
A Day for Slow

Good morning, my friends, and welcome to Wednesday. The sun is shining here, just as the weatherman promised. I'd be out pulling weeds this morning, except that I'm getting a pedicure today. It'll be good to have my personal self re-groomed, even if the outdoors still looks a complete mess. 

Mike spoke with our neighbor yesterday about what kind of weather caused the downed limbs we're seeing. It was a heavy wet snow coupled with high winds, and it all happened just after we left home back in February. Mike's to-do list for today includes going around and picking up all the big stuff. It will be good to be able to walk all the way around the house without tripping over anything.

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I got my hair cut yesterday. After that, I picked up a few things at the grocery store. (Big grocery shopping will come tomorrow.) It didn't leave much time for sewing, but I was able to get a few things accomplished. Before leaving for the hairdresser, I finished up the fourth block for Grandpa's Bridges.

These are the four blocks I have for this quilt so far.

When I got home and had the groceries put away, it was mid-afternoon. Smitty was hoping we were going to put pajamas on another cat, but I'm afraid there wasn't time for that.

Instead, I put in another hour on my "Vintage" art quilt. Here's yesterday's effort...just a peek for you.

One of the things that has held me back on this piece is that it includes some details that are important to the scene, but also...how the heck am I going to accomplish that? Sometimes embroidery will see me through, but that wasn't going to do it for this piece. I decided to see if I could print part of the image onto fabric, and then cut out the smallest detailed pieces for fusing to the whole. It worked out marvelously well, and now I'm jazzed about continuing on. Here's a peek at how that looks.

It was close to dinner time by then, and so I finished up in the sewing room, and then spent a little more time on slow-stitching. I took the first stitches on one of the "Joy in the Ordinary" blocks. I should have time to finish this one today.

So my pedicure is at noon, which kind of shoots the best part of the day. I doubt there will be much time for sewing today or tomorrow either, for that matter. By Friday, things should be getting pretty well back on track. I like it when I finally can drop into the little rut I refer to as "life."

For now, I'll get back to my slow-stitching, and then get on with my day. It's going to be a good day. I hope you have a good day planned for yourself too.


Barbara said...

The details are not the details. They make the design. ~ Charles Eames

Pam Dempsey said...

Hi! I didn’t realize y’all had left in February. Time flies when you are having fun. Your bridges are so pretty! It’s so neat that the cats knew they were home and enjoyed their own grass to munch on. 😻

Kate said...

The weather has been crazy across the US pretty much the entire year, just different areas got different challenges. Hopefully once you get all the catching up on appointments out of the way, you'll have a solid week of sewing rooom time next week.

piecefulwendy said...

We've had crazy wind (and more rain) the past few days, so I expect we have branches to pick up as well. Glad you are getting settled back into the usual routine! Poor Smitty, he was so looking forward to that PJ cat!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I still can't believe how fast that trip time went (mind you, I don't believe how fast the year is going either!!).
I'm loving your covered bridges.

Karrin Hurd said...

Lovely stitching! We had that covered bridge quilt in this year's show!