
Vacation Vacay

Good morning, my friends. We took a much-needed day of rest yesterday. There was a lot to do before we left home. When we got on our way, we were driving, driving, driving. And now, here in Moab, we've been Jeeping, Jeeping, Jeeping. We took a break from our vacation yesterday, starting with upholding our breakfast tradition at the Jailhouse Cafe. We left Sadie practicing her adorable look.

She really just wanted us to leave so she could get some uninterrupted sleep, without all that pesky petting all the time.

We each chose the Southwestern Eggs Benedict. It's pretty much like regular Eggs Benedict, except for the little dab of chipotle in the hollandaise. Yummy.

After that, we picked up a few groceries, including some quick-cooking oatmeal so I could make these Individual Peach Cobblers for two. 

These were so yummy with a scoop of vanilla ice cream for last night's dessert. They're easy to make. The topping looks a little skimpy, but it does more work for the dish than you might imagine, adding the nicest little crunch. I'm using this recipe from the Food Network. The recipe makes eight servings. I've scaled it down to make it a "for two" recipe. Also, I've substituted quick cooking oats for the flax seeds. (We just say no to seeds, accommodating the seed-sensitive people in our group.)

There was a single load of laundry to do. I finally had some time to work on my slow-stitching. I started with the ear of the kitten.

When...holy sh*t!...I had a stitching emergency! I've run out of that light pink floss (DMC 604). Usually, I check these things before we leave home, but apparently I forgot to do that this time.

Okay, and so there's no Joann nearby, but I called the one quilt shop I knew of in town, Canyonland Quilts, and asked if they sold DMC floss. They did not, but they told me about a new quilt shop in town...Never Enough Stitches. Cool! A new quilt shop! There used to be a great shop in town...It's Sew Moab...but I'm afraid it didn't survive the pandemic, and is now permanently closed. Canyonland Quilts is a great shop, but you know...there are never enough quilt shops to go around. We needed to do a couple of other things in town, so what the heck? We headed out to see it. 

It's located just across from the grocery store we'd visited earlier. I'm surprised I didn't notice it then.

Here's how the storefront looks.

It's one of those mini-mall things where you walk through the main doors, and then find the shop you're interested in through another door inside.

So, this shop is brand new, and small. The women working there could not have been friendlier. I enjoyed the short time I spent there. Just inside the door, it looks like this.

They had some pretty beaded earrings and other jewelry and knick knacks.

I might have spent more time looking at this stuff, but I was there for the floss. Just the floss, man. (They had floss, but not the color I wanted.)

They had a small amount of fabric to choose from, and it was all so colorful and pretty.

Toward the back was a large open space. It seems they're still in the process of stocking their store. A woman was operating a long-arm machine.

They had a good supply of notions.

And some fun patterns.

I was sorely tempted by this one. It might be hard to see in this image, but it's an embroidery panel, 36 x 36 inches. I might have purchased it, but I don't like stitching on pieces that big. If I change my mind, I can always pick it up at the designer's website, Jack Dempsey Needle Arts.

Or, I can order it from this shop. They handed me the coupon below. Use the code at the bottom and get 10% off online orders.

So what did I get? Well, I found the denim blue grunge I was looking for. I bought two yards of this.

I want it to bring all the quilt blocks to the same size for the Homestead quilt. I'll be using some grays from my stash too, but this blue will blend nicely with the Homestead fabric I purchased recently. (The design for finishing off this quilt is coming together in my mind as the fabrics accumulate.)

Also, I purchased a fat quarter of this one for my Shop Hop quilt. It made me think of the many black-eyed Susans we've seen along the roadsides and hillsides this trip. I chose something similar when I visited Canyonlands Quilts last year. The dark orange background made me think of the approaching fall season.

We had a couple of other errands to run in town, but I wanted to stop off at Moab Momentos (yes, spelled incorrectly at the shop) to see if I could find a Moab refrigerator magnet and shot glass. I have both of the national parks located north of town, but nothing Moab specific. And Bingo! I found just what I wanted.

And that brought us to the end of our day. It was nice taking a day off. It was relaxing enough that I hardly noticed that I also washed a load of clothes. That will see us through until we get home next week.

So this is our last day in Moab. We're going to go off-road again today, but an easier trail from the last time. We'll see some of the things we've seen on previous trips, but we'll be taking different trails to get there. Pictures to follow, of course.


Barbara said...

A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in. ~ Robert Orben

Kate said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful refresh and relax day. Enjoy your last day of trail driving.

piecefulwendy said...

Discovering a new quilt shop on your vacation day - perfect!

QuiltGranma said...

Thank you for letting me know about 2 now, count them TWO, quilt shops now in Moab! Next time we travel south to NM to visit sis, or from there to OK to see the kids, I will make sure we visit them!