
Making Progress

Good morning, my friends. There wasn't much on yesterday's agenda, and yet, I still managed to sit around in my pajamas until nearly noon. I was all set to don my workout apparel when I realized that one of the places we wanted to visit on our spring trip was too far from where we were staying. It took me about an hour to make the adjustments needed...changing reservations, figuring out alternatives, making new reservations. The place we're wanting to see, Chiricahua National Monument, is in a remote area of Arizona...nearly right on the border with Mexico...and there wasn't much to choose from in the way of RV parks. Still, I got 'er done, and I did my workout, despite trying really hard not to.

Mike took our fifth wheel into town to get new tires put on, and so I had the house to myself. After my workout, there wasn't much more to do except sew. I spent a good part of the afternoon working on the left side of the When Quilter's Gather block.

Then, I started working on the section in the middle. This one nearly had me bamboozled. I had the section that includes the face and hair sewn together wrong, and that threw everything off. It took me a good hour to puzzle it out and set things right.

I'll need to continue working my way down the middle section before I can sew the two together. Here's how it will look.

Looking at the picture in the book, I have the parts to the left of the pink line finished.

Looking at that picture, she has the left-side woman's left hand (got that?) strategically pieced so that the palm of the hand is a little darker, giving the hand more dimension. I'm thinking of using a crayon to darken mine a little. I'll take a closer look when I get back to it today.

I didn't have any kitty help yesterday. Sadie seemed a little under the weather. She was sneezing, and one of her eyes seemed a little runny. She spent most of her day wrapped up in a quilt.

She was fine by evening, and so maybe something was just irritating her nose or her eye. Or maybe she was just faking it to get out of sewing.

We're going to do a run-around morning. I hate the idea of going out on a Friday before New Year's Eve, but it has to be done. We have five stops to make, although each one will be short. Hopefully, we'll be home by lunch time, and I can get back to my sewing.

The countdown has already started in my head. I'm ready to face 2024. And just FYI, 2024 is the year I become a septuagenarian. I'm facing it down with firmness of purpose. I can't die until I've finished all my quilting projects. And since I have so many going, I'm pretty sure that means I'm invincible. It makes sense, doesn't it? I knew you would agree. 

Happy Friday, everyone. When the new work week starts, we'll be in the new year.


Barbara said...

Every new year of my life brings a new happiness and a new kind of freedom; ageing is a gift. ~ Carmen Maria Machado

Julierose said...

"...aging is a gift.." is true. I will be 81 in 2024...so keep on keeping on.
I love how your paper piecing is coming together on these blocks. Nice work...
Hugs, Julierose

dgs said...

Chiricahua National Monument looks like a really interesting area to explore. I'm glad you are able to fit it into your Spring 2024 adventure. Your sewing project also looks amazing. I do so love seeing your projects coming together. No sewing for me, but I'm sorting and refolding fabric for new cabinets which will arrive in January. Hopefully I'll be back in the saddle sewing come February.

piecefulwendy said...

That freezer paper diagram is so intricate, but you are really getting it put together quickly! Glad you figured out the snaffu, but that kind of stuff can definitely take some thinking! Glad Sadie seems to be better today!

Pam Dempsey said...

Glad Miss Sadie is feeling better! You have more patience than I do with the intricate paper piecing, looks great 👍

Djh said...

You made my day because if I live until my quilt projects are finished I may set an aging record! :)

Cathy said...

Let’s hear it for us 1954 kids (term used loosely) who are aging into their seventies in 2024! I feel better than I did a year ago - losing 65+ pounds and gaining a new left hip has a lot to do with that. Southern AZ has so many wonderful treasures to explore, I’m already anticipating your trip! I’m happy to hear Sadie’s sniffles were transient. But if she was trying to purposely avoid papurr piecing, who could blame her?!?

kc said...

Ha, I can relate. I woke up on my 67th birthday (just last month) with what I knew in my heart to be a broken bone in my foot. I spent the whole day in the ER, and, you know how many times they asked my birth date? And not a single person told me happy birthday!! Not a ONE. Boy, did I feel old. And, eventually, they told me I must have sprained my foot, since no break was visible. Fast forward 4 weeks, the break is very visible and it's a good thing I didn't take the prednisone as prescribed, as that impedes healing of broken bones. Why did it break you must be wondering? Just from carrying my fat arse around. Yep, just plain walking. Or...maybe square dancing in flip flops? Yeah. Maybe. The ladies are coming together nicely, hop Sadie is back on her feet by now. Happy New year to you all! Oh, and stay outta Mexico, it's gotten really bad down there. We still have friends down by Progresso...it's much worse than us portrayed in our (USA) news reports.

karen said...

Invincible.....Like that idea. Good. I've always said I Have to live to be 300.
Sorry that you don't feel good Sadie. Our Oscar Had been sneezing too. He seneezed for three days and wanted to be held (not petted.. goodness no). I knew he didn't feel good because he needs his 3 petfests a day.
Here's to a wonderful productive (quilts and other projects).

Kate said...

That National Park looks really cool! Worth trying to get the reservations right. Glad Sadie was feeling back to normal by the end of the day. You are moving along on your lasted When quilter's gather block. It looks like extreme paper piecing, but you seem to make it all work together so well. Hope you errand weren't too bad. We are all still housebound, but at least Grad Girl and I have lost the fever, My Guy is still feeling really puny.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Yep, we all need to be invincible if we ever stand a hope of using up our stash, particularly when we keep getting distracted by all those squirrels that keep popping up.
Hope Sadie is all better and doesn't share 'it' with Smitty!