/22-26/21
24 x 28 inches
255. Sundress
Pattern by Meg Hawkey, Crabapple Hill Studios
hand embroidery, traditional piecing, free motion quilting
started 9/9/17 and finished 4/18/21
74 x 74 inches
256. Poppy Mosaic
a pattern from Jane Kakaley
started 4/20/20 and finished 5/8/21
34 x 47 inches
257. Opposites Attract: Comedy Tragedy
a challenge quilt for The Endeavourers
started and finished 5/23-27/21
18 x 20 inches
258. Liberty Sampler
Pattern by Kathy Schmitz
Hand embroidery, Machine quilting
12 x 13.5 inches
Started 3/3/21 and finished 6/6/21
259. In the Good Old Summertime
Pattern from Crabapple Hill Studios
Hand embroidery, free motion quilting
23 x 37 inches
Started 9/30/20 and finished 6/6/21
260. And On that Farm
an art quilt designed by McKenna Ryan
started 9/29/16 and finished 6/23/21
67 x 75 inches
261. Beary Patch
Originally published by Quiltmaker Jan/Feb 2011
41 x 51
Started 6/20/21 and finished 7/12/21
traditional piecing and machine quilting
262. Sonora Sparkle
From an original photograph
Started 6/27/21 and finished 7/16/21
traditional piecing in the style of Ruth McDowell
20 x 26 inches
263. Dream Big
a preprinted panel for practicing free motion quilting
started 7/21/21 and finished 8/12/21
45 x 45 inches
264. Newspaper Headline
an art quilt for The Endeavourers
started 8/2/21 and finished 8/19/21
13 x 20 inches
265. Quilt Shop Redwork
designed by Cathy ParkerHand embroidery
started 1/20/21 and finished 8/21/21
18 x 23 inches
started 1/20/21 and finished 8/21/21
18 x 23 inches
266. Kitty Cat Alphabet
design by The Patchmakers
hand embroidery, traditional piecing, and free motion quilting
started 10/18/21 and finished 11/3/21
21 x 20 inches
267. Get Well Kitty
a wall-hanging design by Mouseblankets
started 10/28/21 and finished 11/5/21
fusible applique with button embellishment
16 x 19
268. Fancy Cats
made from the Cat-i-tude panel gifted by a friend
54 x 64 inches
started 6/23/20 and finished 11/13/21
269. Getting to Know You
An Art quilt for The Endeavourers
Prompt: Feelings/Emotions
Started 11/13/21 and finished 11/22/21
20 x 27 inches
Designed from an original photograph
270. Bee Brave
Design by Gail Pan for the
Love & Hugs from Australia Facebook group
needs quilting and binding
13 inches square
Started 3/17/21 and finished 11/27/21
271. Appalachian Memories
pattern by Beth Dix of Primrose Lane
hand embroidery started 10/18/18 and finished 12/13/21
59 x 75 inches
Hand embroidery, traditional piecing, machine quilting
272. Tiny Tuesday Sampler
started 1/6/19 and finished 12/19/21
51 x 62 inches
273. An Irish Blessing
an embroidered wall-hanging from Yvonne McKee, Belfast
Hand embroidery, traditional piecing, free motion quilting
15 x 18 inches
started 5/13/21 and finished 2/14/22
A free pattern from Lynette Anderson
Hand embroidery, traditional piecing, free motion quilting
Started 1/21/21 and finished 2/14/22
14 x 15 inches
275. Never Enough Cats!
Pattern by Alley Cat Tales
26 x 27 inches
Hand embroidery, machine applique, and traditional piecing
Started 6/27/21 and finished 2/15/22
276. Peruvian Sunflowers
an art quilt for The Endeavourers (no prompt)
inspired by a friend's watercolor painting and
used with permission of the artist, Kathy Marler
started and finished 3/21-26/22
18 x 24 inches
277. Charm Stars
pattern from the book Quick and Easy Scrap Quilts
started 1/6/19 and finished 4/5/22
started 1/6/19 and finished 4/5/22
61 x 76 inches
278. Posies
Block of the month pattern by Jennifer Reynolds, Jenny of Elefantz
Hand embroidery, fusible applique, and traditional piecing
Started 1/2/21 and finished 4/8/22
24 x 30 inches
279. Paintbox Pizzazz
Pinwheel Pizzazz pattern from The Big Book of One Block Quilts
started 1/7/19 and finished 4/28/22
71 x 71 inches
280. Give More
an "emergency" stitching kit from Gingiber
hand embroidery, traditional piecing
started 3/4/22 and finished 4/30/22
10 inches square
281. Paws & Purrs
a charity quilt for Quilts for Kids
started 4/19/22 and finished 5/3/22
38 x 44 inches
started 4/19/22 and finished 5/3/22
38 x 44 inches
a challenge quilt for The Endeavourers
"Animal Kingdom" prompt
from an original photograph taken by Carol Galloway
and used with permission
started 5/23/22 and finished 6/8/22
22 x 24 inches
283. Garden Sunshine BOM
61 x 64 inches
Started 1/16/19 and finished 6/18/22
284. Grandma's Thimbles
pattern from Redwork Plus/Scarlet Today
29 x 27 inches
started 9/2/21 and finished 6/25/22
285. Ella's Flower Garden
original quilt made by Elaine M. Neilson of Seward, Nebraska,
and included in the book: Big Book of Scrap Quilts
started 4/15/19 and finished 7/20/22
74 x 74 inches
Hand embroidery, machine quilting
Pattern from Bunny Hill Designs
56 x 64 inches
started 6/1/19 and finished 10/31/22.
