
Resuming Regular Life

It took most of the day, but things are put back in their original positions. Laundry is done. Camper is unpacked, and even a little bit of sewing got done yesterday. It's good to be home.

When I left you yesterday, I told you I was heading downstairs to trace out the next three "I Believe in Snowmen" blocks. Done.

I've begun stitching the one on the left. These are small, and they go pretty fast.

In yesterday's mail, I received this little surprise from my friend Gail. With the kitties mostly confined to the catio these days, I've wanted to plant some potted grass for them to enjoy. Gail came through with something perfect.

So, thanks, Gail! I thank you, and the kitties thank you.

Mainly I spent the day doing laundry...7 loads in all...comprised of dirty clothes from the trip and dirty clothes from before we left home. Also, there were camper quilts and catio quilts to wash. There was also the little matter of unpacking the camper, which was done over the course of the day. At around 4:00 p.m., I realized pretty much everything was done, which left a little time at the end of the day for sewing.

Sadie was all about it. She's taken up her usual position on the design floor, waiting for the next quilt blocks to rearrange.

Smitty considered his options for box-sitting.

Hm...Dancing chickens might be interesting, but flying pigs?

Do you have this one in a larger size?

Like I said, those snowmen are going to stitch up quick, and so my first goal is to get the next block for "Dancing Chickens and Flying Pigs" ready to go. I was nearly finished fusing the applique when it was time to start dinner.

It'll be easy enough to finish off the applique today, but then the top-stitching will still need to be done before it's ready for hand stitching.

Oh yes, and I wanted to share this story I read in this morning's news. Do you remember when I posted this picture from Antelope Island?

Well, no kidding, because this morning I read this story about two unprovoked bison attacks this past summer on Antelope Island. It's probably just as well we didn't have time to hike on our one-night stay there.

Thankfully, some things never change, no matter how long the trip. Sadie was happy to be back in quilt snuggle and nesting mode this morning.

Life is good.

So I'll be back to business as usual today. There's one housekeeping chore on the calendar, and it's a CSA pick-up day. Aside from that...sewing, sewing, and more sewing. I've missed Big Bertha. We'll have plenty of time to chat while I work on that top-stitching. Also on October's agenda, there are all of September's purple blocks to catch up on, and I'm afraid October's new color will soon be announced as well. The hurrier I go, the behinder I get seems particularly appropriate just now. Also in October, I'll be making my first Dresdens for the Sundress quilt, and I'll try to get the quilting and binding done on the Wine Country quilt. Plenty to do. Too bad I can't order more time from Amazon.com. Wouldn't that be something?


Quilting Babcia said...

It always feels so good to get back to the normal routine. You've made amazing progress since getting back just two days ago. I hope the coyotes stay gone and that your tomatoes keep producing!

gpc said...

I will be interested to hear how the cat grass goes -- it's not really cat grass until it's cat appurroved, after all. The kitties also look happy to be home.

Della said...

I hope the coyotes are gone from your area. They are a problem here. Our son-in-law shot one last week, it was way to close to their house, dogs and of course the family. Scares me to think about them getting close to the house.

Julierose said...

Welcome back! I am still on a break with shoulder and eye issues--but am now able to read blogs a bit...hugs, Julierose

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Glad you are home safe and sound. There has been a LOT on the news of Bison attacking people. People just don't understand that wild animals are, well, WILD!
xx, Carol

piecefulwendy said...

Amazon probably heard you say that, so you'll be getting ads and prompts about that shortly. Haha. The hurrier I go, the behinder I get -- I have that on an apron, stitched by my grandmother and given to my mother. It makes me smile, so that was a fun memory moment.

QuiltGranma said...

Such a busy live, adn fun places to see, things to do. I really appreciate seeing Sadie on that cuddle quilt again... I have that fabric you used in the border... love the 9-patches in it to break it up. Perhaps I will use mine as a border for a scrappy poke-a-dot 9-patch quilt!

Kate said...

Glad the last part of your trip went well. It's been something to see all the snow out west, while we were having 90+ degree weather. It's always nice to get settled back into a routine after being out on the road, you appreciate things just a little bit more. Happy stitching this weekend.