
Let's Party!

It's about time for a party and a giveaway, don't you think?  And I'm going to make this real easy for you.

First of all, I suppose you'll want to know what I'm giving away.  It's a 7 fat-quarter bundle of Peachy Keen La Dee Da by Erin McMorris.  These are almost too cute to give away!

And then I suppose you'll want to know what you need to do to win these babies.  So here's the scoop:

1.  Leave a comment on this post.  Tell me the name of the last book you read (or the one you're reading now).  Me?  I'm listening to an audio book:  Stephen King's 11/22/63  (And it's good!)

2.  If you're a follower (new or well-seasoned), you can get an extra chance by leaving a comment letting me know.

That's it!  Easy as pie.  This giveaway is open to all citizens of the Milky Way Galaxy.  (Fine print:  Delivery to planets other than Earth not guaranteed.)

I'll leave this giveaway open until September 3rd at 6:00 p.m. (Pacific Daylight Time).  Winner will be announced sometime during the day on September 4th.

Good luck and thanks for visiting!

Now party on!  Return to the Blog Hop Party.


1 – 200 of 434   Newer›   Newest»
Michele T said...

Right now I am reading "The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest" by Stieg Larsson - it is a great 3 book series!

Michele T said...

I am following your blog!!

Kathy S. said...

I am currently reading Bloom. But I have a special connection to it because my child just happens to have Downs Syndrome too.

Kathy S. said...

I am a follower! Yes, I'm seasoned.

meg said...

I'd like to say I devoured several works of fine literature this summer, as was my plan, but, in actuality, I'm halfway through "Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter".

meg said...

... and I'm a follower!

Laura said...

I enjoyed the Hunger Games trilogy, I haven't been reading much lately though, too busy with all four kids this summer. I really want to read the newest Janet Evanovich though, just have to get around to buying it ;)

Laura said...

I follow you on Google Reader :)

Mommarock said...

Do cookbooks count? I've been scouring the cookbooks searching for new recipes. Trying to spice up my kitchen recipes, so the last book honestly was Betty Crocker LOL.

Mommarock said...

I am a Follower of Course!!

gpc said...

I sneaked a peek at my sister's kindle version of "shades of gray" (blush), but the last book I officially read (since I will deny any accusation of the former) is Hand Wash Cold (karen maezen miller), which I enjoyed very much.

Anonymous said...

Morning - New follower - love your blog and happening -- Thanks for sharing with us --
Book I am reading at the moment is 1000 White Women -- Great read --

Patricia said...

I'm a follower!

NancyA said...

Just finishing THE GIRL WHO PLAYED WITH FIRE the second book in the Stieg Larsson series, but at the same time am listening (while sewing, of course)to audio book, THE REVERSAL, by Michael Connelly.

Patricia said...

I'm reading Protector on my Kindle. I reading Indomitable by Terry Brooks in hard back and listening to a series of articles by Napoleon Hill.

Vicki W said...

On my kindle reader I am re-reading all of Jane Austen. i'm on Mansfield Park now. I listening to The Persimmon Tree by Bryce Courtenay. I love reading as much as sewing!

The English Ladies! said...

I just read "redwood bend" by Robyn Carr.

The English Ladies! said...

I'm a follower!

Lisa England said...

I'm nearly finished with "In a Sunburned Country" by Bill Bryson. It's about Australia and has been entertaining and educational. And laugh-out-loud funny in some places.

Lisa England said...

I follow your blog. Gorgeous bundle! Thanks for the chance!

Lyn said...

Yes I am a follower in GR. Thanks.

sophie said...

I am reading Insanely Simple by Ken Segall. It's about Apple ... More proof that I am still a geek, I guess.

sophie said...

I am a follower of this blog.

Lyn said...

I just finished Harvest Moon by Robyn Carr. Thanks

Needled Mom said...

Those are luscious! I am reading Abigail's New Hope.

Lynette said...

