

Good morning, my friends, and welcome to October. It's not such a good morning at this end. As expected, I'm feeling pretty puny this morning after getting our vaccines yesterday. The flu shot is to blame, I believe. It always makes me sick. We got our shots around 10:30 a.m. By dinner time, I could feel that I was developing a fever. Tylenol helped, but of course, it didn't get me through the night. I awakened last night shivering with chills to the point my teeth were chattering. This morning, I was running a fever of 100.5°. I've taken some Tylenol again, and I'm feeling a little better now, a couple of hours later. If I stay on top of it, I think I can still make use of my time today.

There was a little more progress on the "Phenology" project yesterday. February is finished now, and I've moved my hoop clockwise again. Also, I've finished up more of the center design. There's just one more leaf to be stitched there in a bright green. I think I'll have this finished in a few more days.

The rest of my sewing day was spent getting the "Spices" quilt to binding stage. I haven't enjoyed working on this project as much as some of the others, and so I'm glad to have it nearly finished. Today I'll have time to finish hand-sewing the binding, and then it will go onto the finished pile until the reveal on November 1st. Here's your peek.

We've experienced some lovely weather the last couple of days. Thanks to the recent rain, our field is greening up. The weather should continue warm and dry for the rest of the week. The Stanbro Men took advantage of it. I found them sitting outside when I finished sewing yesterday.

This morning, I found Miss Sadie in her new house. We worried a little bit she'd be too 'spicious to use it. A cat can't just go places willy-nilly where she hasn't been before, you know. Thankfully, this spot seems to be okay. Anyone who knows cats should know that the more you spend on a new item for your kitty pals, the more likely it is they'll enjoy the box it came in more.

So, I  expect to spend most of my day sitting on the couch today. I want to hand-sew the binding on the "Spices" quilt, and then I'll spend some more time on the "Phenology" piece. It's going to be a slow day here.


Barbara said...

Vaccination is the single most important step people can take to protect themselves from influenza. ~ Tom Frieden

Julierose said...

Oh sorry to hear about your reaction to the flu shot; we are due to get ours next week ;(((( fingers crossed....
I love how your Phenology is coming along. I picked up my long forgotten Kathy Schmitz redwork a few days ago and am working
just a bit each morning... it is a monthly year little calendar...on the month of May now...hope you bounce back soon==Take care
hugs, Julierose

Linda said...

I’m looking forward to seeing your Phenology piece when it’s finished. Such an interesting piece of embroidery.
Several years ago I got the flu shot and the COVID shot at the same time and I have never been so sick from a vaccine. Since then I’ve put a week or two between them and it works better for me.
Can’t wait to see your big reveal in November. Enjoy your lovely weather.