
Quilt Shop: Quilters Haven

This is another of the quilt shops I visited while in Bakersfield, California, called Quilters Haven.  Of the three I visited today, this is the only place where I didn't purchase anything.  People seemed friendly enough, but there was nothing remarkable about their shop.  This is what it looks like from the outside:

There was a class going on, with lots of participants.  I was eves dropping on what the instructor was saying, and people seemed very comfortable.  I can imagine it's a place people enjoy going for classes.  My only criticism of the place is that it didn't have a lot of character.  I love quilt shops because of their color and their homeyness, and this one just didn't do it for me.  For that reason, and that reason alone, I can only give it four rotary cutters out of five.  If I were just looking for a place to hang out, I'd probably stick with Strawberry Patches in Bakersfield.

1 comment:

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Oh my goodness. You were just down the street and around the corner from my house!! I have not heard many good things about Quilter's Haven lately, especially in the attitude of the owner (not helpful, rude, etc). I would most definitely stick to Strawberry Patches. There is another shop on Rosedale Hwy that I haven't been to as of yet.