The last book I read was "Winter King" - about Henry VII and the rise of the Tudors. It was actually interesting. :)

Lynette said...

I'm a follower :)

Teresa in Music City said...

Yes! Count me in! Those fabrics are so sweet :*) I'm actually reading 11/23/63 on Kindle! I haven't gotten too far into it but so far I'm loving it. I'm also listening to Bel Canto by Ann Patchett on Audible for our bookclub.

Teresa in Music City said...

Yep, I'm a stalker, um, follower :*)

Jocelyn said...

I am currently reading "The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie" by Alan Bradley. It is the first of a mystery series that was recommended by Lori Holt. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Jocelyn said...

I am a long time follower :-)

My Sister Made Me Do It.... said...

I just finished listening to an audio book, Speaking in Tongues by Jeffery Deaver........thanks for a lovely giveaway.

My Sister Made Me Do It.... said...

I am a long time follower! Thanks for the chance!

Donna~~ said...

I'm currently listening to House Rules by Jodi Picoult. Can't sew without a book too!

Donna~~ said...

And I'm a new follower too! Your giveaway fabrics are so delicious looking (remind me of citrus salad), that I had to eat breakfast--really pretty!

Siri Tullerusk said...

I just discovered C.J.Sanson's book about the lawyer Matthew Shardlake, they are mystery books that take place when Henry the 8th was king. Right now I am listening to the third book - Sovereign.

Siri Tullerusk said...

... and I am a follower :-)

B Greene said...

I have been reading The Kennedy Detail - it would dovetail with your current book nicely!

B Greene said...

I am a happy follower of your blog - thanks for the great giveaway chance!

Denise :) said...

Haha! I just left a list of what I'm reading on Karin's blog! What's showing on my Kindle right now is Marie Bostwick's A Single Thread. GREAT fabrics in your giveaway!!! :)

Denise :) said...

And of *course* I'm a follower! :)

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



Kate said...

I'm in the middle of Nora Robert's "The Witness".

Kate said...

I'm a follower (though sometimes a tardy one).

Dana Gaffney said...

Oh, I'm so glad you asked, right now I'm reading The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield, which is a huge step up from the trash I usually read. Normally I would have had to make something up :)

Dana Gaffney said...

I am well seasoned.

Karen said...

I'm reading the 3rd book in the Song of Fire and Ice series (or Game of Thrones series) called "A Storm of Swords." I highly recommend it when you're done with the Stephen King book. King is absolute favorite author!

Karen said...

I am also a follower. :) Thanks for the chance to win.

T Hays said...

I just started reading the 3rd book "A Storm of Swords" in the A Song Of Ice & Fire Series by George R.R. Martin. So far it's been a great series and I highly recommend it too when you're done with your Stephen King book.

sew.darn.quilt said...

At the moment I've been curling up with "Landscape of Lies" an art world mystery. Anything in the mystery genre, especially if it's from days gone by and I'm hooked.
Thank you for the chance =)

T Hays said...

I have been following your blog for a few weeks now and have been enjoying it bunches!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

sew.darn.quilt said...

I'm seasoned to perfection, I look forward to your posts daily. =)

hueisei said...

I'm reading Gullivers Travels. It's for my son bedtime story :)

Kathy MacKie said...

I am a follower and thanks for the giveaway.

Kathy MacKie said...

I am reading the Robert Latimer story.

Mary said...

I am reading Earthly Delights by Corinna Chapman. Thanks for hosting this chance to win!

Alina said...

Yap, I agree; they are just almost too cute to give away. Well, the book I am reading (I am always reading)now is called "Blood of Others," obviously it's a crime story. I just love it.

Have a nice weekend.

Alina said...

Yes, I am a follower!

yorkie mom said...

I'm a follower.

yorkie mom said...

Just finished reading 29 Gifts" How a Month of Giving Can Change Your Life. Very inspirational.

Janet said...

I am almost finished reading Bright Shiny Morning by James Frey and quite enjoying it.

