
Welcome to Spring!

Good morning, my friends. It's the first day of spring. Look at you! You made it! It happens to be raining cats and dogs here today. It was a fairly nice day yesterday, though. Smitty enjoyed it from the comfort of his kitty pole.

You might remember we got this smaller kitty pole for him when he seemed to be avoiding jumping to the top of his original taller kitty pole. He's gone back to using both now, and so whatever was bothering him before seems to have resolved itself. We both had the feeling he might be developing some pain in his hind legs. He'll reach his 13th birthday next month...I know! Impossible! But, yes, that's where he is. And if you've been reading long enough to remember when we brought him home for the first time, then just know we're all 13 years older now. It's a sad state of affairs, but the alternative is worse.

While he enjoyed the morning sunshine, I worked on the Rosemary block. Probably I'll finish it this morning, and then I'll start on the Basil block. It will be the fourth of four.

I hadn't scheduled any housework for myself yesterday, but I still ended up doing some. I washed three loads of clothes and cleaned up the main level of the house. For whatever reason, I seemed to have an extra hour or two in my day.

When I made my way to the sewing room, I went to work top-stitching the Easter eggs. I'd already decided to use whatever color matched the background for these. Light blue for this one...

And since I had light blue thread loaded on the sewing machine, I top-stitched the circles on this one before switching to orange for the larger part of the egg. This was the only one that needed top-stitching within the border of the egg.

Then, yellow for these next two...

And pink for this last one.

From there, I sewed them into a runner, added a border, and my Easter Egg Table Runner quilt top was finished.

For the rest of my sewing time, I perused my stash for a backing fabric. I found a few possibilities, but settled on this tiny yellow flower print. Someone must have given this to me at some point in time. I've never used it in a quilt. There is about a yard available, which will be plenty to make a back for the runner.

And that brought me to the end of my sewing day. I'd planned dinner from a very old recipe. These are Swiss-Cheese Veggie Sandwiches. 

The recipe was originally from Betty Crocker's Microwave Cookbook. Microwaves are ubiquitous in modern kitchens, but I'm old enough to remember when they were brand new, magical, and very mysterious. Whole cookbooks and whole classes were offered to teach us how to cook microwave. There were whole stores that sold nothing but microwaves.

This is one of my favorite recipes from that era. I make them when I'm trying to use up blocks of Swiss cheese. It's a mixture of shredded Swiss cheese, thinly sliced cauliflower, diced tomato, and shredded carrot. (Zucchini can also be used in place of the carrot, but I've always used carrot.)  It's all mixed together with a little mayonnaise, salt, and dried dill. Then it's piled on an English muffin and microwaved for three minutes. It makes a tasty combination.

So I checked to see if the recipe was online anywhere. It is not. I'll give it to you right here.

Swiss-Cheese Veggie Sandwiches
From Betty Crocker's Microwave Cookbook
3 Servings


1 Cup Shredded Swiss Cheese, (about 4 oz.)
1 Cup Shredded Zucchini or Carrots, (about 1 small)
1/2 Cup Chopped Tomato, (about 1 medium)
1/2 Cup Thinly Sliced Small Cauliflowerets
2 Tablespoons Mayonnaise
1/2 Teaspoon Salt
1/2 Teaspoon Dried Dill Weed
3 English Muffins, cut into halves and toasted


Mix cheese, zucchini (or carrot), tomato, cauliflower, mayonnaise, salt and dill weed; spread evenly over muffin halves. Arrange on microwave rack in baking dish. Microwave uncovered on high (100%) until hot and bubbly, 3-4 minutes.

* * * * *
While I was putting the finishing touches on dinner, Mike was putting the finishing touches on his latest 3-D printing project. He created this sign we'll take when we go to Alaska.

To explain, one of our first sight-seeing stops will be at the Sign Post Forest in Watson Lake, Yukon Territory, in Canada. We're looking forward to seeing the many signs there, and this sign will be our contribution. Fun, huh? Bring your own sign if you want. We'll let you use our hammer.

So my first priority today will be to get to work quilting the Easter Egg Table Runner. That will probably consume my sewing time for the day. If there's time, I'll be readying the Jericho's Wall quilt for quilting on the big machine today. It's been hanging out over the machine and chair letting its wrinkles relax out.

Each time I walk by it, I think about how I might quilt it. Probably I'll end up doing some sort of straight-line dot-to-dot design, but I haven't figured out where the connecting dots will be yet. Probably when I have it laid out flat on the machine, something will come to me. I'll just have to wait and see what my hands do with it.

So that's all I have for you today. I hope your spring weather is a little more springy than ours is. It does make for a good sewing weather, though, so no complaints.


Barbara said...

The perfect gadget would somehow allow me to fly. Isn't that what everybody wants? It would also cook a damn good microwave pizza. So while in flight you had something to eat - an in-flight meal. Where would I go? Well, nowadays, it would probably just take me to work a lot quicker. ~ John Krasinski

Dorothy said...

Thank you for posting about time for your covid booster. It made me check mine---due next month--so thank you very much.
I'm a strong believer in them
Dorothy in W WA

Anne-Marie said...

I remember when we got our first microwave. My mom took a microwave cooking class. She still cooks primarily in the microwave.

Jenny said...

I'm intrigued with the sign post forest, cant wait to see it with yorubas you travel. As for microwaves, I remember going to classes after work to be shown what to do with this new rather expensive kitchen appliance. The prices have come down dramatically over the years.

Anonymous said...

May I suggest, if you haven't already quilted and backed it, that you use some of your pretty decorative machine stitches along the stripes on the striped eggs and around the polka dots on the polka dot egg?
How clever of Mike to design and produce the 50-50 sign.

Teresa F.

Kate said...

Bursts of energy and the desire to do housework at the same time are very rare, So glad you made the most of it. Those Easter eggs are really cute. It's going to be a fun finish to use over the holiday.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Fascinating to read about the sign posts. It will be a thrill to see that when you're there. I'll bet there won't be many other people who can say that theirs is a 50-50.
Your Easter eggs turned out so cute. I always think I'd like to have seasonal table runners but have never acted upon it. Lack of storage for the 'out of season' versions is my main issue.