
Taking it Easy

Good morning, my friends. Yesterday's activities kept me busy most of the day. Still, somehow, it felt relaxing. I spent some time on my slow-stitching. This piece is densely stitched. It's still going to be a couple of days before I can move my hoop to the next section. Here's what I have so far.

When I was finished with that, I took a walk on the treadmill, and then I got busy making our dinner for the day. It's nice to have dinner already made ahead, and then I can just sit and relax at the end of the day. This recipe for Spicy Mexican Street Corn Salad was new to us. I made it to use up a tub of feta cheese, and we liked it. I made just half the recipe, which was plenty for last night's dinner, with leftovers for another night.

Don't let that word "spicy" scare you. I carefully removed the seeds and ribs from the jalapeno pepper I used, and it was not spicy at all. If you like that sort of thing, you can leave the seeds and ribs.

We had that along with this long-time favorite recipe for Curried Chicken and Apple Wraps. This is pretty easy to put together. The recipe calls for mango chutney. I make all kinds of chutneys from different fruits, and I just use whatever I happen to have open. This time I used cranberry chutney. For the chicken, I pick up one of those whole roasted chickens from the deli at our grocery store. At our store, they put the ones that didn't sell the day before in the refrigerated section with the lunchmeat, and they mark them half price. For this wrap, I like the spinach tortillas. I've also used the tomato-basil tortillas. It's a good wrap no matter what kind of tortilla you use.

After making dinner ahead, it was mid-afternoon before I accomplished anything on my quilt binding. Happily, my stitching cat was right there with me.

With his help, I turned the second corner, and I'm bearing down on the third. I'll estimate I'm about halfway around.

There's a little housework to do today. There's also watering to be done. It was hot yesterday, but it has cooled significantly. We're on a fire watch in our area because of some thunder and lightning passing through. Indeed, we heard thunder cracks nearby already this morning, and we saw a few sprinkles of rain.

I've been making occasional trips to the freezer in our garage recently, and I noticed the many sandwich bags of shredded zucchini from last summer's garden. It gave me a powerful yen for some zucchini bread, and so I'll do that today. I've also looked through my many zucchini recipes to see what else I might do to use up some of that. For today, I'll indulge my zucchini desire and bake some bread.

Aside from that, I'll just keep stitching on my quilt binding. Possibly I can finish it today. Time will tell.


Barbara said...

Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie. ~ Jim Davis

CarolE said...

Good morning. The Spicy Mexican Street Corn salad looks good. I know you probably mentioned this before, but what thread are you using for your covered bridges blocks? Looks like you chose the perfect fabric for the binding on your quilt. Enjoy your slow stitching today.

The Cozy Quilter said...

Beautiful embroidery project!!! That corn salad looks delicious!

dgs said...

I'm quacking up with your quote of the day about vegetables. I agree 100%. Your dinner looks yummy, your latest cat quilt is going to have the purrfect binding and your plans for zucchini break sound awesome. Have a great day and I hope the weather soon finds a very comfortable state. It has cooled off here in BC, with a little fog this morning. But I suspect August will be hot for both of us, no matter where we are.

Karrin Hurd said...

Beautiful embroidery. The street corn looks delicious. I am planning to make some stuffed zucchini tonight and stuff with taco meat and cheese.

abelian said...

Both those recipes sound good!

There are lots of fires in Oregon right now; I hope they stay far from you. I recently got the free Watch Duty app for my iPhone, so I could keep an eye on my mountain house near Fresno. The app has updates from firefighters who follow fires in 13 states. Their map shows about thirty fires between I-5 and US 97, but, thankfully, most of those are under 1000 acres. Northeast Oregon has some much bigger fires. Dot in NC

Warm Quilts said...

That is the cutest cat quilt, especially with your cat sitting there. I'm loving the embroidery as I'm looking for wood plank fabric to mimic the side of a barn. Some embroidery might be needed - thank you for the inspiration. And, the great recipes. We use the Watch Duty app here, too.

piecefulwendy said...

I always enjoy seeing what you are cooking and prepping. Both of those recipes look good. Not sure what's for dinner here, yet, but I do need to make some bread, so there's that. Quilting may win over breadmaking, however, although I could do both!

Kate said...

Your dinner sounds wonderful. I need to learn to do more with veggies, we seem to eat the same ones over and over. Hopefully you finished your third corner and are well on your way to your 4th.

Carol in Texas said...

Barbara, how do you make your cranberry chutney? I’ve never made chutney and would love to give it a try. The wraps look great. I’m not a big fan of garbanzo beans but I guess I could leave them out.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Now I'm curious to taste the feta/corn combination. Not something I've ever imagined putting together.