Janet said...

And yes I am a follower :)

Diann said...

I'm currently reading Death at Charity's Point by William Tapply. It's an older mystery published in 1984, but I decided to go back and read all of the author's books after reading a recent one.

Diann said...

I'm a follower.

Martina said...

I am a happy follower already! Thanks so much!

Linda Lee said...

I have been a follower since the Red, White and Blue Blog Hop.

Linda Lee said...

Currently I am reading Liz Curtis Higgs's book "The Girl's Still Got It."

Rebeckah Austin said...

I follow you

Gill said...

I'm a happy follower!
Thanks for a great giveaway Barbara!

Rebeckah Austin said...

The last book i read was... (see how long ago it was, I have to stop and think.)....Girls in Trucks. It was an ok read. I bought the book at the dollar store haha.

Gill said...

I've just finished re-reading 'The Timetravellers Wife'

Diane Wild said...

I'm reading Annie Freeman's Fabulous Traveling Funeral. What can I say?

Diane Wild said...

I'm a faithful follower, as you know. Thanks for the chance to win the loot.

Melissa said...

I last read "the shameless carnivore" - it was all about how great meat is! It's got some great recipes, including one for a delicious rabbit stew!

Gwen said...

I just began to read "The House on the Strand" by Daphne du Maurier, and so far, it's pretty interesting. This book just showed up at my house-- not sure who left it here, but no one claims it, so I decided that it must be meant for me to read! :-) Thank you for the chance to win that beautiful fabric-- I agree it *is* way too pretty to give away-- but I'm glad that you are! ;-)

Melissa said...

I'm a follower!

Gwen said...

I am a well-seasoned follower! :-) Thanks!!

~Kelie~ said...

The last books I read were the Hunger Games Trilogy! Amazing books! Thanks for the chance to win such beautiful fabric!

~Kelie~ said...

I am a semi-seasoned follower!

Carol is Sewbizzy said...

I am reading "The Art of Mending" by Elizabeth Berg...

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I'm reading a book by George Burns about all his friends from vaudeville, radio and early TV.
I'm also listening to the audio book, Eragon.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I am a well seasoned follower.

otterdaughter said...

Currently typing over my cat, and I only have one book in progress right now, I'm reading "The Iron Wyrm Affair" by Lilith Saintcrow.

otterdaughter said...

Longtime follower here!

Kristy QP said...

Oh I'm reading some terrible short stories book about the end of the world. Why I keep reading it is beyond me haha!!

Thanks for the fab giveaway - beautiful fabrics!

Kristy QP said...

I'm a follower :)

Alyce @ Blossom Heart Quilts said...

Already a follower, thanks for the giveaway Barbara!

Alyce @ Blossom Heart Quilts said...

Oh gosh, I haven't read a book in ages as I've been to busy! Does my Approaches to Research textbook count?! It's actually quite good as far as textbooks go - not dry and monotonous and actually engaging!

Kathy Felsted Usher said...

I'm a follower too.

Kathy Felsted Usher said...

I am reading a light mystery, The Real Macaw by Donna Andrews, a great mystery for $1 at my public library book sale!

Anonymous said...

I follow you

Anonymous said...

I'm in the process of reading all of Nicholas Sparks' books. I'm about half way through.

Ruth Ann said...

Thank you for sharing the writing by Teri. I used to teach with a sweet woman whose younger daughter has Angelman Syndrome. I never heard her complain about her situation. She often came to school with very little sleep due to her daughter being up all night.
Thanks for the "perfection" insight. We'll only be perfect in heaven.
I'm a follower of your blog. Thanks for the blog give a way opportunity.

Lori said...

What a bright bundle! I'm currently reading "All Summer Long" by Susan Mallery

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Minha linda,com um neto de quase dois anos(fará dois em 16 de setembro)eu só leio as tais estórias infantil,ontem estávamos lendo Os três Porquinhos.Obrigada por oferecer internacional.tiacarminhapezzuto@gmail.com

evelyn said...

