

 Good news from the orthopedist this morning. It seems my thumb is *not* fractured. He was able to compare it to some films taken in September (before the bike), and the changes are arthritic bone spurs. The thumb is bruised and stiff, but not broken apparently. 

Knowing that, I might be able to get back to some hand stitching soon! As for the shoulder, it is “cracked” in three places. He’s taking a conservative approach, so no surgery for now. He will look at some more x-rays in two weeks and see how it’s healing. For now I can be out of the sling. I even have my arm inside my shirt sleeve for the first time since it happened. Feeling almost human again. Candy and cats are good medicine.

There was more fun mail yesterday. My friend Marei sent this "care package." She knows peanut M&M's are my drug of choice.

Not to mention fabric...and embroidery floss...and hollyhock seeds. Maybe I'll even get to plant those myself.

Also, Sue sent me this card she made. If only this had been posted along the trail, it might have made all the difference. I should probably sue someone for this outrage...no woolly worm crossing sign. Can you even imagine such a travesty?

Okay, so that's enough excitement for one day. I'm going to take my arm in my sleeve and go take a nap.


Barbara said...

True hopefulness and optimism is what leads one to dare. It is also what lifts one back up to dare again after a failed attempt. ~ Bibi Bourelly

Teri Russell said...

That is great news. My husband has a cream he rubs on his knees that he thinks helps a lot. thanks for keeping us updated. Pats to the kitties.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Good news indeed!! Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

Ann said...

Sorry to hear about your accident. So glad your thumb is not broken. Those opposable thumbs are important, just ask your cats. Loved Sue's card. Made me laugh out loud. Hope you heal quickly.

piecefulwendy said...

Such good news, and I'm glad some of your friends have been sending care packages. Of course, we all know it's the cat medicine that's doing the trick!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Woo hoo!!! Very good news indeed! Avoiding surgery is a wonderful thing and at least now you have hope that healing will be relatively soon. Two weeks will tell you more but in the meantime you have cause for optimism.
And what great care packages from your friends - I especially appreciate the humour in that card.

Quilting Babcia said...

Well, this is the best news we've had all week! Great news in fact. Much better than the late afternoon call that DH has covid. No symptoms so who knows where that came from.

Julierose said...

What a good news day, right? And my husband's covid test came back negative...
so good all around--in this terrible year...
What a lovely care package you received--enjoy hugs, from afar Julierose;)))

Jane said...

Excellent news! All of that cat therapy has paid off!

SJSM said...

Wonderful! Any good news is to be savored. Your mind is probably planning what to do with those new fabrics as well as when a visit to the sewing room will accomplish something. Even straightening up will get you thinking of your future progress. Not that cracks in the shoulder isn’t serious, but it is good to hear surgery is pushed off the agenda until your body has a chance work it’s own magic. And it is good to know the thumb is not broken. You also have new knowledge regarding an arthritic condition so you can understand any pain you are feeling as you move forward. Better news than what was feared.

Anonymous said...

Very good to hear this news. Wonderful that the specialist is willing to wait to see if you heal quickly on your own. Hoping for no surgery.

Chin skritches to the kitties and a high five to Mike for taking such good care of you.

Be good to yourself.

Teresa F.

QuiltShopGal said...

Wonderful news. I will keep my fingers crossed that your shoulder will heal without surgery. That card is so perfect it deserves to be framed, or maybe laminated and you could wear it on a lanyard when biking! I'm also a firm believer M&Ms are the best medicine. Sending more positive thoughts and prayers your way hoping for a speedy recovery (and no surgery).

Gail in Vegas said...

Sue's card is so funny! Kitties and M & Ms have great healing powers. Keep up the good work.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

That is wonderful news! Still keeping those cracks in prayers - heal, heal, heal!!

Tilly said...

What a good news for you Barbara, and now try to be patient (lol)
Wish you a quick recovery.
Greetings Tilly

Joan G said...

Great news about your thumb and shoulder! Hoping your body, kitty and candy therapy help you to keep healing. And kudos to Mike! We all know that you are missing your stitching something fierce. Hoping you can get back to some hand stitching soon. Have you ever tried Voltaren gel for arthritis pain? I find that it helps. I have a prescription, but I do believe there is an over the counter version as well. Take care and get as much rest as you can so your body can recover.

Debbie said...

That is great news! I remember the sling--hated it---but loved being able to have my arm free and just rest it on the arm chair. The healing part is slow but you will get thru it. Just as soon as the thumb feels better.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

That sign made me think of all signs you show us of all the ways you can die whenever you go to a state park, etc. Yes, they need one of those signs now. Hopefully your next x-ray will show lots of improvement. Glad the finger isn't broken. Don't over do it.

QuiltGranma said...

When I recently went to my orthopedist she recommended some analgesic (pain relief) gel to rub/massage in till I can finally get my total new hip. Yippee. Avoiding foods that cause inflammation is helpful for me... like meat and dairy. They really do a number on me. Hope you can find some of this gel at your local mart and gently rub in into the effected areas.

Vicki W said...

That's great news and that card is hilarious!