289. Snowflakes
original block setting design
started 12/24/19 and finished 11/11/22
hand embroidery, hand beading, machine quilting
57 x 71 inches
290. Scrappy Snowflake
14 x 14 inches
Free pattern from Lake Girl Quilts
Started 2/18/22 and finished 11/15/22
291. Mrs. Claus' Cookie Team
13 x 13 inches
started 7/23/22 and finished 11/16/22
292. Flannel Four-Patch
56 x 72 inches
a traditional Double 4-Patch pattern
started 5/16/22 and finished 11/17/22
293. Trashy Triangles
a scrap quilt made from bonus triangles
started 4/9/20 and finished 12/7/22
45 x 58 inches
294. Chicken Feed
a scrap quilt made from cut-off ends of strip sets
started 4/10/20 and finished 12/13/22
46 x 54 inches
295. Tucson Tabby
Free pattern from Cactus Cat Patterns
Hand embroidery
Started 6/6/22 and finished 12/14/22
13-1/2 x 16-1/2 inches
296. Catch and Release
challenge quilt for The Endeavourers Art Quilt Group
prompt was "Portrait
started 12/1/22 and finished 12/17/22
21 x 16-1/2 inches
297. Stitches from the Heart
free pattern from the Fat Quarter Shop
started 12/28/22 and finished 1/2/23
12 x 12 inches
a challenge quilt for Project Quilting, Season 14
prompt was "One"
started and finished 1/6/23
11.5 x 17 inches
299. Pretty in Pink
a challenge quilt for Project Quilting, Season 14
prompt was "Pink Tint"
from the "Stitcher Strong" redwork pattern by Bird Brain Designs
started and finished 1/16/23
7 x 8 inches
300. Waste Not Whatnots
a scrappy quilt made from bonus triangles and orphan blocks
started 10/13/20 and finished 1/17/23
58 x 57 inches
301. Broken Hearts
A scrappy table topper made from bonus triangles
Started 2/3/22 and finished 1/25/23
30 x 32 inches
a challenge quilt for Project Quilting, Season 14
prompt was "54-40 or Fight!"
Started and finished 1/29/23
13 x 13 inches
303. Bernie's Mittens
started 12/18/22 and finished 1/30/23
15 x 12 inches
304. Sunrise
a challenge quilt for Project Quilting, Season 14
prompt was "A Novel Project"
my book: The Warmth of Other Suns
Started and finished 2/12-13/23
15 x 17 inches
305. Bunny Go Round
25 x 25 inches
started 2/14/23 and finished 2/15/23
306. Road Apples
14 x 11 inches
Started 2/16/22 and finished 3/6/23
307. Mr. MacGregor's Garden
Pattern from Quiltmaker, March, 2012
40 x 51 inches
started 3/21/23 and finished 4/4/23
308. Best Friends
21 x 26 inches
started 6/8/22 and finished 4/11/23
309. Full Circle
"Maps" prompt for The Endeavourers art quilt group
started 2/8/23 and finished 4/12/23
48 x 48 inches
310. Dream Big Leaf
A pre-printed panel for FMQ Practice
Started 2/18/23 and finished 4/13/23
47 x 47 inches
311. Technicolor
9th donation quilt for Quilts for Kids
started and finished 4/28-30/23
38 x 44 inches
312. Dancing Chickens and Flying Pigs
quilt pattern from Anni Downs at Hatched and Patched
fusible applique, hand embroidery, free motion quilting
started 3/13/19 and finished 5/14/23
56 x 56 inches
313. Fantasticat
an art quilt for The Endeavourers art quilt group
prompt was "collage"
started 5/20/23 and finished 6/4/23
19 x 19 inches
314. Sewing Day
started 1/22/23 and finished 6/7/23
16 x 20 inches
315. Scrap Happy Baby Ribbons
pattern from Victoriana Quilt Designs
50 x 50
started 6/23/23 and finished 7/1/23
316. Pieces of the Past
61 x 64 inches
started 10/26/19 and finished 7/19/23
317. Books and Roses
Block of the month pattern by Jennifer Reynolds, Jenny of Elefantz
30 x 37 inches
started 3/10/22 and finished 8/2/23
318. Circles and Squares
an art quilt for The Endeavourers art quilt group
Created using my grandmother's hand crocheted doilies
started 8/6/23 and finished 8/8/23
22 x 22 inches
319. Counting Sheep
free pattern from American Quilter's Society
42 x 42
started 8/8/23 and finished 8/13/23
320. Charmed, I'm Sure
from the book Teeny-Tiny Quilts, by Donna Lynn Thomas
12-1/2 x 12-1/2 inches
started 8/27/23 and finished 9/1/23
321. Strips & Stripes
