
Long Day

Good morning, my friends. Did you ever have a day when absolutely nothing goes right? I blame the Christmas season a little bit. Things always get more and more weird as the day approaches. Then it's a week of weirdness between Christmas and New Years. Is it a holiday? Is it a workday? And if it's a workday...why? These are questions I've asked myself in a former life. In retirement, I don't think about holidays any more. There are no holidays from retirement...and no vacations either. This might be a good time to get out your violin and serenade me with My Heart Bleeds for You. And this reminds me of the time I told my dentist that my teeth hurt when I eat a Cadbury Easter egg. As you might guess, he was not sympathetic. 

Well. So I got my hair cut. No problems there except her heat seemed to be out. It was 59° in the salon when I arrived. After an hour with the heat turned on, there was no change in the temperature. Lucky me...I was able to get in my car and drive away. And the car's heater was working. Then, I took my "When Quilters Gather" blocks to Staples for enlargement. I've always waited while they do this. Yesterday, they claimed to be too busy right at the moment to press "Print." She did everything but. I'm told they'll be ready Wednesday. And then, the final insult at the grocery store. I was in a short line. The woman ahead of me had only a couple of greeting cards and gift cards. She was writing a check (what?) for the first time at that store, and so there was some snafu with checking identification and such. They ended up voiding out her entire purchase, voiding the amount charged to the gift cards, and then took her off to another part of the store...to be tortured, I'm assuming.

Thankfully, I could go home after that. With such a frustrating morning, I miscounted the 7 blocks I was planning to quilt and did 8 instead. I suppose it could have been worse.

Take a look at the leaf blocks around the outer edge. Some of the leaves are pointed toward the center of the quilt. All of those have been quilted. I don't know about you, but I find it difficult to free motion quilt unless I can move in a certain direction. For all the quilting I've done so far, I've been able to keep the bulk of the quilt on the table. To do the leaves that point toward the outer edge of the quilt, I'll have to turn the quilt around so that the bulk of the quilt will be resting in my lap. I anticipate it being harder to move freely. Possibly, I can turn the quilt kind of sideways to make it a little easier. I won't know until I try. Either way, I expect to be able to finish the quilting today. If I'm very energetic, I might get the binding sewn on to.

From there, I headed into the sewing room. At the top of my to-do list was to piece together a back for the Stichin' Wisdom quilt. I had enough fabric left over from the two borders to get the job done.

Sadie helped me with this. She tested the fabric for snuggleability.

Satisfied with its snuggle capabilities, she gave her okay.

You may purrceed.

I used most of what remained of the fabrics to piece together this back.

Now it will go on the quilts-to-be sandwiched pile. Probably it will get quilted sometime next year.

From there, it seemed too late to sandwich the Purrfectly Pieced quilt mentioned in yesterday's post.

 Instead, I made up the last block for the Domestic Affairs quilt.

There's still plenty to do on my current Kittens block, but this one is ready to go when I need it. 

Also, this being the last block, it seemed a good time to pick a project to replace it when it's finished. As I've mentioned, I use Mr. Random number generator to choose my embroidery projects. This time, he landed on the Girls' Getaway quilt from Crabapple Hill Studios. 

This was a block of the month some years back. I bought all the patterns and the floss collection, but then never made it. It'll be a while before I get to this. In the meantime, I'll need some fabric to use for the embroidery backgrounds. It looks like a good scrap buster with those pieced quilt blocks around the outside.

Okay, so I stayed up too late reading, and I woke up too early this morning. I'm thinking about going back to bed when I finish here. Poor Sadie is going to have a very bad day today. She has to go to the vet for her annual check-up and her immunizations. Yesterday was my day to have a bad day. Today will be hers, and we can commeowserate when we get home. 


Barbara said...

Don't let the good days get to your head, and don't let the bad days get to your heart. ~ Caroline Ghosn

Kate said...

I really hate when the day starts with a series of unfortunate events. But it sounds like your time in the sewing room went well. Your next embroidery project looks like a lot of fun. Hope you get lots done today.

Mary C said...

The Shirelles sang a song especially for your day yesterday, "mama said there'd be days like this . . ."

CarolE said...

Yesterday the word for me was patience. Patience for the line at the post office, patience for the line at CVS, and patience in the parking lot at the outlets. But I came home and quilted so it was a good day. Your barn quilt looks really good. Next up for me embroidery-wise is also a Crabapple Hill pattern Hocuspocusville and with any luck I will get it done before next Halloween! Have a good day.

Pam Dempsey said...

🤣 poor check writing lady - taken off to be tortured…. I commiserate and remember that Mercury is in retrograde, important Google info. Messes up communication 😥.

Sara said...

Hope the check writer was not kept too long or tortured much. My bad day is today I guess - last minute company arrived 3 hours later than they estimated last night at 9 pm. We sat up too late talking and my alarm clock went off at 4:30 this morning for my husband to get up and go to a meeting. Once I'm awake there is no going back to sleep. My company headed to an appointment, then is arriving back here. Hope he decides NOT to stay too long today. Am I being mean and selfish?

Jenny said...

Bad days.....poor Sadie, poor you. This too shall pass. Interesting reading about the lady writing a cheque for her shop purchases, here in New Zealand cheques have not been in use for several years. The last few days prior to Christmas are always strange. We either rush around like mad people getting last minute things done. Or, if everything is up to date, it's a matter of waiting around for countdown.

Vicki W said...

It looks like you turned a pretty icky morning into a really productive day! With enough treats, Sadie's might turn out OK too!

Lyndsey said...

I find a day starting badly but improving as it goes on leaves me feeling happy and satisfied. It's those days that you think will be good and then the disasters start to happen that are the worst. I must get on and finish some embroidery as I have more waiting in the wings wanting to be stared.

piecefulwendy said...

Perhaps it's the season, I've been reading too late and getting up too early as well. I just sneak in naps. Hope Sadie's day goes better than anticipated. Your quilt projects are looking good!

karen said...

Sorry Sadie. Hugs to you. At least you are healthy, and the visits to the vet are few. I know you will get lots of treats when you get home.
Just love Crabapple Hill. I am in progress of "Mystery of Enchanted Hollow". I will not be stitching that ugly crow... need to find a replacement for that block. Also have several other patterns that are screaming to get going.
Love your "Wisdom" quilt.
Sorry about your set backs. Those are my normal days. Yesterday, I went to get Milk and $5 bill to put in a card...she didn't have a 5, so got 5 one dollar bills. Had to go stand in the next line for 20 minutes (lady ahead of me was buying lottory tickets for the whole village apparently). Got my 5 bill and was done. Now I can be home foe the next two weeks. Yea!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I didn't think there were any stores that would still consider accepting cheques - interesting. Looks like Mr. Random Generator has chosen a fun project for you to tackle.