
A Trashy Affair

It's been nothing but sweating and heavy breathing around here for the past several days. Oh, did you think I was talking about the trashy affair? Well, no. Nothing that tantalizing. Actually, we've been working at getting the camper ready to go. Yesterday saw me packing my clothes and, um, personal items. Today I'll be packing food. 

But that didn't stop me from finishing off Half Square Affair. I still had the borders to quilt. The outer border was done with a leafy feather motif. The inner border was done with a motif that Lori Kennedy calls "Paperclip."

When those were done, it was ready for binding.

I had some things to do around the house, but I was able to get the binding sewn on by machine yesterday.

This morning, I hand-stitched it.

Sadie was my little helper for this part.

Here's how it looks from the back.

This was started April 15th of this year. It's one of my "trashy" quilts, made mostly from the cut-off bonus triangles generated in the making of Tuxedo Tales.

It's now fulfilling its life's ambition to be a fall table topper on our breakfast bar.

As long as we're in the mood for fall, I decided to put out my other fall runner. I made this several years ago. The back is made from that same red-leaf border fabric seen above.

Okay, so as I've been writing this post, we've had some tense moments. A "vegetation fire" was reported just over the hill from us...no more than a mile or two away. Our neighbor saw four fire trucks headed that direction. I'm happy to report we've been listening to the radio dispatch and the fire is reported as "all clear." Still, it's worrisome in our area for the next day or two. There is significant fire danger because of an off-shore flow, dry vegetation, and unseasonably hot weather. We try not to let fear rule our lives, and so we're taking off on our vacation as planned. If a wildfire got started, there would be little we could do about it, even if we were here. If there's a fire while we're gone, we'll have our camper, our kitties, our food, ourselves...and stitching! What else is there?

So, scary news aside, brave face on...I'm signing off for a day or two. We're leaving tomorrow, and I have no clue whether we'll have cell phone service where we're heading for the next three nights. We'll be staying at a county campground in the tiny town of Trail, Oregon, near Crater Lake National Park. The population of Trail at the 2010 census was 702. I found this satellite image of the area, and you can see it's very remote. That's the Rogue River running through there. 

I'll be surprised if we have enough signal for blogging, but I'll be back eventually. Of course, I'll have lots to tell you when I return. With that, I'll see you on the other side. Stay safe, and stay cool, my friends.


Julierose said...

Oh those fires are certainly scarey--stay safe on your journey...
have fun...
[See ya later 'gater;)))] hugs, Julierose

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Stay safe - and enjoy your holiday!

Vicki W said...

I love the new quilt! It's so satisfying to make something pretty from "trash". Have a great trip and I'm hoping for no fires!

Jenny said...

Its always great fun starting off on another camping trip. Don't know about you, but it always takes about three times longer to load the van, than empty it when we return home.
Have a wonderful trip.

Tilly said...

Stay safe and have a great vacation.

Lyndsey said...

Have a wonderful trip and stay safe. Looking forward to reading your adventures when you're able to blog.

piecefulwendy said...

Enjoy your trip! Will look forward to hearing all about it when you return home.

Christine said...

Enjoy your trip and find some time to relax...safe journeying and good wifi.