
A Small Finish

Good morning, my friends. There isn't much to tell you this morning. We met up with our friends, Andy and Karie, yesterday to hand off two quilts. It was good seeing them. Andy is a dear friend from high school. We were in the band together. It was my first time meeting Karie, although I feel as if I know her already via Facebook. It was a nice lunch, and we were back home again around 2:30. 

Of course, any outing like that requires a nap. When I woke up, I went straight to work finishing off the binding for Joy in the Ordinary. When I'd turned all four corners, there were just about 24 inches left to stitch, and I had myself a finished quilt.

You're probably tired of seeing it, but there it is...all finished. It ends up at 42 x 34 inches...a lap-sized quilt.

This was the 2024 BOM from Jenny of Elefantz. Here's how it looks from the back.

Those backing fabrics have been hard to use, even though I like them. They worked well as a back for this project. I probably still have more of each.

And I'm happy to say I'm not going anywhere today. I'll take a walk on the treadmill, and I have one very small housekeeping chore to do. When that's all done, I can get a start on the next block for the Merry, Merry Snowmen. These usually take two days to finish.

Next up after that will be to make another row of blocks for the Land & Sea quilt. These go fast, and they're kind of fun to make.

But right now I'll get back to stitching away on the 8th block for Grandpa's Bridges. No matter what else is going on day-to-day, there's always plenty of sewing to do. You might say it's a good and reliable friend, and these days, it's good to keep your friends close by.


Barbara said...

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.

Marcel Proust

Pam Dempsey said...

Love the border flowers fabric! We are having rainy weather and temperatures up to 70s for the weekend, for a while i guess. 😻🤭

Magpie's Mumblings said...

It's always fun coming to visit you because you always have such a variety of projects on the go. I love that button jar fabric because that's pretty much exactly what I see when I look up from my computer...button jars on the shelf.
The teacup skiers make me smile!

Kate said...

Joy in the Ordinary turned out beautifully! A day at home with no big chores or expectations is usually a good day. Hope you got lots of stitching done.

karen said...

Nice work on the Jenny of Elephantz. The embroidery, the piecing, the border. Beautiful.

piecefulwendy said...

Enjoy your sew day. Those Merry Merry Snowmen blocks are cute!