
Cat in the Lap

It was a grocery shopping day yesterday, and the madness is only just getting started. I'm hoping to avoid the grocery store until after Thanksgiving, but I have a feeling I'll need to go back for eggs and bread before the week is over. Fortunately, there are plenty of kitty treats.

Kitties are sad to see summer go. They run outside each morning with as much enthusiasm as ever, but then they're back inside fairly quickly. Sadie knows how to stay cozy. She gets up on my lap, and then when I get up, I tuck her into the quilt. There she stays for hours.

While she was on my lap, I got started on the next sundress. This one has lots of French knots...like cake sprinkles. Each of those little dots is assigned a color, and so I'm having to use my eagle eyes to choose which color goes with which dot. It's a bit of a challenge...especially when one's lap is occupied.

As I was driving away toward the grocery store, I noticed our neighbor had been down to saw up the tree trunk still lying in the field. He heats his house with wood alone, and so he's grateful for every bit of firewood he can get. Mike is grateful for the help in cleaning up the mess he made. Mike limbed the tree and hauled away all the debris. Now that the trunk is cut up, just hauling that away remains, and it'll be as if the tree was never there. Mike hasn't decided whether to grind out the stump or leave it as a handy work table there next to the RV.

When I got home from the grocery store, I went to work on the 9th of ten blocks for It's Raining Cats and Dogs. The first job was to piece together a background.

By day's end, I had all the pieces fused into place.

You can't see it very well in the image above, but there is some hand-embroidery to do on this one...a word above every doghouse door and on the banner at the top. The rest will be top-stitched with a straight stitch. No more blanket stitch for me until Big Bertha comes back. We're still waiting on two circuit boards that will, hopefully, repair that unruly girl.

This morning I'm walking with Sue. There is no rain in the forecast, but you wouldn't know it to look outside. It's gray and dreary and the ground is wet. When I get home, I'll finish up the block for It's Raining Cats and Dogs, and then move on to the next five blocks for Mulligan Stew. Here are the blocks I have so far.

There are still 15 blocks to go on this one before it's ready to be sewn together. It's getting closer. Also, I'm trying a new recipe for Apple Cobbler for Two today. So there's lots to do on this Friday. Time to get a move-on.


Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

Your Mulligan Stew quilt is wonderful - great colors and unique patterns.

quiltzyx said...

I am so happy that there was no news report about the quilter going berserk at the grocery store yesterday! You have been doing SO well at not killing anyone there lately.
Lovely photo of Sadie wrapped up in her quilt. Sounds like a very good place to be on a gray day. Hope you & Sue had a nice walk.
The jigsaw puzzle tree is very interesting. I know that if we don't stump grind at work, they use Credit 41 or Round Up to keep the stump from re-growing. I don't know if that makes them unusable for a work table or not though. I could ask the guys if you'd like.
Cute dog houses - any dog would like to stay in one of those!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Sadie is so uniquely marked - just love that face peeking out of her quilt. No walking here today - a fall on the ice/snow would be another broken hip. The furkids and I did take a little nap together. I do love that Mulligan Stew quilt. It will so satisfying one that one is all together.

Kate said...

The sundress is coming along beautifully! We are heading out to do our Thanksgiving grocery shopping today. The SIT is meeting us for lunch and then the shopping (she feels left out now that college keeps her so busy this time of year). You do so well at rotating your projects and keeping things moving.

piecefulwendy said...

I'd love to have Sadie cuddle up in my lap. I miss those kitty cuddles. We are still a catless house, and I'm not sure how I feel about that. Anyhoo, all of your projects look like fun. The Cats and Dogs quilt will be fun to watch. We had just a little over an inch of snow here overnight, so I'm tuckin' in and (hopefully) sewing today.

Brown Family said...

Sadie you are a special girl to get wrapped in a quilt! If he uses the stump for a work table, will he paint the top with something to keep it from deteriorating or sprouting?