Okay, so life is returning to what passes for normal here at the Three Cats Ranch. We're back from our five-day getaway at Mayfield Lake in Silver Creek, Washington. We had a very nice and relaxing time. Relaxation is the best part of this particular destination. We spent our days sitting, stitching (that was me), bobbing in the boat, swimming (that was Mike), eating, and napping. We even took a walk. We even visited a quilt shop. Today we'll unpack, and then get back to business.
So let's just see what's been going on, shall we? If I am to understand things properly, someone posted to my blog while I was gone. I have a feeling it's the person associated with these ears:
As was mentioned, she managed to stay home while we were gone by hiding in a spot from which we cannot retrieve her. (You can see the explanation of said spot, at this old blog post.) I'd stuffed a box into the opening of her little hidey hole, but she managed to power her way past it. We could either wait for several days until she came down, or we could leave without her. We chose the latter. She was fine while we were away, but she was pretty starved for her morning snuggles this morning. I could barely get sat down before she was on top of me for the badly-needed morning pets.
Backing up to the day we left, I gave all the flower pots a good watering, and then took one last look around in the vegetable garden. There I found one of the sunflowers blooming. I believe this one is called Lemon Queen.
And this one was close to opening. This one is called Red Lemon.
The garden is looking pretty good. Critters have been eating some of the beets...I suspect gophers...but they haven't done too much damage. Here's how it looked when we returned yesterday.
While we were away, the first zucchini made an appearance. There will be many more.
Also, the purple hydrangea turned into a stunner while we were gone.
As for our time at the lake, we had a nice spot. I was texting images to Sadie while we were away, and she posted the one I took of the view from our campsite. Here's how it looked in the afternoon light.
It was foggy each morning we were there, and that kept the day from getting too warm. We spent a lot of our afternoons bobbing in the lake. It was a treat watching the many ospreys soaring overhead. These aren't great pictures, taken with a point and shoot while standing on a rocking boat, but I think you can get the idea.
On Wednesday, the fog didn't burn off until late in the day, and so we took a little drive into the nearby town of Morton. Sometimes we find a "lumberjack festival" going on there, but signs said it wasn't until the second weekend in August. On our way back, we stopped off to take in the view at the Riffe Lake Overlook. It was pretty despite the cloud cover.
Here's a little sign about the surrounding area. (Remember you can make the image larger by clicking on it.)
We were boating on Mayfield Lake, which is formed by Mayfield Dam. Riffe Lake (prounounced Rife, with a long "i") is formed by Mossyrock Dam, and it is a much larger lake. It's not great for boating as its size is rather intimidating. It's possible to get so far out that there are no signs of civilization, whereas we're always in view of private residences when we're on Mayfield Lake. There's something reassuring about knowing you can swim to shore for rescue if the worst should happen. The sweet peas at the overlook were beautiful.
For grins, I asked my friend The Google if there were any quilt shops nearby. Lo and behold...
This was a tiny little shop. I won't write a separate post for it since I can show you the whole store in the one image pictured below.
It was still fun to pick out a regional print for this area we've visited since our kids were babies. This one seemed to capture it perfectly. I'll be adding it to the Shop Hop 2.0 quilt blocks.
Back at our campsite, I noticed this lone foxglove, nearly bloomed out.
After lunch, Smitty and I shared a cup of espresso and our afternoon chocolate.
And then we got out for a little walk. He was good for about five minutes...all sitting on the picnic table. He does look so macho in his workout attire.
I tried a new recipe while we were gone. This was so, so simple to do. The recipe is for
Sheet-Pan Italian Sausage and Pepper Sandwiches. Everything is loaded onto a sheet pan and roasted together. Although the recipe says to add the pepperocinis to the roasting pan, I worried they would burn up in our convection oven, and so we added them at the end. It was so tasty, I wouldn't change a thing. On a whim, I picked up a personal-sized watermelon, and we shared that for two side dishes. Why don't I think of watermelon more often? Oh yes, and those are some apple chips. They're made locally, and they are so good.
Of course there's plenty of time for stitching on these getaways. I made good progress on the fourth block for Calendula Patterdrip's Cottage. I finished filling in one hoop,
I'm well on my way to finishing up the third hoop, and I'll just keep going until it's finished.
Also, I stitched up July's block for the Posies quilt.
This morning, I added the borders and this block is finished.
Sadie helped with that. After so much alone time, she was ready to get back to work too.
Here are all the blocks I have for this quilt so far.
This is my project for this year's
so I'll be linking up there this morning. You might recall that "light blue" was the color several months ago. I was (shall we say) light on light blues, and so I did the darker blue block earlier. In the meantime, I picked up this fabric for the light blue block.
And it must be our week for seeing big birds. When we drove up the driveway yesterday, we noticed a very large bird sitting in our field...hunting for those pesky gophers, no doubt. It flew away when I tried to get its picture, but then we noticed it later sitting on the roof of our pump house. It flew away again, but I caught it sitting in a nearby tree.
