
Wonderfully Wild

Good morning, my friends. We're slowly making progress toward what passes for normal. I'm writing fast this morning because we're heading off early. We want to get our beloved Egg McMuffins, and then we'll do our first substantial grocery shopping trip since we've been home. Up until now, we've been surviving on things I found in our freezer. Also, I picked up a few things on the day I got my hair cut. Today is when the grocery cart rubber meets the road. It's a long list, unfortunately.

Right now, I need to back up to the day I got my hair cut. As I reached the bottom of our hill on my way into town, I came across these two black-tail deer does with newborn fawns. I don't think I've ever seen fawns this small before. They must have been born very recently.

I'm actually surprised she stood there and allowed me to take these pictures. I was only about 20 feet away.

So that got my day off to a good start.

Then, yesterday, I caught the four squirrel kits living among our evergreens playing and tussling. They're very cute. If you can't see the video, then click right here.

After writing yesterday's post, I had time to finish the first of four blocks for Joy in the Ordinary. I'm doing these out of order.

With that finished, I still had time to get outside and pick a bucket o' weeds. Garden cat was on the job. He looks happy to be home, doesn't he?

After I'd picked my bucketful, I took a little walk around. I was happy to see the Edda clematis is blooming. Two flowers were completely open, and two more were close. I didn't have very good light for these photos. I'll try to get better pictures today.

With our late arrival home, the potted dahlias that were stashed in the garage were already sprouting. They were stacked two by two, and the two on top were sprouted, while the other two are still dormant. 

I'm hoping the rain and sunshine will get the other two growing. I'm just glad to know they didn't suffer with us being so late getting them outside.

Also, I snapped this picture of the purple rhododendron. It's putting on its best show right now.

Sadie was spending her sunny morning in the studio apartment on her catio. When you're a black cat, you do not appurreciate the sunshine as much as your brethren cats do.

It was late in the day by the time I made my way into the sewing room. I put in another hour on my "Vintage" art quilt. Yesterday I was able to finish one of the more tedious parts of the project. There's still a long way to go. Here's your peek.

When my hour was up, I added the borders to the Joy in the Ordinary block.

These are the three blocks I have for this quilt so far.

And that took me pretty close to dinner time, so I stopped for the day. Upstairs, I found Smitty basking in the afternoon sunshine. The cat is definitely happy to be home and inhabiting his best sunshine spots.

So that brings me to today. As I mentioned, we're doing our grocery shopping. When we get home, I'll probably spend my gardening time dead-heading the hydrangeas. They still have last year's dead blossoms attached. I'll get back to my weeding tomorrow. Also, I gave myself a reprieve for the week getting back to doing housekeeping chores. Today's calendar has a chore assigned, but it's a quick one. After that, I should have some time for sewing. I'm hoping to get more accomplished on my art quilt, and I'd like to get another Joy in the Ordinary block finished.

It's a busy day ahead, and so I'll get to it. What are you doing to keep busy today? If your answer is "nothing," then that's a perfectly good way to spend a day.


Barbara said...

I don't have to take a trip around the world or be on a yacht in the Mediterranean to have happiness. I can find it in the little things, like looking out into my backyard and seeing deer in the fields. ~ Queen Latifah

dgs said...

I think you should call your home base "Three Cats Ranch & Wildlife". That baby deer is quite young and so very adorable. Squirrels are cute too, but your kitties are the best even when napping under a quilt or in the sunshine. But I must confess I'm a little bit shocked you just get a manicure and then go gardening. My nails always look terrible after gardening. You must have a secret I need to try.

Pam Dempsey said...

Those deer are beautiful and the squirrel 🐿️ babies so cute! We saw one last summer riding on its mamas back while she scampered in the trees. Love the purple rhododendrons and clematis! We have had so much rain 🌧️ lately, storms too, can’t mow till it dries up more.

Sara said...

Home sweet home! We always see a doe or two with fawns as our backyard is part of the path they take. Sometimes they leave those new babies to nap under our trees while they forage elsewhere. I really enjoy watching the fawns grow and change over the summer.

Kate said...

Hopefully the grocery trip wasn't too tramatic. You have such pretty flowers. Hope you can get back to your Kitty's in PJs over the weekend.

karen said...

Thank you Smitty for the contented ,peaceful man hunk you are.
My Rhode Dren.. the purple bush, looks much like yours. It's full of buzzing noise. The bees are so happy.
Has Mike recovered from his 'taming of the wild'?
Thank you for the beautiful fawn babies.
I had been in a sew/quilting slump, but now it's back to 3 at a time projects and driving myself nuts because it's yard season. Sigh.
Also, the months of June and July are Shop Hop Michigan. 82 shops to visit. Whew!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Talk about being in the right spot at the right time to get the deer pictures!
Your Joy blocks are coming along nicely too. Such sweet little designs.

piecefulwendy said...

Things are looking good at Three Cats Ranch. So many pretty flowers, and fun to see the kitties happy to be home!

Lyndsey said...

Your photos of the deer with fawns and video of the squirrel kits are fabulous. When I've gone to Richmond park to get photos of the fawns I've needed the long lens to get a decent shot.