
Binding Queen

Good morning, my friends. It was a pretty slow day yesterday. As I mentioned, it was the day for my routine mammogram. I've heard nothing about it yet, which is probably a good thing. If there's nothing to report, I'll receive notification via the MyChart system. Maybe your health care provider uses the same system. I was told they would call if anything worrisome showed up, so I figure no news is good news. Still, I'll be happier when I receive some sort of message from them.

It was a quick in and out. I was home in less than an hour from when I left. It was past lunch time by then, and so I had some lunch and took a nap. (Any time away from home requires a nap, no matter how insignificant.) And then I got to work on the quilt binding.

The only other thing I was planning to sew was the pieced back for Shop Hop 3.0. What a surprise when I actually opened up the yardage and discovered it's 60 inches wide! What? I've never seen that before. You can see in this photo the width extends the entire length of my large ironing board.

And geez...I have way more fabric than I need here. I actually went back to the Etsy shop where I purchased this to see if there was some indication of the width. You have to scroll way down to where it says "Learn more about this item," and then click to see where the width is listed. 

It's kind of a mystery to me about this shop. The fabric shipped from Honolulu. When four days passed after purchase without any notification of shipping, I wrote to the shop owner to see when I could expect the item to ship. The message was that it was "arriving" [from somewhere] and that it would be packed up for shipping then. So, was this some kind of Spoonflower thing? No way to know. Maybe one of you knows something about this. There's nothing wrong with the fabric. It's high quality. But now I have enough to make another large quilt. Certainly I didn't need more fabric. Oh well.

I didn't even need to piece it to get enough width. All I needed to do was to cut the length I needed. You can see in the image below, I had to fold over the excess on the left in order to use my cutting mat.

Okay, so no piecing required. The back is cut to size, and it's ready for sandwiching and quilting...someday.

From there, I took my binding supplies upstairs and went to work hand-sewing the binding for Joy in the Ordinary. Before I quit for the day, I'd turned the first corner. It seems as if January has been my month for quilt bindings. 

So I'm hoping to finish this off today. It's a small quilt, and so it won't take long. With that finished, I'll be back to working on my list of WIP's, starting with Block Five for the Merry, Merry Snowmen...this one:

We're meeting up with some friends to pass along the two quilts I'm giving away. We'll have lunch, and then come home. It'll take up some of my sewing time for the day, but I still think I'll have time to finish off the binding.

There's snow in our forecast that could start as early as Saturday. I believe we're set insofar as food and other supplies. I'm always freezing leftovers to take along when we travel, and so there's little worry about running out of food. Probably I should take stock of other supplies just to be sure. Breakfast is next, and then I'll get back to work on my slow-stitching. 


Barbara said...

I don't like to be out of my comfort zone, which is about a half an inch wide. ~ Larry David

dgs said...

Merry, Merry Snowman just quacks me up. Too cute. They do look like they are having loads of fun. Sorta reminds me of the spinning tea cup ride at Disneyland, when we were all quite young (not sure if it is still there).

cityquilter grace said...

pretty fabric and adorable snowmen...i worked in doctor offices many years and true, if things are normal often they don't rush to notify the patient

crazy quilter said...

I just love your stripped binding. It looks so pretty on this quilt.

crazy quilter said...

I just love your stripped binding. So festive

Kate said...

You've been doing so well at finishing up those smaller projects this month. That striped binding is just perfect with that floral outer border. How weird about that backing fabric, usually the listing will say wide backing fabric. I never look at the width of the fabric, I assume it's the typical width. Hopefully you'll find another quilt to use it with.

Sara said...

Beautiful backing. Another awesome finish for you.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I've seen 'wide backing' fabrics in some of the shops so perhaps that's what yours is. I'm sure you'll find something to use the rest up, but have to say that it's perfect for this quilt.

piecefulwendy said...

Well, at least the fabric is cute. I'm sure you'll find a use for it. You've done well on the finishes this month!