There are two hawks circling around our place right now. I believe one is a juvenile and the one pictured above is the parent bird.
Okay, and so that brings me to the present. Today I'll be unpacking, but there's nothing else on the agenda until dinner time. It'll give me some time to get the Beary Patch quilt sandwiched.
I want to get this quilted and bound and sent off to the new baby. Also, I want to finish off the Sonora Desert piece, but I'm waiting for one other fabric to arrive. I have lots of ideas about how to finish it off and bring it to life.
I'm sorry. The giveaway is now closed.
But let's just get to the whole reason you're here today. I promised you a giveaway upon our return, and a giveaway you shall have. This giveaway is to celebrate my 11th Blogiversary, coming up on July 13th. I'll be giving away this ten fat quarter bundle of Sharon Holland Designers Palette Color Master

Okay, so here's what you need to do to be a winner.
1. Just leave a comment...any comment will do. If you can't think of anything, then tell me about any travel plans you might have as restrictions are lifting and life is returning to normal somewhat. Please leave your comment here on the blog. If you are an email follower, simply click on the title of this post to be taken to the actual web page. You can leave your comment there.
2. Since this giveaway is to thank those of you who have followed along over the years, prizes are reserved for followers only...new, old, salty, sweet, bitter, and twisted...just step on up and tell me how you follow. If you want to become a follower, you can find lots of ways to do it there in my left side bar. Also, I will ship internationally, so all residents of Planet Earth are welcome to join in.
3. If you're no reply, be sure to leave an email address. You can't win if I can't contact you.
So good luck, and a big thank you for helping us celebrate the day! I'll leave this giveaway open through Tuesday, July 13th and announce the winner sometime on Wednesday, July 14th.
Good luck everybody!
I am the hawk and there's blood in my feathers, but time is still turning they soon will be dry. And all those who see me and all who believe in me, share in the freedom I feel when I fly. ~ John Denver
Total swoon over the posy blocks!
And I laughed out loud at the "french knot powder" jar LOLOL!
Sounds like a good trip! Maybe Sadie will think twice before hiding? Just wrestled my 16 lb Willie to the vet yesterday. And then had to bathe him when we got home ... no further detail will be provided other than to say he was NOT happy. And I'm happy he didn't harm me while I slept. Glad you all are home!
I think Sadie missed a wonderful trip. I think I follow you on bloglovin. I have a shortcut on my tablet that takes me to your page every day.
Those posy blocks are just so adorable--love how you paired the vases with the surround fabrics--really pretty Beautiful fabrics...hugs, Julierose
I enjoy your blog and read it every day by clicking on my Favorites link. I'm don't know if you consider that following, but I stay far away from social media. The stories of the kitty antics and seeing your projects in progress help keep my motivated with my own quilts. I also enjoy seeing your nature photos, as I'm an armature photographer myself. Thanks for blog!
I have followed you for a while now. Love reading about the kitties, and especially when they write the post. Sounds like you had an ideal few days away. elaine530@centurylink.net
Hmm. Barbara, follow? I might not technically "follow". 3 cat ranch is an open tab on my tablet. I read EVERY post. I love reading about your exploits, travel, flowers, embroidery, quilting, and last but NOT least, those rascally hunters, furbies Mancat and Escape Artist.
It looks like a very relaxing trip. No mention this time of how you might die except of course a sinking boat and desperate swim to shore. To bad Sadie missed it but I am sure she also had a very relaxing time while you were away. I was trying to remember how long I have been following your blog and I am just not coming up with a year. Let’s just say it is a long time. I follow on Bloglovin but later I signed up for email because I wasn’t getting into Bloglovin much. I didn’t want to miss the adventures of Smitty and Sadie. I am really glad you found everything doing well at home and that it was much cooler this week.
I have been reading your blog for several years now. The cats and the quilts are so interesting. Thanks for the glimpse into your life.
I have been following you for a good while and as I have mentioned before, reading your posts brightens my morning everyday. I so miss you when you are MIA for whatever reason. I now have you on my favorites so I can click in one step. I have told you that I had all kinds of problems with the follow.it thing and that is why I figured out how to read you directly, but a couple of days ago, without any further action on my part for over a month, I suddenly started getting your posts on follow.it. They must have figured something out. Anyway, I am just thankful for being able to follow you because you feel like a friend!
That sure looks like a Golden Eagle, they are big birds! I follow you on FB, but really, I just have you in my favorites on my iPad and click on you every morning. You are such a consistent blogger that I can pretty much know that you will have a new post up. I like that about you.😁
I love how you are doing your Posies quilt along as a RSC. I haven’t joined that BOM yet, but they are so cute and not too involved, so might have to start. Beautiful fabric in the giveaway!
So Sadie missed you enough not to give you the cold shoulder for leaving her home. Ad the garden seems to have survived your absence as well. I follow by email (now with Follow.it), but I'd track you down somehow even if the emails stopped.
