
Iced In...Again

Good morning, my friends. For all the promise of yesterday morning, more cold air moved in yesterday, and freezing rain fell for hours. It's a crystalline world outside right now. We don't expect this to melt off any time soon, putting our carpet installation in jeopardy again. Just this morning we were considering calling to postpone a few more days. Fortunately, it doesn't seem they're overrun with business in January (ya' think?), and so it shouldn't be too long.

Here's what it looks like outside right now:

This next image shows an "ice fall" on the walls of the catio.

This is one of our Japanese maple trees just outside the dining room window.

Looking in the opposite direction, these are the Japanese maples near the hot tub.

This next one is what remains of last summer's cherry tomato.

The birds have been flocking to our feeders. A few days ago, Mike noticed one of the feeders was empty, but there was bird seed all over the ground. We wondered if the black oil sunflower seed was too frozen for them to crack open with their beaks.

Mike has been a good bird dad, keeping the feeders filled. The birds are really depending on it. Keeping the feeders filled is ordinarily my exclusive domain, but I think he'd rather do it himself than have me go out, fall down, and break another bone. It works for me. He's been wearing his Yaktrax, and they give him good traction.

I spent my morning finishing up this section of the Girls' Getaway piece. I was dreading that cast-on stitch flower.

But I stitched it without tears. Meg Hawkey has an excellent video tutorial on her website showing how this stitch is done. I watched the video, even though I knew how to stitch it without looking. Mainly, I just wanted to hear her voice for moral support.  Lookie there. 

It was late morning and nearing lunch time by then, but I got in my Bow-flex workout anyway. What else did I have to do? Well, this binding. I took everything downstairs to the warmest part of the house where I could turn on our fireplace and put my feet up. The rest of the afternoon was spent stitching the binding until it was finished. Yay!

Then, I laid it out for a picture before throwing it in the washing machine.

When it came out of the dryer, it was nicely ragged. I think it will look even raggier with subsequent washings.

I took another picture of it. It shrank a little bit too. It finishes up at 60 x 60 inches.

Sadie gave it her categorical appurroval.

Finishing this quilt was my goal for January's

I'll link up there when the party starts next week.

Okay, so that brings us up to date. Today I'll get busy making up my piece for International Embroidery month. After that, I'll get busy making the pattern for the newest "When Quilters Gather" block. I'm still not fully recovered from the sting of the last one. This one will be easier, I think.

I haven't yet decided whether this quilt will have nine blocks or twelve. The current block will be the eighth. I'll have to see how I feel about it after I make the ninth block. 

Lately, I'm focused on flannel. Having finished off the French Roses quilt, I'm wanting to make another quilt from flannel. In my early quilting days, I made a couple of quilts that Mike and I use in the morning. This one I call "My Stars and Garters,"

and this one I call "Salt Water Taffy." You'll often see Sadie wrapped up in this one.

When I made them, I didn't know how badly the flannel would fray, and so I used just a quarter-inch seam allowance when I pieced them together. With years of usage and repeated washings, they've frayed apart badly. Both have been patched multiple times, but they just keep coming apart at the seams. Sigh.

So I bring this up because I'm going to replace both of them. I used whole flannel yardage as a back on Salt Water Taffy. I'm considering taking it all apart and conserving the back to be used in another quilt. My Stars and Garters has a pieced back, but I still think I could conserve large enough pieces from the back to use in another quilt. I'm only in the thinking stages with this, but I'd like to make another flannel quilt like the rag quilt I made last year. This one turned out so cute, and so I'd like to come up with some different fabrics to make a pattern with the colors.

Before any of that can happen, however, I need a slot to open up on my list of WIPs. There's no hurry, and I like keeping my list of WIPs to just five. It's a comfortable enough number that I don't lose my bearings as I work on other things.

Okay, so I hope y'all are doing better weather-wise. To hear the weatherman, however, it seems we here in the west (particularly the Pacific Northwest) got this storm first, and it's heading east to bother other folks now. If so, don't blame me. I'm just the messenger of the messenger. Be careful out there, my friends. We all want to come through winter with our bones intact.