I am reading Digital Fortress by Dan Brown.

evelyn said...

I follow your blog.

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

What a great giveaway! Right now I am reading Ashfall by Mike Mullin, lately I have really been enjoying Young Adult books.

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

I am a follower and always enjoy your blog, thanks!

QuilterLaura said...

Last book i read was called "unwind," very interesting book.

QuilterLaura said...

I am a follower

JustPam said...

I am listening to David Baldacci's The Innocent.

Monica said...

The last book I read was The Strain by Guillermo del Toro and I'm now working on the second book The Fall. I love a good scary book.

Jonnie (JB) said...

Last book I read was Satan's Sisters by Star Jones. I didn't like it and actually didin't finish it.

greelyrita said...

Holy Smoke! There's a lot of people paying attention, aren't, there? I'm a follower, as you know, but one more entry isn't going to significantly up the odds. I'd love to win though!! Thanks for this!!

greelyrita said...

Oh darn, I forgot to tell you what I'm reading: the 7th book of the Wheel of Time series, by Robert Jordan, Crown of Swords. It's very engaging. I've been working on this series since last Christmas when I was give the first one. A long haul project indeed. There's 5 more books or is it 6? Thanks!!

Ella said...

The last book I read was The Book Thief.

Winona said...

I am a follower.

Karen O said...

I am reading 'Almost Amish' as part of a book review opportunity.

Karen O said...

I am a follower, and I have been having fun following the exploits of that adorable Smitty!

Mrs A said...

Im not reading anything right now, too busy:) But i love autobiographies of interesting people. Your give away is fantastic, love those colours!

Winona said...

I am reading 'Promise Me a Rainbow' by Cheryl Reavis on my Kindle. It has been pretty good so far.

Carla said...

I've started 'a stolen life'. Thanks

Kim said...

DD wanted me to read The Tales of Beedle the Bard so that's what I just finished. I also finished the Inheritance series. I love reading, it's relaxing besides quilting :-)
Love the fabrics.

Pat V. said...

I just read "Magnifico: The Brilliant Life and Violent Times of Lorenzo de' Medici." All I can say is, I'm glad I didn't live in 15th century Italy!

mary mahoo said...

I just finished JD Robb's Delusion in Death. Great, quick summer read.

Tanya said...

I haven't read in while, but like the FableHaven series. Thanks for chance to win.

Tanya said...

I am a follower, thanks for chance to win.

Katy said...

Right now I am reading "Cops Don't Cry" before I pass it along to my family. It is for the spouses/family members of cops.

Katy said...

And I am also a new follower! :)

The Thimblemouse of Country Crossroads said...

I love following your blog...always curious what Smitty is up to...LOL. What GORGEOUS fabrics!!! Isn't this party FUN? Reading? It's been a couple nights since I've cracked open my ereader...I can't even remember what's on it now - I do read alot.But I know the book before it was "Age of Miracles" by a new author Karen Thompson Walker...and on my player is a book by Karen Kingsbury (I must be going through a "Karen" stage..haha).

Jenniffier said...

I am reading the ultimate guide to Kauai. Getting ready for next year :)

Oops-Lah said...

I'm a little bit addicted to audio books as I can do other things while "reading". I've just listened to a book by Kate Morton called "The House at Riverton" and loved it. Mind you, it's very long, almost 19 hours. Great give away, by the way! Thanks a million.

Homemaker Honey said...

I like the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series. Have you read any of those books?

G'Day from Australia, by the way!

homemakerhoney @gmail .com

Homemaker Honey said...


homemakerhoney@ gamil .com

Ginny said...

I am reading True Colors by Kristen Hannah

audrey said...

I like to read a lot of different books at the same time. So! I am reading Elantris by Brandon Sanderson, Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi, and A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway. All three VERY different books, which somehow makes the reading experience much more fun for me! :)

Amy said...

