
Best of 2024

Good morning, my friends. Hopefully, everyone has recovered from Christmas festivities. We had a lovely holiday here, and I hope you did too. Today begins one of my favorite linky parties of the year. My thanks go to Cheryl Brickey of Meadow Mist Designs for hosting this party for the past ten years. Thanks, Cheryl!

It's been a good year, all-in-all. We did some wonderful traveling, and crossed off a few bucket list items. A big bucket list item was visiting the 48th state of the lower 48. We've been to Hawaii, and so Alaska is the only state left on our quest to visit all fifty states. If you're a regular reader, then you know it's on our list for the new year. There was also plenty of time for sewing and relaxation.

In choosing these posts to re-share, I went through the list of comments and views on my Blogger dashboard and selected the ones that generated the most views and/or the most "conversation." Also, I selected a couple of my favorites. So let's get started. 

1. Looking way back to March, we crossed off some long-time bucket list items with a day spent sight-seeing in San Francisco.

I'd only just finished a quilt top called "Painted Ladies." (The pattern is available right here.) When I learned the pattern was inspired by the actual "Painted Ladies" row of homes in San Francisco, I wanted to see them in person. The weather was iffy leading up to the one day we had to visit, but the sun rose, and we had beautiful weather for our day of sight-seeing. Also, we saw possibly the oldest item on my bucket list, the Bonita Point Lighthouse. We'd tried many times to see it and were always thwarted for one reason or another. And so it was an extra special day to finally be able to see it.

2. This trip, dubbed the "Eclipse Trip," was combined with our usual "Rainbird" trip south for the winter. We wanted to witness the total solar eclipse in April. For that, we'd scoped out a spot in Whitney, Texas, where we thought we could get the best and longest view of the spectacle. Another item on my bucket list was to see the Texas Bluebonnets in bloom. I'd only hoped to see them, but wow. I had no idea what a wildflower wonderland Texas is. We can thank our former first lady Ladybird Johnson for this stunning landscape. All along the way I kept my fingers crossed to see them. When we arrived in Texas, I realized they were everywhere. You'd have to keep your eyes closed to miss them. This was a particularly impressive field.

3. And then the day of the eclipse arrived. We were fortunate to see the eclipse in Oregon in 2017. A dear friend was with us for both eclipse events. I took the photo below using my cell phone. Amazingly, it was even able to capture Baily's Beads at about the five o'clock position.

There was no guarantee we would see the eclipse, especially when the sky was overcast all morning. Just about five minutes before it started, the clouds cleared, and we had a spectacular view. You can read my post about our day right here.

4. Missouri was on the list of states we hadn't visited. And no quilter should visit the state of Missouri without paying a visit to that quilter's mecca, Missouri Start Quilt Co. in Hamilton, Missouri.

As you read through my post, be sure to notice the "Quiltmaker" t-shirt I purchased there. I've learned that my t-shirt makes me a very approachable person! I've lost count the number of complete strangers who've approached me to tell me they are quilters, or that they know a quilter, or wanting to take a picture of my shirt so they can send it to a quilter they love. You can read my post right here.

5. Finally, I'll end with something quilty. I enjoy making quilts with an art quilt group known as The Endeavourers. One of our prompts this year was "Vintage," and I grabbed at the opportunity to make a quilt I'd wanted to make for years: the Tin Cup Store in Tin Cup, Colorado.

So, I hope you're enjoyed this return trip through 2024. You can see more "best of" posts right here.


Barbara said...

At its best, life is completely unpredictable. ~ Christopher Walken

dgs said...

Wow, what a year and I recall you have a lot more "best" you could have shared. But this is an amazing list. Tin cup is so beautiful.

Emma's Daughter said...

I’ve followed you for years, and I want to take today to thank you. Thank you for your beautiful quilts that offer me so much inspiration. Thank you for so generously sharing your recipes; you must be a wonderful cook! Thank you for the hilarious stories of your delightful kitties; you always capture the perfect expressions with your camera. Finally, thank you for taking me with you on your vacations; you have taken me to places I’ve always wanted to see, and your travelogue is so educational. Thank you, and I wish for you a happy and healthy new year!

MissPat said...

Thanks for the year end review. I reread the Missouri Star post because I couldn't remember it and after reading it, I still don't remember having read it, which I don't understand, because I read all your posts. Oh well, they say the memory is the first thing to go.

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Super fun review!! Those bluebells--wow!!!

Kate said...

You had some wonderful posts this year. It's hard to beat Texas bluebonnets and an eclipse. That's going to be hard to top in 2025.

Danice G said...

What a year of fun travels you had. Thank you for sharing.

"Bee" said...

Love your blog!

piecefulwendy said...

You've had a great year! On to the next - looking forward to your Alaska trip!

Preeti said...

Such a happy and eventful year! Hope the adventures continue in 2025.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Terrific travel posts and the Tin Cup Store quilt is awesome!