
Smitty's Night Out

How many times have I typed these words? "Before I go on, I want you to know that Smitty is home and safe." As of this morning, he's assumed his alternative name for the time being...Sh*tty.

Here's the story: The kitties go out every morning, but first Mike rides the ATV all over the property and down into the woods to scare away any predators. We haven't even seen a predator all summer long, although we do hear them at night on occasion. Also, Mike has been outside with the kitties all summer, running saws, drills, and electric screwdrivers, riding the ATV, and running the tractor. In other words, he's been out and making a lot of noise. Also, we check in with the kitties about once per hour, just to be sure we know where they are. Then, they're in every afternoon around 2:30...well before nightfall, and it's all been going smoothly. No close calls that we've been aware of.

Yesterday, the routine was much the same. Mike was outside making noise, I was inside cursing cleaning the refrigerator. (Clean now! We can actually open the door without gagging!) Mike left for the hardware store around 10:30 and returned around noon. It was about that time we both realized it had been quite a while since we'd seen Smitty. At that point we weren't too worried, but when coming-in time came and we still hadn't seen him, we started getting a little nauseous. Then, dinner. Then, sitting outside reminiscing about all the good times we'd had with Smitty. Then, we both walked the property calling and listening, thinking he might have gotten up a tree. Then, Mike rode the ATV all around trying to scare him home. Then, bedtime. We went outside and called and looked again, this time with a flashlight, hoping to see his glowing eyes. Nothing. When I woke up at 3:00 a.m. I went outside yet again and called. Still nothing. When we got up this morning, we were convinced the worst had happened.

Then, we went downstairs, and who do you suppose was sitting at the door, meowing, hungry, and looking all miffed at having spent the night outdoors. (We left the catio and kitty door opened, but closed off the rest of the house to keep Sadie from getting out.) Oh. My. Gosh. I didn't know whether to kiss him or kill him, but I picked him up and hugged him for all he was worth.

Interestingly, the image above came up on my Facebook memories this morning with the caption: "This is how your cat looks when he sees a bad woofie in the yard." That's kind of how he looked this morning...a little shell-shocked. We suspect he got chased up high in a tree and spent the night there. It's unlikely he got into anyone's garage. Our neighbors are all too far away, and he wouldn't have roamed that far.

Regardless, the end of the story is this: Both kitties are confined to house and catio until we leave on our trip. We're too old to be staying up all night worrying about the "kids." If one of them went missing now, it would be awfully hard to leave on our scheduled departure date. We feel as if we've dodged a bullet.

So despite all the terror and worry, I did some sewing yesterday afternoon. Right now I'm working at finishing five more blocks for the Mulligan Stew quilt. If you're new to this blog, I'll tell you that this quilt comes from the book "Hobo Quilts" by Deborah Henninger. You can read more about the book and the quilt right here.

Yesterday, I did these blocks. The first two were paper-pieced. Let me count the ways these two blocks reminded me of why I hate paper-piecing. If I had more time, I'd enumerate them one by one.

The next one was back to this-quilter-friendly fusible applique.

Sadie, oblivious to the worry about Smitty, decided my fabric was a purrfect place to attend to her purrsonal hygiene.

When I told her she wasn't being helpful, she said, "Help? What is this, 'help'? What an odd word. I'm afurraid it isn't in my vocabulary. Please explain."

Later, she took a nap on Mumm's the Word. Shhhhhh...baby is sleeping.

Today we're heading down to the Oregon State Fair. I'm glad Smitty came home just so we could enjoy seeing the quilts at the fair. It would have been kind of a bummer otherwise.

As for my projects, I'm trying to do a little work on all my WIP's before we leave on our trip. If I'm successful, I'll finish two more blocks for Mulligan Stew, and I'll make the March block for Tuxedo Tales...this one:

It's looking promising, and so I'll keep plugging away. Now that the refrigerator is cleaned, I feel as if I can conquer the world!


Betty said...

Oh my gosh! I know that awful feeling much too well. I'm so glad Smitty is home safe!

Annette Mandel said...

I wondered if he was visiting Molly...

CathieJ said...

I'm so glad that Smitty found his way home and that you can happily go away. I am sure you didn't have much sleep that night. Your quilt blocks are so pretty.

quiltzyx said...

Argh! Smitty, SHAME UPON YOU!!! Never scare Mom & Dad like that again!

Nice job on the Hobo blocks, even if some were the dreaded PAPER PIECED!

And you cleaned your fridge - wow! You are my hero!!

Christine M said...

Glad to hear that Smitty is home safe.

Sandra W said...