I've really enjoyed your travels over the years and now I'm going to be traveling and can't wait. We fly to Portland, OR where we hope to buy a new truck. Then to Washington to see relatives and on to Idaho to see our daughter. From there, we head to Colorado for a wedding and then meander back to Portland, Maine. We have no route planned for the last part of our trip, just see what might interest. The big question in this is buying the truck...the dealers don't have much stock and customer service seems very lacking.
I have been following your travels and kitty escapades for the last 3+ years, I so enjoy every post. When I couldn't travel myself, I would look at some of your older posts and I have learn so much. Your recipes are wonderful and I have tried many, except for the canning. Thank you for all that you create and post for all of us to enjoy. Stitch everything you love.
Welcome home! I wonder if Sadie will repeat that stunt next time, she sees you packing up the RV. They do get some strange ideas. I think your Posies is one of the nicest RSC projects I've seen. Your garden is looking much better than ours, we've had so much rain and gloom the peas and bean plants are rotting in the garden. Time will tell I guess for the rest. We have had enough basil grown in containers to harvest twice and now have a few small batches of pesto in the freezer. Still following via my blogger dashboard. It's so simple why change? Gotta love the KISS principle!
I have a tab for your blog that I click on everyday....enjoy your quilting, cooking, canning, gardening, traveling, photography and cat adventures. I am getting ready to head out on a cross country motorhome trip. Can't wait! I will take a quilt project and the cat, Sweetpea. My first solo adventure!
so glad to hear you had a wonderful trip, sounded very relaxing. oconnell.e@verizon.net
I follow you with Feedly. I've got you in the quilting folder, but I think that's just because I don't have a cats folder. I enjoy your humor and you take great photos.
Your trip pictures are beautiful! It sounds like it was a wonderful vacation. I'm teaching summer school this summer, so no traveling for me. But I'm still finding time to sew, with the bonus of being able to do it on the porch in Wisconsin's warm weather. I follow you via Bloglovin, and appreciate all the inspiration you share. Happy Blogaversary!
Your blog was a "suggested" blog on Bloglovin off and on (where I read all of the blogs I follow) and I would click to read the latest entry and then go back and read all that I had missed. I finally decided it time to add you to my Bloglovin list. I'm near Chicago so way different weather than you have so I love reading about the gardening you do in your area. Also I love your cats' antics. I rarely enter giveaways but I love Sharon Holland fabric so count me in.
Sadie is much like my little Morkie named Sophie. She'll hide under the bed when it's time for a walk. As soon as the door closes, she's there barking as if to say, "Hey, you forgot me!". So glad your trip was a relaxing one and you managed to find a quilt shop to keep your shopping skills sharp. I am a Bloglovin' follower of yours and have been for a while...maybe not the full 13 years though.
Here's to 13 more! Cheers!
duchick at gmail dot com
I love your blog, Barbara, and read it every day. I have to find out what you're working on, what the kitties are up to, and what's for dinner! Love it! I have a shortcut button on my laptop. guecker702@aol.com
I can't wait to go on vacation! Planning an Alaska Cruise! I follow you on follow-it
I follow on Facebook/Instagram and enjoy all your posts. Your new recipe does sound delicious. Will have to forward that to my daughter because it sounds like something her kids might like. Thank you for the opportunity to enter the giveaway. (shirparks@gmail.com)
I found your blog many many years ago when you could click a box that said “Next” and it would take you to some random blog. You had some beautiful old quilts that I think you donated to a museum. Lost your link for several years until some IT kid where I worked asked me if I wanted him to restore my links. Not really knowing what that meant I told him sure. Low and behold there you were along with many more blogs and recipes and quilt pictures. Happy Blogaversary.
So I have been following you for awhile, and now I am addicted! I love doing hand embroidery, and you have me inspired to try some of Crabapple Hill Studio designs. Looking forward to starting on some Halloween stitchery. It will go with me to Twain Harte, CA where we will meet up with our daughters and grandkids. Thanks again for your lovely blog.
Kitty wanted to have an adventure of her own? Our cat will do that. She wants to be under the canoe, so she will climb into a spot where she can stay for as long as she wants to. Glad you got to go away and have a fun time in nature. It is so good to get back to nature. Have an awesome week.
I have a shortcut on my IPad for your page. It amazes me when you talk about how long you have been working on a quilt and I realize I can remember when you started it. And then there the cats…quilting and cats, what more could you ask for in a blog. I read your blog everyday.
Looks like it was a great trip, and glad Sadie could hold down the fort while you were gone! Thanks for sharing the recipe - those look yummy. Congratulations on your blog anniversary and thanks for the giveaway! I follow by email, and enjoy your daily posts.
