Good morning, my friends. It's a grocery shopping day today. We have a couple of stops to make, and it seems like a good day to get our beloved Egg McMuffin. So I'm writing fast. Try to keep up, okay?
The quilting is finished on the Domestic Affairs quilt. When I pulled it off the machine and headed downstairs, I found Smitty at the top of the stairs guarding against intruders. I'm not saying Sadie falls into the category of "intruders."
For dinner last night I tried this super easy recipe for Quick Shrimp Chowder. I took a picture of mine, but it was kind of boring...just a bowl of something lumpy and white. Here's a better picture I found online.
This is ordinarily the kind of recipe I'd avoid because it contains two cans of Campbell's cream of potato soup. And...I don't know...I used to cook that kind of stuff all the time, but converted to mostly fresh ingredients at some point. Still, I sometimes see something that looks easy and tasty, and so I'll give it a try. This was very good. It was plenty salty, although not overly so, without adding any extra salt. I'm sure it got that salty boost from the canned soup. In any case, it was good. And it was easy, which makes it a good recipe for the RV. I'll share it here since it was one of the Cooking Light Diet recipes and it's no longer available online. Here's a screenshot from my Paprika app.
We had ours with a side of crusty bread, although the oyster crackers would have been a good addition. Also, I used 2% milk in mine.
I expect we'll be home around lunch time. My afternoon will be mostly devoted to hand-stitching the binding. Also, I want to bake some muffins today. If there's time for sewing, I'll get to work finishing the quilt top for Snow Happens.
Okay...gotta go. Groceries await.
Only the pure in heart can make a good soup. ~ Ludwig van Beethoven
The shrimp chowder sounds very tasty. And the pink striped binding is just perfect for the quilt. I love a striped binding.
Your quilts and your kitties are so lovely! I just love the clothesline fabric you used. So springy and happy!
Domestic Affairs looks great and that pink striped binding is a perfect finish. Your Shop Hope Quilt is fun too. Hopefully the grocery store wasn't too traumatizing and you got some more stitching time after your recovery time.
Oh my that soup sounds easy and yummy. I think you definitely need to bring a few cans of potato soup with you on your trip to Alaska this summer. You can find really yummy fresh Spot Prawns, for a very reasonable price. I now want to make this recipe with spot prawns. Yummy. Of course, Costco Shrimp is probably just as good.
I can see why Sadie would like that quilt. Those dresses certainly make me smile.
Alas there will be no shrimp chowder in this house....the RC is violently allergic to shellfish.
What a pretty quilt, and that stripey binding is just perfect - or purrfect, in Sadie terms! Smitty looks comfy for that nap on the more manly quilt - haha. The chowder recipe looks good!
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