
A Little Sewing

Good morning, my friends. It was a good day yesterday. I was able to get back into the sewing room, and that was a nice way to spend an afternoon. Our day started with an early breakfast of our beloved Egg McMuffin, and then grocery shopping. We managed to get it all finished, drove home, and put it all away before 11:00 a.m. That left the whole afternoon free to spend in the sewing room.

An early start meant I hadn't yet made any progress on my slow-stitching. I did that before lunch. I'm still working on the grays, filling in the kitten.

From there, I decided to move my hoop to encompass the tail end of the cat. There's also a little rubber duckie there. He's stitched in yellows, oranges, and blues. I won't be able to finish this piece until I get more light pink floss. I have some on order from Amazon, but after three days, it still hasn't shipped. If it doesn't ship by tomorrow, I'll probably cancel the order and make a trip to Joann while I'm out on Monday. So here's where I'll pick it up today.

After taking that picture, I glanced outside to see Miss Sadie enjoying a dust bath on the patio. She's happy to be home and outside running around.

We had some lunch, and a morning grocery shopping trip always requires a nap. When I made my way into the sewing room, I finished September's Cat in Pajamas. September's color was simply "dark." I dug through my multi-colored scraps to come up with this chili pepper fabric. It's sort of dark, I guess. This month's cat is Siamese.

Here are the nine cats I have for this quilt so far.

It was late in the afternoon by then. It felt too late to start on anything else, and so I quit for the day.

Today will be a mostly sewing day. I gave myself a reprieve on doing any housework until tomorrow, but I want to get back to my workouts. Before we left, I was doing pretty well working it into my regular morning routine. Aside from taking a walk in the treadmill, it's going to be a mostly sewing day. I'm going to start sewing the Homestead quilt blocks into a finished flimsy.

My first task will be to bring all the blocks to the same size. As for sashing them, I'm still mulling that over. We'll all just have to wait and see what happens with these. I have some good fabrics to start with.

Right now, it's time for some breakfast and some slow-stitching. I woke up early this morning, and so there might be a morning nap before anything else happens.


Barbara said...

The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine. ~ Mike Murdock

dgs said...

Fun to see you getting back into a routine at home and finding time to sew. Yippee. Your cat cross stitch and cats in PJ projects are really coming along and going to be so purrfect. What fun. With luck, I'll be back home and sewing mid-October. But fun to see what you work on.

Kate said...

Lot the hot pepper pjs on the newest kitty block. Hope you get in lots of sewing time today, along with that nap!