Don't ya love how cats miss you when you're away for a bit? Ours won't leave me alone even if I just come in from sitting outside for a while. Turquoise is One of my favorite colors and would be happy to be entered in your giveaway. I follow you on bloglovin' and enjoy every post. The ideas and variety of your blogs makes them very interesting. :) croydon1@kos.net judyhenry7580@gmail.com
(2-Just to make sure lol)
That Sadie….perhaps she was going for the whole absence makes the heart grow fonder thing. I’ve been following via feedly for awhile now and just love your chatty posts as well as seeing all the wonderful stitchy things you do…,,.and to keep up with the Smitty and Sadie shenanigans!
I enjoy your needlework, travels and of course, your kitties. I’m wishing to travel to my house in the California mountains, but I have to fly from NC, so I’m waiting for my daughter to have time to accompany me. I follow you with Feedly. Dot
Hi, Barbara! I’ve been “following” you for about 7 years already. Found you after I retired. You are on my Favorites and I read your posts every day. I love your wonderful sense of humor!! I work on Crabapple Hill designs too and I’ve made the first two of her February inchies along with you. I also enjoy your cooking and canning adventures. Don’t have a garden but live vicariously through you. So sorry that you had to endure all the pain that resulted from that terrible fall!! Glad that you are recovering well. I loved the fact that you made every effort to keep on stitching no matter what! That’s what I’ve done as well. Happy Sewing, Eileen (epehanich@aol.com)
Sorry—I don’t have a Google account or blog—hence the anonymous post.
I follow you thru Email & Bloglovin. Thank you for chance to win your Give-a-way :) Love your adventures, projects, recipes & pictures...Always feels like we shared a special friend's kind of visit..thank you :)
My first time on your blog and I love it! Cats are just the most amazing creatures! My daughter's jumps from the floor to the top of a 7'high cabinet as if it were nothing. (Daughter objects, so now she's training it to use the cat tree instead.)
Three Cats Ranch is one of my bookmarks. I usually read your posts at lunch time at my desk, on my laptop. From Southern Oregon, this is Barbara W.
I follow you through blogger. You are one of the blogs I like to read every day because there is more than quilting on your blog.
Barbara, you are a real hoot. Love your sense of humor. I about died laughing when I saw the picture of Smitty joining you for your afternoon chocolate and espresso. Too freakin' funny. Your blog is always teaching us something ... whether it has to do with cooking, traveling, gardening, quilting, etc. Hope Sadie learned her lesson and won't hide the next time you go on a trip. OR, maybe she enjoyed being alone. Congratulations on 11 years of blogging and I hope to see you blog for at lease another 11 years!
Oh my goodness - what a lot of fun things to see and read about this time! That hydrangea is spectacular - as is that wonderful hawk. Maybe Sadie will decide not to hide the next time there's a trip in the offing or then again maybe she partied hearty while you were gone.
Congrats on your blogiversary!
I always enjoy reading your blog. Love following the cats as we are a cat 'supervised' household as well. Your quilting projects are inspiring. Thank you for the blog and for the chance at this giveaway. Congrats on 11 years.
Min in British Columbia, Canada
Looks like a lovely spot for camping. We are heading to a place about 3 hours from us called Dunsborough, next month. It’s on the coast and really pretty. There are a lot of vineyards around so there are some great restaurants near by. Love reading your blog. Di x
Congratulations on your anniversary. I have been reading your blog for years. I read it through blogger.com. I have enjoyed your camping adventures and drive my husband crazy when I talk about going to the places you have been. We bought a travel trailer 3 years ago in anticipation of our retirement which is August 1st. Can’t wait. Thanks for the adventures you have shared.
I always enjoy reading your blog, especially all of your travels. I will be traveling to Dallas in a week, and then exploring Oregon when my oldest visits in August!
Thanks for the adventures/1
I love a give a way, thank you for the chance. I do follow you with Follow-It right now but after the possibility of losing you I also added a quick link on my desk top. So far the Follow It is working. I really enjoy all parts of reading your blog. I do get a large charge over
your comments on all people involved chores. Of course I'm a total kitty lover too.
I have followed your blog for years on my blogger dashboard/GFC. It still works despite several changes to blogger over the years. I always enjoy your posts! We have gotten back to some small trips -- by car, and mostly to visit family -- and have filled our time with many outdoor activities like biking and kayaking. We did lots of the outdoor things during the pandemic and liked them so well that we are still doing them. We love National Parks but the news reports of the huge crowds has kept us away this summer. Thanks for the chance in the giveaway.
I was just listening to John Denver this morning while I sewed and heard that song. love it! I’ve followed you for years via Feedly. Glad you had a nice, relaxing trip even if you were one cat short. Little stinker! I bet Darla and Alfie wish they had a spot like that to hide in when it comes time for their annual visit to the vet.
First of all, congratulations on your blogaversary. I have been following you on Bloglovin for a while now and enjoy reading about the antics of your beautiful cats.
It sounds like you had a wonderful, relaxing vacation. All the pictures were so pretty.
Thank you so much for a chance at your giveaway.
My goodness, so many friends! I love ospreys, they strike a romantic chord in me. And I am glad to see no hard feelings in Sadie, a cat among cats, on your return. Congrats on your blogaversary!