The last book I read is What Alice Forgot. Great fun! Thanks for the chane to win the lovely fabric!

Julianne said...

Hi Barbara...thanks for the giveaway, I am reading "The forgotten garden".

Darlington Delights said...

The last book I read was shadow of darkness... Not a great recommendation though.

Darlington Delights said...

Thanks for the generous giveaway. I'm a follower who's looking forward to receiving your great posts.

heartsease54 said...

I'm reading Back Roads by Tawni O'Dell (I've already read the one you are listening to).

heartsease54 said...

I am a follower. In fact, the first time I ever won anything from a blog, it was from you.

Jennie P. said...

Those are gorgeous fabrics!! The last book I read was from the Sookie Stackhouse series. The latest one from that series. Number 12.

Jennie P. said...

I'm newly following :)

Samantha said...

I actually am on the last book of The Lord of the Rings. I started with The Hobbit. 44 years old and I'd never read them yet! I am about half through The Return of the King and I must say I've enjoyed them and they will go on my 'read it again' shelf.

Samantha said...

Oh and.. gorgeous fabrics! I'm a follower. Thanks for a chance at those luscious fat quarters. :D

Second Chance Tan said...

I just read 'Fifty Shades of Grey@ while I was on holiday - trashy holiday reading! x

quiltzyx said...

I just finished "Bio of an Ogre" Piers Anthony's autobiography, and have barely started "Merlin" by Stephen R. Lawhead.

quiltzyx said...

And yep, with great pleasure, I'll say: I'm a follower!

Leo said...

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society was my last read.

Leo said...

And I'm a follower

Babbellotta said...

hi there, the book i am reaing right now is a follow up on the jane austen book pride and predjudice... book number 3 [ out of 10 ] the book is in english and i am dutch so it is kind of... intensive to read it but i enjoy it very much! i already did read books number 1 en 2 this summer so i am convinced i will get this one through before the end of this year, lol!

Babbellotta said...

oh yeah and i follow your blog through the feeds button in my browser!!!

Captain StitchyPants said...

Right now, I'm wallowing in childhood nostalgia. I'm working my way through the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder for the umpteenth time :)

andri. said...

The last book I read is....a book by Ajahn Brahm. Cant remember the title:p

andri. said...

Oh and I'm a follower:)

Aliza said...

Just finished: The Men's guide to Women's Bathroom by JO BARRET. Very funny and so true.

Lovely fabric.

Anonymous said...

Last book I read was called 'Levi's Will.
=) Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower.

Татьяна said...

Я читаю Акунина

Miss Beau Jangles said...

I am currently reading From the dead by Mark Billingham

Miss Beau Jangles said...

I am a new follower

quilary said...

I'm reading Sherlock Holmes novels on my kindle.

quilary said...

I'm a follower, thanks for the extra chance :)

Margaret said...

I listen to audio books too. I just finished the third book of The Hunger Games. Really enjoyed them.

Margaret said...

I am a loyal follower/stalker. Thank you for sharing Terri's story. I know that I am my worst critic but am learning that it is ok to not be perfect. Someone told me only God is perfect, we all strive for it but He is the only one who will ever achieve perfection.

JoyceLM said...

Just finished Iris & Roy Johansen's latest Close Your Eyes, and Karen Robards' latest The Last Victim. Thanks for the giveaway.

JoyceLM said...

I'm a follower - receiving posts by email. Thanks.

Elisabetta said...

I am your e-mail follower

Elisabetta said...

last book I read is a fairy tale one, with two little kids it's the only reading now available in the house =)

Angela S. said...

Ohhhh I am loving all of your cat pictures!! Ok last book I read was the second book in the Hunger Game series. Today I will most likely be starting and finished the last book :)

Angela S. said...

Ohhhh I am loving all of your cat pictures!! Ok last book I read was the second book in the Hunger Game series. Today I will most likely be starting and finished the last book :)

Angela S. said...