Barbara said...

Ageing doesn't mean giving up on style and individuality; it doesn't mean abandoning fashion and living in comfy slippers and flannel knickers. ~ Twiggy

(P.S. Yes it does.)

bcarlf said...

Here in Georgia we have had some very cold weather. As luck would have it, my heating and ac unit went out for the fourth or fifth (I lost count) time during cold weather over the last 2 or 3 years, just one day before below 32 degrees was to come in for days on end. I knew this was coming - the unit being about 15 years old. The new part was to be $ 500 dollars with no guarantees since it was so old. I had to bight the bullet and opt for a new system since I am elderly and somewhat fragile, but oh my goodness, what a price I had to pay. I am still in shock, but I am warm. Your photos of the ice covered trees, etc. remind me of such an ice storm here in Georgia in the early 70's. That was just a few days before we were to move to Miami. It was a beautiful scene but very destructive to trees, etc. I am glad you are warm and cats and birds are taken car of. I made a flannel quilt for a baby a long time ago. I don't think it held up too well, either, after many washes. For some reason I don't much like working with flannel, but I am also in awe at all the things you make. It is amazing to me. I would have pulled my hair out with whatever you call those paper piecing blocks of the quilting ladies. My patience is decreasing the older I get, so I guess I am way past learning that technique! Keep warm and safe!

Nancy said...

This ice is not giving up without a fight that is for sure. We are still iced in. It was between 33 and 35 all day yesterday but we had very little melting. My youngest daughter further to the east of me and at the mouth of the gorge got more freezing rain as they dropped below 32. No school for the grandkids again. Sort of a second winter break without the gifts and parties. Hopefully we catch a break in the weather and you get your carpet. Also I hope all this cold and bad weather doesn’t impact your planned trip.

Julierose said...

Man you sure are all iced up there!! We've been having light snowfall all day
but so far no more freezing rain--thank goodness. 'I love how your flannel roses came out...really nice work on that..so, in future flannel quilts you would use a wider seam allowance? Or just do raggy edges?
Stay warm now, hugs, Julierose

Terri in BC said...

We're iced in today as well - the grandkids have had snow days 3 days in a row. Have you considered making a new top for your flannel quilt and then using the old quilt as your "batting" and backing? Might be easier than taking it all apart.

Sara said...

That ice is pretty, but sure can cause some problems. Glad you are tucked in safely. After 10 days of kid/dog sitting and winter storms, I was happy to drive home today, before the next storm comes through.

Pam Dempsey said...

The ice is beautiful in the pictures 😻stay safe!

Kate said...

The ice pictures are so pretty. Fingers crossed you don't lose power and that it melts in time for your carpet installation. It's cold here again. We may get freezing rain either late Sunday or early Monday. I'm so ready for winter to be over!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Good thing ice looks pretty because beyond that there's not a single thing I like about it. Hope your power stays on and that Mike stays safe when he's feeding the birds.
I can't quite decide if I like the ragged look for myself (I'm raggy enough...hahhah) but I like the overall look of your quilt. I think it might be my perfectionist leanings that gets in the way.

Sherrill said...

We've been chilly here in a couple of spurts (right now it's 26 but sunny, no precip). Hopefully it'll be warm again soon!! I LOVE flannel rag quilts and have made many..most were baby rag quilts donated to the local hospitals. I did make more of a lap sized rag quilt for each member of my local family. So cozy.

Lyndsey said...

The ice here has no thawed but we are expecting a storm later tonight. London is expected to get rain so I'm thankful it isn't below freezing. They are also expecting very high winds but that should miss us. Ragged quilts are always so cosy and yours looks very cosy.

Vicki W said...

The ice photos are beautiful and the rose quilt turned out really nice.

piecefulwendy said...

Cool ice photos. I hope it didn't damage any of your trees. I am amazed at how quickly our birds go through the seed, especially on these cold days. You've made good progress on quilts lately!

Anne-Marie said...

Congrats on finishing your goal. Looks like the kitties are enjoying the quilt.