

 We're in a county campground a little way from Crater Lake National Park. We have a weak cell signal, and so I don't know if this post will work. Certainly, pictures will be slow to upload, but let's just see. Trying it right now:

[Yeah...that didn't work at all.]

Meanwhile, as I'm waiting for something to open and upload, I'll just tell you we drove through a dark and smoky world yesterday. The skies would clear and then grow dark again as we passed by fires burning to the east of us. We didn't actually see any fires, but the smoke filled the air and the sky. We're camped right beside the Rogue River for the next three days, and we've seen rafters float by occasionally.

Last night, we got quite a scare when a neighbor contacted us, saying our neighborhood was under a Level 3 Evaculation. And if, like me, "Level 3" means nothing to you, I'll just end the suspense by telling you it means "Go! Now! Do not pause to collect any belongings. Just get the F out of here, and fast." Sheesh. That isn't news you ever want to hear.

It was a long night, made even more nerve-racking with such slow internet access. This morning, one of our neighbors was able to make it all the way to our adjacent properties and reported everything is all clear. No damage to any of the homes on our drive. She said it is as dark as night, and "ash is falling everywhere." Fires are still burning on our mountain, but the winds are favorable to us for the time being. (I doubt that's any consolation to those whose homes are still in the path of the fire.) There have been no reports of houses burning, but a barn was burned and some other outbuildings have been lost. All we can do is to continue to hope for the best. 

So with such poor internet access, it seems I'm going to be unable to upload any pictures, and so I won't be blogging from this location. I'll catch you up when we get back in civilization, but when that will be is anybody's guess.


Nancy said...

I wondered when I was watching the news last night if your home was in danger. I knew that you had seen a fire before you left home. Our daughter-in-laws dad was evacuated at 2am yesterday because of the Otis fire. He is still unable to check on his house and we fear the worst.
Yesterday we had a fire in Vancouver less than a mile from our home but the VFD was able to get it out before it spread to far. Luckily it had started when the winds had died down just a bit.
During the strongest part of the wind storm we had our dogwood tree blow over. We have soaked the ground and stood it back up hoping that the roots are not to damaged. We of course will not know until spring if it makes it. We had to pull it upright with our car. It is very likely more that 30 years old but since dogwoods grow slowly it was not terrible tall. It had been shaded for most of its life by large fir trees and had only taken off in the last 3 years after the neighbor took down his trees.
These are definitely sad times in the PNW. So many lives impacted by the current fires. Entire communities destroyed.
I am sitting here praying for rain.....We need a storm to come in from the Pacific.

Norma said...

I cannot imagine what it would be like to have evacuate my home. Please keep us up to date and be safe. Sorry you can't upload your pictures, but that is a petty problem compared to fire. Best of luck to you!

Julierose said...

Oh that is so scarey to hear--glad you didn't sustain any damage, but still...to hear your home was in a level 3!! Must have been a sleepless night for you both...
I hope everything stays away from you and your home...
hugs Julierose

Katie said...

I've been thinking of you and all the other folks in the path and near the fires. I'm glad to know, as you said in a previous post, that you and the kitties are safely evacuated, but I know so many others don't have your flexibility and I hope for rain and calm winds for you. (We've thunderstorms and deluges of rain the last few nights and I wish so much we could share just one of those nights with your area. The farmers are rejoicing after a dry month, but we can only use so much rain before it starts flooding - which it is doing.) Blog as you can, but don't worry about us. So long as we know you and the "kids" are safe, we'll wait.

Beth said...

I've been taking a break from reading & commenting online because of sore eyes, mostly, but when the fires hit your community I had to check in. So frightening, whether you are at home or away. Here in Clatskanie we haven't been evacuated, but driving down Hwy 30 I saw a tree fall and hit the power lines and start a fire. I raced home and John and I evacuated our crew--all 5 dogs, 5 cats, and the chicken to our place in Astoria for the night. It was good practice and we learned some things--one of them being that I need a check list so that I will stop obsessively counting the pets over and over before I'm convinced we haven't forgotten someone. But to walk out the door, leaving everything else behind? That was hard. I'm not materialistic but, boy, am I sentimental. In the end, though, I had what I cared about most with me as we drove down the highway toward the coast. I hope that is true of everyone who evacuated, all over the West Coast. Our house and property are fine now. I'm looking forward to reading that you come home to the same good news. xxx Beth

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Be safe!!! Thoughts are with you and I'm hoping for rain and a reduction in the winds.

Joan G said...

Thinking of you and praying for your safety. Hugs,

SJSM said...

Stay safe. We had to evacuate September 17. We are back now. It is an emotional roller coaster that ultimately you find not all that much truly matters except your life and critters. Walking away is a strange feeling. Currently extended family in Colton are evacuated and Lake Oswego is on alert. I hope these fires will get under control soon. Our skies are orange. The smoke so thick it looks like twilight all day long. It is unknown how long this will go on. Ash continues to fall.

I worried about you on your drive as I heard your wildfires are everywhere along your route. Medford Area is also evacuating, I understand. Keep your kitties close and update when you can.

piecefulwendy said...

I know you know I'm thinking about you and your neighbors, and hoping/praying for the best. Sure puts a strange edge on the camping trip, but I'm glad you and the kitties are safe. Will breathe a sigh of relief with you when all this has passed.

Nancy in IN said...

Stay safe and try to enjoy the time away.

Californianativedaughter said...

Yesterday on the SFPeninsula, we woke up to an orange sky-very eerie! All the street lights were on, very few people out in their cars. Just after lunch I got in my car and drive to the West side of San Francisco to pick up my granddaughter. She stays three afternoons a week with us, to get her out of the house and give her some variety. She asked on Monday if she was staying overnight with us which she occasionally to give Mom & Dad a break, but they were planning a trip to Watsonville to pick fruit this weekend. I don't know if they'll be going due to the fires here in California. Driving North the air became increasingly dark and sinister. It was worse in the City than we have it here, although neither is good.
I really enjoyed her visit yesterday, she took some odd things from a bag that I call "Junk", it's odds and ends of things from around the house and she started pouring water from one thing to another in the bathroom where she usually brushes her teeth. I had some old measuring spoons and a variety of small cup, tops, etc that she had fun with. Before she goes home, she helps Grandpa feed out three cats, which she enjoys doing. They have one black cat at home as the other one recently died and she told us he is in "Kitty Heaven."

QuiltShopGal said...

I sorta thought you'd experience all the smoke, but I didn't anticipate you getting caught up in a level 3 evacuation alarm. I appreciate the post update, so now that you have many of us worried, please try to keep us updated when you can. I'm sure many of us, like me, are biting their nails waiting to hear you are ok and enjoying blue skies. Stay safe.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I figured you were going to go through all that smoke. Hope your home stays in the clear. It's really pretty scary. We are in an air quality alert. Yesterday we were in an area that might have to have the electric cut. I'm pretty sure we will get a whole house generator.
Be safe.
xx, Carol;