pattern by Cherri House from the City Quilts book
64 x 74 inches
started 3/29/20 and finished 10/19/23
322. Time to Stitch
pattern from Meg Hawkey at Crabapple Hill Studios
for February's International Embroidery Month 2023
started 2/1/23 and finished 10/23/23
14 x 15 inches
323. Patterns in Nature
An art quilt for The Endeavourers art quilt group
Started 11/10/23 and finished 11/20/23
17 x 22 inches
324. Humble Beauty
hand embroidery
12-1/2 x 13-1/2
started 4/3/23 and finished 11/21/23
325. Little Green Frog
10th donation quilt for Quilts for Kids
started and finished 12/1-2/23
38 x 44 inches
326. Ties & Tails
started 3/30/20 and finished 12/12/23
95 x 75 inches
327. Heartland Barns
5 embroidered blocks and borders
Pattern by Erica Plank of Unseen Hands
Started 3/25/21 and finished 12/24/23
64 x 64 inches
328. Purrfectly Pieced
pattern from Bonnie Sullivan
started 5/19/22 and finished 12/26/23
32 x 36 inches
329. Birdie Bungalows
pattern from HKNeedlework Designs
made for Project Quilting Season 15 prompt "Bird House"
started 1/7/24 and finished 1/10/24
24 x 15 inches
330. Dwell in Possibility
Embroidery pattern from Gingiber
15 x 15 inches
Started 5/25/23 and finished 1/15/24
331. French Roses
pattern by Heather French
hand tied and washed to rag
60 x 60 inches
started 11/2/21 and finished 1/18/24
for Project Quilting 15.2 "Sky Color" prompt
14.5 x 16 inches
started and finished 1/21-22/24
333. Ring of Fire
Created for Project Quilting Season 15.3 “Inside Out” prompt
10 x 10 inches
Started and finished 2/6/24
334. Fall Flannel Four-Patch
Started 2/1/24 and finished 2/7/24
56 x 72 inches
335. Joined by Thread
design from Leanne Knell
hand embroidery
started 7/23/23 and finished 2/15/24
12 x 12 inches
336. Time Flies
Created for Project Quilting Season 15.4 “Hourglass” prompt
12 x 12 inches
Started and finished 2/18/24
337. Starburst
Created for a Free motion quilting
video series by Angela Walters
started 1/3/24 and finished 2/21/24
52 x 42
338. Hanging the Christmas Lights
12 x 12 inches
started 10/18/23 and finished 2/21/24
339. Bumble Sampler
pattern from Kathy Schmitz
started 11/22/23 and finished 2/22/24
15 x 17
340. Tin Cup Store
An art quilt for The Endeavourers art quilt group
“Vintage” prompt
Started 6/3/24 and finished 6/17/24
18 x 22 inches
341. Blackwork Baskets
Pattern by J. Michelle Watts Designs
53 x 53 inches
Started 12/21/21 and finished 6/25/24
342. Tiny Hearts
a stitch-along from Meg Hawkey for International Embroidery Month
started 2/1/24 and finished 6/27/24
13 x 15 inches
343. Catnip
From the Catnip panel by Moda fabrics
67 x 67 inches
started 4/16/22 and finished 7/20/24
344. New Mexico Kitchen
pattern by Pam Wolf
started 3/27/20 and finished 8/31/24
52 x 66 inches
347. Beach Bums
pattern by JoAnn Hoffman
33 x 43 inches
started 10/9/24 and finished 11/17/24
348. "Mosaic"
challenge quilt for The Endeavourers Art Quilt Group
started 11/6/24 and finished 11/19/24
12 x 18 inches
349. Color My World
350. Calendula Patterdrip's Cottage
pattern by Meg Hawkey, Crabapple Hill Studios
hand embroidery started 11/16/20 and finished 12/22/24
67 x 73 inches
352. Bigfoot Crossing
made for Project Quilting Season 16
"Mythical Creatures"
hand embroidery and traditional piecing
Created 1/6-7/25
16 x 16 inches
353. Bear Necessities
39 x 45 inches
started and finished 1/5-9/25
354. Ombre Sunset
for Project Quilting "Ombre" prompt
created 1/19-21/25
25 x 25
355. Domestic Affairs
"Gentle Domesticity" BOM by Jennifer Reynolds
started 8/25/21 and finished 1/25/25
43 x 53 inches
357. Vintage Linen
A crazy quilt made from vintage linens
Hand embroidered or crocheted by
my maternal grandmother, Bertha Wise Maust
64 x 64 inches
Started 8/26/21 and finished 2/20/25
358. "Circus"
a Challenge quilt for The Endeavourers art quilt group
started 2/16/25 and finished 2/23/25
just a peek for now
19 x 25 inches
reveal will be 5/1/25
What will be next?