I follow your blog on Leaf (I read on my desktop Mac) and have for several years. :)
We won't take a vacation until the third week in October when we will go to Gatlinburg, TN to rest and relax in the Great Smoky Mountains.
:) Linda
lindaschiffer at me dot com
Lovely trip. We don't travel anymore. 11 years is a long time. Imagine if you made one block for every post or even if you made one block for every month. That would be a big quilt. Enjoy the rest of your summer. Jmikebalou (at) aol (dot) com
Your hydrangea impresses me with its inimitable purple. Absolutely gorgeous, thanks for sharing her portrait.
I’m an email follower now after years of bloglovin.
I love reading about all your adventures. No travel plans for me for the summer--we (as in my husband and son) are building a new deck at our lake house and we will be hosting our postponed family reunion next month. I follow on bloglovin.
Always fun to go on trips with you guys. Never a dull moment. I could use those fat quarters. I need some quilting inspiration.
Looks like it was a beautiful getaway, Barbara. Congrats on getting your new RSC block completed!
Beautiful catch up post! What a relaxing getaway! I need some of that French Knot Powder Lol and always enjoy the cat escapades! Thank you for the lovely giveaway!
Oh I forgot to mention I am a follower with bloglovn for quite some time. Your blog is so fun and relaxing to read - Congrats on 11 years and thank you!
I am happy that you had a good vacation. But, I'm glad you are back. I've missed your posts. I love everything that you write about. And the pictures. How is your weather? I heard it was supposed to get really hot out that way again. Ours is on the cool side and rainy, but I will take it over the oppressive heat and humidity.
I enjoy reading your blog especially when you speak candidly about your machine quilting. It gives me encouragement to keep trying. Kweather78@aol.com
I follow you on Bloglovin, so fun to read of your adventures. That opening behind your cabinets is a real problem with Sadie! I'm sure you'll figure out something to put in there or over the opening to keep her out. Chicken wire comes to mind!!
I don't comment a lot but I love reading about your travels and camping trips. Also love the reviews of quilt shops you find.
I follow you on bloglovin.
I am a follower at Bloglovin'. I love all of you floral photos! And great getting back to your sewing room!
No travel plans but hubby and I did go to a restaurant for supper on Friday evening. First time in 16 months we had supper out. It felt good but a little strange as well. Kisses to Smitty and Sadie.
I follow at Bloglovin'. I really want to know what Sadie did while you were gone. Was she like Kevin in Home Alone? That's a hilarious thought. We are going to NC to visit our grandchildren in September. It's been two years since I have seen them and three years for my husband since he was unable to go the last trip before Covid.
What a wonderful vacation. Thanks for sharing all your adventures. The birds were impressive! I really love the Posies blocks. So glad the .kitty survived being alone and glad you returned for extra snuggles. Ha! The giveaway looks amazing. I only follow you on the RSC Saturday posts but someone is going to be really lucky!
I follow you on GFC and life was a little dull without your posts to read while you were away. Maybe Sadie will think twice before hiding next time you go away and I hope she's caught up on her cuddles. I love the posie blocks, that will very cute when all the blocks are made. Happy blogaversary and please keep doing what you do so well. Your posts always make my day.
Barbara, love your blog. I've been following you for years and really enjoyed your trip a couple of years ago! You take nice pictures, too, especially the barns! Keep up the wonderful work you do!
Roxana Marsh
I do enjoy your newsy posts. You've shown me places I'll never see in person, and projects I might never attempt. Thanks for making my days better with your effort and energy.
Welcome home! I follow your blog by coming here, not sure that counts. Glad you had fun on your vacation. Maybe Sadie needed some ‘me’ time! I’m sure she missed you all. It is amazing how you post every day and share your adventures. Have a nice summer.
Barbara. I love reading your posts about your quilting and camping adventures. I have seen places through your eyes that I probably will never get to visit and have learned so much about our country. Also your stitching and quilting have given me ideas and a yearn to want to try new things, can't wait to see your finishes your current projects that are being so well supervised by Sadie and Smitty.
I've got a trip planned the first part of September to PA. Going to go visit the grands! I follow you via email. Thanks for your everyday posts!
I've been a follower.
That teddy bear quilt is so cute!
Congratulations on 11 years! I wasn't here from the beginning, but we've been together for quite awhile. I'll be celebrating John's 71st on your big day--where do the years go? Here's to many more for all of us!
Hi Barbara! Everyone loves a giveaway! I follow you and get notifications by 'follow.it'. I love all your adventures in travelling, cooking & sewing, & of course, the cats. I look forward to your posts with my morning coffee.
I also follow you on instagram as @basildonkitchens.
My email address (just in case) conniecollins78@gmail.com
Good luck to everyone! :)
Oh goodness what a wonderful trip your photos are stunning. It's nice to know there are others who Google for quilt shops while on vacation. I am preparing to start the Calendula Patterdrip pattern soon. I have been following you for a while however I have so much fabric in my stash I would rather not be included in your generous give away and wish everyone good luck.
