
Plenty of Slow

Good morning, my friends. It was a slow day yesterday, even though we accomplished plenty in the morning. We had some cardboard recycling to do first, and then we dropped a package in the mail. After that, we had our beloved Egg McMuffin and headed to the grocery store. We weren't happy about shopping on a Friday, but they give us four times fuel points on Fridays, and so we were brave. We pre-rewarded our efforts with the Egg McMuffin, and we were home before 11:00 a.m. 

The kitties were put out at having to wait for our return before they could be set free to go kill some stuff. While we were eating our lunch, they were cooling their tummy furs on the deck.

I went out with them briefly to indulge my obsession with checking for buds on the dahlias. My efforts were rewarded when I saw this itty bitty thing. Now I'll start gnashing my teeth, hoping they bloom either before or after our short trip to Moab this fall.

Since I hadn't slept well the night before, I took a nap after lunch, and then I went to work squaring up the Catnip quilt for binding.

The binding strips were already cut. All I needed to do was sew them together and then sew them to the quilt.

When that was done, I went straight to work attaching binding clips all around the edge. After that, I started sewing and turned the first corner before I stopped for the day.

Folding it up, I laid it across Smitty's favorite napping chair to await my return. Smitty was miffed at having to share his chair with a bunch of rowdy cats. There goes the neighborhood.

Well. He just left and headed out to his catio where we could get some peace and quiet.

When I came upstairs this morning, I left Sadie stretched out on Mike's lap. Her life is so stressful, it's hard to relax. Can we all pause here with a moment of silence for Sadie's terrible life?

I have a pretty easy day planned for myself. We're having a wrap sandwich for dinner. I'll make that ahead of time. Also to be made ahead of time, I'm going to try a new recipe for Spicy Mexican Street Corn. I'll let you know how it turns out in tomorrow's post. The last lesson of my online Photoshop Elements class was released yesterday. I'll read through that today, and I'll get in a walk on the treadmill. After that, I expect it'll be mostly slow stitching today. I'm still working away at my embroidery, and I'd like to make a good amount of progress on my quilt binding. Some people don't like hand-sewing the binding...maybe you're one of them. I happen to find it relaxing. I can sit in our recliner with my feet up. If I get sleepy, I can tip back and take a nap. If I'm really lucky, I might get a cat on my lap. What's not to like about that?

Okay, so breakfast is next, and then I'll spend some time with my embroidery. We're expecting a hot day today. Our A/C is already running, and it's not even 8:00 a.m. 


Barbara said...

If you do what you love, it is the best way to relax. ~ Christian Louboutin

Pam Dempsey said...

Sadie is so beautiful, that should help her relax knowing she’s so styling ��! I enjoy hand sewing binding but only when it’s cool weather. It gets too warm with the additional kitty that comes to help then falls asleep ��. The wrap sandwiches sound good!

CarolE said...

I'm with you - I find hand sewing the binding very relaxing. It also means the quilt is done and you can enjoy all the work you put into it. Have a nice day.

piecefulwendy said...

I'm totally on board with you about hand quilting - plus, the benefit of having a cat on your lap is priceless. I'm really liking that striped binding, too!

Jenny said...

I enjoy sewing the binding down by hand too. It's so nice and restful, and you can reflect on your beautiful almost finished quilt!

Kate said...

For a slow day you got lots done. I like to finish the binding by hand stitching, it's like the last good bye to the quilt, the last time you'll hang out it with so to speak. Hope you got lots done on Saturday.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I never thought I'd like a b&w quilt, but this one is changing my mind.