
Dry Spell

Good morning, my friends. The deluge we were expecting lasted less than 24 hours. We had several dry hours yesterday, and so I was able to get outside and pull a bucket of weeds. We're expecting a little more rain today, but I still think I'll be able to make some progress on the weeds. Also on today's agenda...a badly-needed haircut. I trimmed it a few times while we were traveling, and actually, I think I like it a little bit longer than how I've been wearing it. In any case, it needs to be fussed with and shaped a little better. Tomorrow, I'll get my pedicure, and then my maintenance grooming will be done for the time being. (Aren't you glad we aren't cats and have to do all our grooming with our tongues?)

The morning started with my slow-stitching. I'm getting close to finishing this one.

When I finished for the morning, I moved my hoop to encompass the last of it.

If there's time before I need to leave, I'll probably finish it up today.

From there, I went outside to pick a bucket o' weeds. I tried to get the kitties to go with me, but they were firmly ensconced in their favorite sleeping spots.

It's hard to find Sadie once she's settled in.

When my weeding assignment for the day was done, I spent the rest of the day in the sewing room. Knowing I'm going to need something new to stitch, I traced out the four months I'm behind on "Joy in the Ordinary." This is a free BOM from Jenny of Elefantz.

They're small blocks, and each one can be stitched in a single sitting. I don't know if I'll finish mine that quickly, but they'll probably be finished within a few days. They'll all need a sort of log cabin border too.

Smitty showed up to help with this effort. Mainly, he would just like some catnip in his bowl, please.

Okay, and with my next stitchery fix prepared, I set a timer for one hour to work on my "Vintage" art quilt. One of the trickier sections is finished now. Here's your peek.

When my hour was up, I finished March's cat in purple pajamas.

This is a good project to fill in the time after my one hour is up. I'll probably just keep going until I'm caught up to June's cat. I've already completed April's cat in yellow pajamas. I made that one to look like Smitty. Here are the cats I have for this quilt so far.

Next, I'll make May's cat in pink pajamas. I believe I'll make the cat a tuxedo cat. 

Okay, so there's not a minute to spare this morning before I need to leave for my haircut appointment. I've learned the road I usually take to the salon is closed now until September (if we're lucky). I'm going to have to reroute myself, and I'm not sure how much time the new route will take. It means leaving a little early until I'm calibrated for future appointments. And all of that to say that breakfast is next. There's plenty to fill my time today. What's going on in your sewing room?


Barbara said...

I remember seeing a movie with Jose Ferrer and Rosemary Clooney where they were husband and wife, and they got in bed, and he had on polka-dot pajamas and she had on striped pajamas, and when they got up the next morning he had on the striped pajamas and she had the polka dot pajamas, and that was considered racy at that time! ~ Bob Newhart

piecefulwendy said...

Those cats are so cute~ We have very humid conditions here today, along with the high temps. Rain in the forecast again, with flood watches. Good day to sew!

Kara Benavides said...

I really love how your barn/bridges stitching is coming. Love, love, love that thread. Wishing I could get back to my slow-stitching. But right now, I am playing the weekend flea market warrior, selling a few quilts (so I can buy more fabric, and make more quilts, and adopt more cats, and . . . well, you get the idea.) I also loved the travel log. Can't wait for the Alaska episodes.

Kate said...

You'll feel so much better once the yard is back in shape. Hope the detour you had to take wasn't too out of the way. The road work here and in TX is insane, it's hard to drive anywhere without dealing with reduced lanes. The cats in pjs is really cute. Happy stitching this week.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

At least all that rain helped soften the earth to make pulling the weeds a whole lot easier.