It took me a while, but I finally found the cat. What a hiding place!
Love all the projects your working on...that Bear quilt is awesome. Have a great day!
Thank you for 11 years of interesting blog posts. I have followed by email, but now by follow.it. We are planning a trip east for our first grandson's wedding and am busy working on the wedding quilt. It is a labour of love for sure. quiltcarver at yahoo dot com
Congratulations on 11 years of blogging! I don’t know exactly when I started following your blog, but it has been a while now…. I have enjoyed following all your projects, following your travels, seeing all your amazing pictures of every blooming thing and of those adorable kitties…and even the occasional appearance of your shadow selves! I look forward to your posts every day and typically read them just before lunch time.
Your pictures of last week’s trip were great, as always. Looked like a peaceful setting, perfect for relaxation! Sorry Sadie didn’t get to go along, but I am sure Smitty filled her in on what she missed. Maybe next time she won’t be so stubborn!
Those cherries look so delicious… I am going to be trying that recipe soon! That is another thing I enjoy about your blog…all the recipes you generously share!
Sandra B
I have been following your blog on email for awhile now and I really miss it when you go on vacation!
Have read your blog for several years -- always enjoy all your photos and
comments. I now receive the blog from "follow-it".
Thank you for the opportunity for the giveaway -- I love Sharon Holland
fabric designs.
I guess you could call me a ‘stalker’, not a ‘follower’, since I just google your blog every day. I love the tales/tails of your cats and travels. Oregon is probably my favourite state to visit ... Cannon Beach being my most favourite place of all! I wonder if Sadie was feeling a little ‘off’ after her shots the day before you left. I was imagining her yowling while you were gone “Where are you guys?!” Anyway, glad you had a fun trip (including a quilt shop visit ... that’s always fun)! Congrats on your bloggiversary ... I’ll keep stalking if you keep writing! Thanks for a fun place to visit every day! Candy
Enjoy your sense of humor and the update on your kitties. Have tried several recipes and like most of them. LoL we hope to start traveling in or RV soon. Take care. Jennie
Your Posies blocks are lovely ♥
I enjoy hearing the antics of the kitties as they add to your stories. I seem to catch your FB posts and come to the site in that manner. I am always impressed with how much you fit into a day.
I've been following you by e-mail and now follow-it. I especially love to hear about your kitties and new recipes.
Love your blog and your telling about all the places you visit.It seems I am right there with you as you describe these places.Also enjoy the comments about the kitties. I am a dog person but love the stories about there adventures.Lucky little Kitties! lilsizzy02@gmail.com
So many fun projects on the go! It’s nice you got away to the lake for a while. Funny how nice it is to be able to plan outings now that so many places are opening up. I’ve followed your blog for quite a while by email and always enjoy seeing what you are creating. 😉 Carol
Love your blog, you have reawakened my love of hand embroidery! Planning to take some work with me to Twain Hart,CA, where we will meet up with family for a week. You are my inspiration ❤️
And oops I meant I follow you on BlogLoving and get emails to let me know it’s time to see what you are working on and what your kitties are doing. 😉
I follow you via Bloglovin." Love your kitties. My cat would never enjoy riding in the car to a campsite nor enjoy being away from home! But she's 19 and set in her ways! Thanks for the camping information. I will have to research the area for a possible weekend away.
Beautiful fabrics and a very Happy Blogaversary to you, Barbara. I have been an email follower for about 7 or 8 years now and love your warm and friendly take on day to day life. I hope to see many more years of the kitties antics as well as many more of yours and Mike's as well!!.
I've followed your blog for a while. I'm not a quilter but i really enjoy following all your activities and love the kitties! I live in Eastern Washington and have done a lot of camping over the years, so some of the places you visit are familiar to me, which is fun!
I follow on Bloglovin, Facebook and Instagram. When you were having trouble a while back i made sure i had access by several different venues!
I follow on Bloglovin. You have some lovely projects going, and that sandwich looks yummy! Happy Blogversary!
I think you know how I follow you; some days maybe you wish you could get away from me LOL. Looks like you had an enjoyable trip, and Sadie looks like she enjoyed her solo getaway too! I might have to try that sheet pan idea - yum! I'll bet those hawks are also helping keep the birds from eating your cherries. While we were picking at the orchard, they had hawk recordings, just for that purpose. Welcome home, and happy 11th blog anniversary!
I've been following for eight or nine years with Google and Facebook. Smitty was still a fairly young cat when I found your blog. What's not to love about cats and quilts? Miss Sadie may be rethinking her decision to hide when you were leaving. She sure seems happy to have you home.
I haven't followed for very long but I see your posts on Bloglovin' (which I do subscribe to) regularly. I'm always intrigued by the stories you post. I LOVE your Blog! Not to mention, stories about cats always catch my eye! Love your Blog and I would LOVE to win the prize. I have made several quilt tops and inherited quite a few also. I'm just waiting until I get a few other projects out of the way before I quilt them!