After you lost one cat to the "outdoors" I've been nervous of the duo going outside. So glad Smitty is safe. When we adopted our cat the Humane Society made us sign a form saying that we wouldn't let him outside. The life span of a cat in our city (Toronto, Canada) who goes outside is three years! The shorten life is attributed to getting run over, fights with dogs, and also because of people--some of whom like to hunt down cats with their dogs!--I'm not kidding. I know that your rural situation isn't comparable but you have a different set of threats. I get that cats like to go out. It seems natural, and even humane. But it has its own risks. Your routine seems like you are minimizing the risk as much as you can while giving the cats some outdoor time. It surely is a dilemma because you want to keep them safe. Well the cats are in the penalty box for now and then enroute so you won't have to think about it again for many months. Glad this story had a happy ending. And doesn't Ms Sadie just look adorable under that quilt.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Smitty is in the dog house! Glad to hear he is safely home and remembers his hard lesson.

Brown Family said...

Our kitties do not go outside by themselves, but the one I had as a child was an inside / outside kitty. He would disappear for a day sometimes more and I would be sick with worry! He always came home, some times a little worse for wear, but I was always thankful/

I hope you enjoyed the Fair!

claudia said...

So happy to hear that Smitty came home safe and sound. Dang you Smitty Do Not scare your parents that way, it's not funny! I lost one of my cats last year for about a week. I figured she was long gone. Then she came back; thinner. I was determined to keep her inside after that, but she wasn't having any part of that and as soon as she could she skidaddled out the door when someone left it open a nanosecond too long. She stuck around closer to home for a bit, and then she disappeared again. The second time I didn't get her back. Which is why I had this catio made...I will never lose a kitty to the outside creatures again.
I attempted to sew yesterday, but it wasn't working out for me. Between the grandboy and my new furball puppy, I can't sit and concentrate. As soon as school starts, I will be able to work myself into a routine that works for having kids, pups and an itchy sewing finger!

Janet said...

I know that sick in the pit of your stomach feeling. Kids and pets... But the love and happiness that they give you makes up for the scary times. I agree with all your unwritten complaints about paper piecing!

Lyndsey said...

So pleased to hear that Smitty made it home safe and sound. I'm not sure what worries/ worried me more, the furkids staying out all night or when Richard or the girls weren't back at the agreed time.

Great work on the refrigerator,(not my favourite job), and you are positively whipping through your sewing jobs.

Dana Gaffney said...

I muttered some very bad words while I read this, that sick, worrying feeling is terrible and I'm so sorry you had to go through this and I think Smitty felt the same through that long night. Extra hugs to all of you.

piecefulwendy said...

Oh geez, I can imagine you were beside yourself with Smitty AWOL. That little stinker. Who needs that kind of stress in their life, especially after you had to tackle cleaning the fridge. Which, by the way, is a sign -- never clean your fridge, because you can't keep your eye on the cats while your head is in the fridge! Haha. So glad he's back safe and sound. Enjoy your day at the Fair -- make it a celebration, since your boy is home safe!

Debbie said...

He is a typical boy, and into things and won't tell you the real facts :) Super glad he is home, and that you can get a better nights sleep.
Boy, you passed on the guilt about the refrigerator.....I need to clean mine/ours. No thanks for the reminder:) Enjoy the fair and seeing the ribbons!

Anonymous said...

That was a scary story regarding Smitty. All's well that turns out well, eh? We went to the State Fair yesterday and I had the pleasure of doing the quilt walk and seeing your two entries. They were even on the outside row and I could spot them from the middle of the building! But of course I knew what I was looking for!! :-) I'm so thrilled to have seen them and they are gorgeous. Your work is incredibly beautiful. There were a handful of other quilts I especially loved and can you believe most were made by quilting friends. I'm not prejudiced, I just have very talented friends.

Sally Trude said...

Please inform your misinformed readers that I had nothing to do with Smitty's disappearance. You may also explain to Smittereens that I prefer internal explorations that are much more fulfilling and rewarding than shallow external stimulation.


Empress of Three (almost Two) Cat Ranch, in absentia and
Voted Best Cat on the Planet

Lisa said...

Been there, done that, got the T-shirt... So glad Smitty is home and safe!

Lou said...

So glad Smitty made it back home!!!!! That rascal!

Judy1522 said...

I am so glad that Smitty is home safe.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Glad Smitty is safe and sound. We always worry about our furry friends.

Auntiepatch said...

You're right - I nearly sprayed tea all over the keyboard when I saw the title. And the picture, the look in his eyes, is priceless. "I saw a Woofie THIS BIG!" So glad he's ok!

Dots said...

Wow! What relief to see Smitty at the door! Safe, and home. So happy when I read that. We all love your cats and it shows by the comments.

Kate said...

Glad that Smitty was safe. Hope you get lots done in your sewing room before you take off for your trip.