
Passing for Normal

Good morning, my friends. If you thought you were going to get a break from my incessant prattle, you're going to be disappointed. We managed to get all the unpacking finished yesterday...food, clothes, dirty laundry, towels, quilts...all unpacked and washed, if necessary. The one remaining wash load is the bedding. Aside from that, the trip has been moved to the dustbin of history now. Only the pictures and memories remain.

While I was doing laundry, I spent some time rearranging the magnets on the refrigerator. Surprisingly, I found room for five more. Hopefully, I'll still find more room after our Alaska trip next year. As it is, I think if I add one more magnet, the refrigerator will fall face forward.

When there was nothing more to do, Smitty joined me in the sewing room. It's a relief to the kitties when we get back to the sewing room. If we're sewing, we aren't going. (Did you see what I did there?)

Disappointingly, I'm not able to use the Peltex interfacing I purchased to finish off my "Spices" quilt. I read the dimensions of the product before ordering it, but I was thinking all wrong about how big my quilt is. It's still small, but not 13 x 19 inches, like the photograph I'm working from. I didn't factor in the borders I added, and so my interfacing is too small. I have two yards of the stuff on order from Joann now. Hopefully it will arrive soon.

That's okay. There's still plenty of sewing to do. Thanks to the many of you who wrote to inform me that Jenny of Elefantz was considering packing it in. She posted the last four months of Joy in the Ordinary recently, and as far as I know, she's weighing her options about whether to continue blogging. In any case, I made up September's block, and I'm now in possession of October, November, and December as well. For now, I'll stick to the one-per-month schedule with these. September's is ready to go.

I won't start on this until I've finished with the Kittens block I'm working on. 

Also, I need to make September's block for Cats in Pajamas quilt. September's color was "dark," and so I've selected some dark fabric from my bin of multi-colored fabrics. I'll probably start with that today. 

Lastly, I have all the fabrics I need to start sewing the Homestead quilt blocks into a finished quilt top.

 So, you can see there's plenty of sewing to be done while I await the arrival of the interfacing I need.

And speaking of kittens, the kitties have resumed their normal positions. Smitty spent his afternoon on the catio.

Sadie napped on the top rung of the kitty pole.

They both had several hours to run around outside, and they took full advantage of it. 

As for us, we have grocery shopping this morning, and then things will be pretty much back to normal.
This is a short post. I'll have more to talk about by tomorrow. Or, maybe not. One can only hope.


Barbara said...

The only normal people are the ones you don't know very well. ~ Alfred Adler

Sara said...

I'm sure it's good for the humans as well as the kitties to be home safe and sound, and back to a normal routine. Travel is fun but so is getting home again. Love all those magnets on the fridge. I've collected a few over the years too, and do enjoy using them to anchor a photo or a note. And I'm in love with the cats in PJs! So cute!