Now following by e-mail :)

Betsy said...

Barbara,  Thank you for the chance to win such a great prize. I am reading "every quilt tells a story" by Helen kelly


giddy99 said...

I just finished Janet Evanovich's Explosive Eighteen, and moved on to Totto-chan (translated from the Japanese version).

Rosa said...

I`m in the middle of Fall of Giants by Ken Follett but I`m reading it in Spanish.

giddy99 said...

I'm a new follower; thanks for the chance!

Rosa said...

thanks for the chance to win those beautiful fabrics.
Of course, a follower.

Teresa said...

Just finished reading The Help and loved it. Love seeing the pics of your kitties.

Teresa said...

I've been a follower for a while now. Thanks for the chance.

cyndiofthevortex said...

I just finished reading "Listen to your Quilt" which has given me lots of ideas of how to quilt my quilt tops. Highly recommended. I am a follower.

Fran said...

I'm currently reading the first book in The Game of Thrones series. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

Fran said...

I'm a new follower, thanks.

LethargicLass said...

I just finished the 3rd Percy Jackson novel... they are young adult but all I can handle nowadays with the PTSD

Cathy said...

I stayed up till 1:30 this morning in order to finish Mariner's Compass, by Earlene Fowler.

Cathy said...

I just became a follower and added you to my reading list.

Unknown said...

I red pillars of earth bY ken Follet and I am reading E.L.James about Mr. Grey and Anastasia, but I thought it was better. hugs Alessandra

Unknown said...

Of course I am follower from Italy

Unknown said...

First and foremost, I am a follower and get a kick out of watching Smitty.

stephmabry said...

Not too long ago I finished book #13 of the Temperence Brennan series (Spider Bones) by Kathy Reichs. It's the series that the TV show "Bones" is based off of, and I've come to like the books more than the show!g Thank you for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

Not much on books, and too scared to read 40 Shades of Gray. But, I have been reading and studing "Tucked up in Bed" by Jennie Rayment. It's all about fabric tucks, textures, pleats and fabric origami.

Nancy in IN said...

Loved the essay; thanks for including; I ask if I may share with my sewing group (Southside ASG). I am listening to Wonderland Creek by Lynn Austin (listen while sewing or driving) and reading The Inn at Rose Harbor by Debbie Macomber. Both are great.
Love your blog (Put this in the wrong comment area at first.)
I am a follower.

Alison V. said...

I'm reading Anna Karenina in anticipation of the movie coming out!

hafza said...

The last book that I've read was from John Grisham - Half the Man, Twice the Lawyer.

hafza said...

I am already a happy follower of your blog!! Thanks for the great giveaway!!

Spare Room Quilter said...

The last book I "read" was Pride and Prejudice (I actually listened to it on a road trip) Thanks for the giveaway!

Spare Room Quilter said...

I'm a follower!

Anonymous said...

stormchasers by jenna blum! scg00387 at yahoo dot com

Joyce Carter said...

Beautiful fabrics. Thanks for a chance to win. I have just finished reading The Charm School by Nelson DeMille. Great book.

juliehallfeldhaus said...

I am reading Making Piece a memoir of love loss and pie by Beth M. Howard. Thanks for a chance to win!

Judy1522 said...

I just finished reading A Secret Gift by Ted Gup, it is a true story about his Grandfather that took place during the depression.

aerialkabuki said...

I'm reading earth the book.

Betty said...

I read "Making Rounds With Oscar", a true story about a cat that lived in a nursing home.

Betty said...

I am a new follower. What's not to like about quilts and cats!!

PJ said...

I'm reading "A Secret Gift" by Ted Gup.

PJ said...

I'm a follower and I so enjoy your blog.

Unknown said...

I'm in the process of rereading my collection of Anne McCaffrey's Pern series. Then I'll go on to her other books. I love rereading all my favorites.

Unknown said...

Yes, I'm a follower.

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