I follow you via email and Bloglovin’
Your new recipe looks delicious! Today is a stormy day in Australia; grey yet still beautiful.
I follow by email, becky@ensingers.com
I want to go to the ocean!
I follow you on Bloglovin...daily. never miss. Want to travel to see my little Grand Daughter in KC, MO. I'd be thrilled to do that if nothing else. Thank you for this giveaway. Ritaanneh at gmail dot com
I read Cat Patches at your blogspot address.
We're very much cat lovers, too. We seldom vacation, but when we've gone somewhere, we were concerned about leaving the cats alone longer than three days and two nights. I hate boarding them, but when we moved to near Roseburg four years ago, we had to, because we were "homeless" for five days - between closing on our sold place and the place we bought. (Long story.)
But, speaking of vacations, I remember your quilt trip to Ireland, and how it inspired you to make your doors quilt. Are you planning any quilt vacations in the near future?
I bet Miss Sadie will be more than willing to go on the next trip - sure she missed you all, even Smitty. Happy Bloggy Annaversary
Mmmm, I'm not a official follower but seem to catch up with your posts most days on Quilting Blogs link, and of course on RSC and Slow Stitching link ups. Does that count? I enjoy reading your trip blogs, cooking and kitties. We have a caravan here in New Zealand and lime to get away on trips too, taking our Birman cat Gemma with us.
So many fabrics...so many colors....so little time!!!!!! :)
Wow, lots of people want that little bundle of beauty! (Talkin' about those pretty pink and teal fabrics, my fave, btw...but if you wanted to give away Sadie, I'm sure there would be plenty of takers for her, too. Stinker that she may be sometimes.) I bet she was sorry she went up there, maybe even traumatized enough to stay outta there?
Your trip looks peaceful and stunning views, but you're right, that snowball IS a stunner! We looked at hone the other day but couldn't come up with the perfect spot for it, so didn't buy it. We do have lots of shade, but then tree roots make it almost impossible to dig holes of any size, so we are limited to caladiums and such that pretty much stay on top.
I can't wait to see what you do to teddy to bring him to life. I'm sure he'll be well used and loved for many tears to come.
Travel. Well, tomorrow we travel to the collision repair shop, let's not talk about that...and we drop off the truck. From there, we go to central FL where we have 6 shops to visit for their summer hop. Then we go to silver springs and stay the night in our camper. The next day, we travel to Daytona, for 2 more shops in the hop. We return to the camper for 1 more night, and the next day, pick up our last shop on the way back to the house. Lots of miles, potentially lots of money spent,hopefully a little fun along the way.
I've been following for many years now, and I tell my daughters your blog is my favorite. I love the funny stories you tell, your sense of humor, your puns, your travel and cat adventures. You probably don't realize how much you inspire others when you show just how much you accomplish on a daily basis--at least you inspire me. Thanks for the recipes you've shared and for showing your beautiful handwork, quilting, and gardening. Happy Anniversary! Here's to many more years.
I found your blog as I retired and began earnestly tackling quilting and other projects that were put off for "when we retire". Your button has been on my bookmarks since that time and through changes in my desktop and laptop computers. My husband and I are RVers like you, and I am known as the Cat Lady among family and friends having one mostly inside cat at all times and many barn cats to take care of mice, snakes and other little critters. He even enjoys hearing about your travel, gardening and cooking adventures as I share them throughout the week. Thanks so much for adding some humor along with suggestions and ideas for quilts, books and the many other topics you include in your blog. Here's to many more years!
Happy blogiversary! I follow you by email (now follow.it) and enjoy your quilt and embroidery projects along with the recipes and gardening. We’re leaving tomorrow for a few days at Jubilee Lake in northeast Oregon. Really nice campsite and the lake is gorgeous. Unfortunately no camp fires this year or even propane fire bowls like yours. Bummer.
Happy Blogaversary. I followed your blog via email. Now I follow it via Follow It or I just click on the shortcut I made on my desktop. Yours is my favorite blog. I love your sense of humor and of course the kitties
We don't have any travel plans, but my brother & sister-in-law in California are coming for a visit in August.
Poor Sadie, we have to leave my kitty at home when we travel in our motorhome. She is scared to death of the noise. I'm sure she missed you!
Hi, Barbara
I have been getting your Blog about six years. I enjoy reading it with my morning Coffee,it's from follow.it You do beautiful work on your projects!
Love your Posies blocks.
I follow you on my blogspot reading list. I can no longer remember who pointed me at you because "cats and gardens, Kathy, AND she sews!"
I am eagerly awaiting my Calendula Patterdrip along with a couple of her sister witches.
Your hawk looks like a Cooper's Hawk. I got startled once by one trying to catch a squirrel that was sitting in a branch outside my dining room window. Those wings are loud!
I think Sadie has some regrets about staying home for some alone time lol. She’s missed her cuddles. Looks like a beautiful spot for y’all’s mini vacay. Always love to be by the water.
I follow via Bloglovin, though have never commented before. I enjoy reading about your travels, especially as I have none planned for this year as we are preparing to move into a new house. Thank you for the giveaway - Sharon Holland is one of my favorite designers.
Hi! Glad Sadie enjoyed her staycation, and the peace and quiet of having the house to herself! Sometimes it's hard for a girl (or guy) to get alone time - now she can apurrciate everyone again. I follow the cats, (and you of course) using feedly. Love the humour, quilts, pictures, recipes and travel - here's to many more years!
Maggie and I Read your post every day.. She enjoys the escapades of Sadie and Smitty most particularly and envies their travels. We were both glad to know that Sadie made out ok being left alone. Maybe she'll think twice about hiding next time. I'm in Toronto for a couple of months helping my sister so I'm getting my own travel adventures thru your trips. If I try to go home for,a short while I have to start quarantine all over again. And LOVE the flower pics.
Love your blog! It's my most favorite, and the first one I check every day. I am following now on follow.it Still not terribly pleased with how "hit or miss" it is. Some days I get my mail, sometimes I have to go looking for it. The only plans I have this summer is to make a trip to Missouri Star Quilt Company in Hamilton, Missouri. It's about a 4 hour trip, but I have a friend who lives in St. Joseph, Missouri, so I'll get to visit her too. Glad you had a relaxing trip, and hope your blog keeps going for another 11 years at least! (Sorry this was so wordy!)
I read every post, always good for a chuckle or two. It's like a long-running serialized novel, with irresistibly interesting characters, including four-legged ones.
How do I follow thee? Let me count the ways: blog, Facebook, Instagram. A glutton for punishment, I guess ;-)
I found your blog about two years ago and click on you daily. I enjoy sharing the work of your Sadie and Smitty with my Gibbs and Ziva. I will only be traveling to Maine and back when visiting with the kids.
Your blog has been part of my day for over three years. I look forward to reading it and catching up on activities around Three Cats. You give me inspiration to work on my quilt projects. This year I have completed about fifteen UFOs. Thank you.
Happy Blogaversary Barbara! From the kitties to the garden to your quilting, I love your blog. Almost forgot - your use of "technical terms". Thanks for sharing yourself with us.
Aloha from Kaua`i!
I signed up to follow you so long ago, I'm not sure exactly how that was going to work. Instead, I click every morning and read away.
We will be staycationing this year: it seems fliers are getting more unruly every day.
Happy Blogaversary!!!
Happy Anniversary. I’m a long time follower (circa 2012). After my rss feed died I switched to Bloglovin. I’ve never posted a comment. Thank you for sharing your life so freely. Here’s to many more happy years.
Happy Anniversary for your blog. It is a fun read and love the adventures of the kitties. No travel plans for me so far I am sure I will think of something when cooler weather returns.
Sounds like a very nice trip away. Poor Sadie, sounds like she really missed her laps and pets while you were gone. Happy bloggy anniversary!
Congratulations on your blog-versary! Yours is the first blog I read every morning. It inspires me to go to work so I can come home and quilt! And although I don’t think my husband and I will ever be RVers, we do love road trips so I enjoy seeing where you visit and making dreams for future trips. Thank you for the cat updates as well. My older cat, Contiki, used to love walking on his leash outside. This is the first summer without him and I’ve just realized how little I go outside now that he isn’t demanding his walks. You couldn’t pay my other cat Kalia to go outside!
Here’s to many more years of Quilting, cats, traveling and canning!
Wondered where you were. I haven't heard from you in a while.
Glad you had a wonderful trip. You always have great pictures. We got our first cucumber last week. A squirrel got a large tomato.
Many many more years of blogging so I can travel out west or around the US.
I follow through bloglovin. Just got back from a trip to see my younger Son and his wife who I hadn't seen since Oct. 2019. I enjoy following your adventures!
i follow om blog lovin'
my daughter and i are planning a trip to the midwest.
Hello!! Oh my gosh. I have followed you for years and then months ago when you had to change the way you sent your blog I never was able to receive your daily post!! I have missed you and the kitty kids so MUCH!!! Have no idea why or how I got it today and I will definitely have to play with it to see if I can again be on your daily list. So glad to see all is well and moving on. Do take care and keep posting!!!
I'm late to the party but couldn't help commenting anyway. Your posies blocks are a fabulous interpretation of the RSC challenge. I don't think I noticed until today (regular reader via bookmark but not daily) that you use the same fabric inside and out. I'm offering an unsolicited suggestion. If those pale pink tulips disappear in the overall quilt consider adding a whipped running stitch through them with a darker pink floss. The work is simple and the effect is pretty striking. Poor Sadie really couldn't bear the thought of another trip after the stresses of the vet visit the day before. They live in the moment. I'm sure she missed you both, even Smitty, as soon as she realized she was home alone. Still, in a sense it was a vacation for her, too. We're going to Minnesota this year... a welcome change from our Texas environs.
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