
Morning Madness

Good morning, my friends. We've had several wet days here, and we have at least another wet one before we see the sunshine again. Nevertheless, our local weatherman told us we've had the warmest December on record for our part of the world. Our weatherman of many years is a skier, and he's bemoaning the lack of snow in the mountains. Of course, snow in the mountains is important for reasons beyond skiing. The clearing clouds made for an interesting sky yesterday morning.

We were out early to do our morning of running around. We added two stops to our list of five for a total of seven stops. We had to get some cash first, and then on our way back from stop number 5, our gas gauge dinged at us, reminding us to fill our gas tank. Our last stop was for a couple of items from the grocery store. Mike filled our tank while I got the groceries and then we were literally home free. We arrived home right at lunch time. We had some lunch, and then, after so much excitement, we both needed naps.

So it was mid-afternoon before I made my way into the sewing room. It's probably just as well. I worked with such tiny pieces for most of the day I might have taken my rotary cutter to my own neck if I'd had more time to work on it. 

Yes, I do keep my seam ripper close at hand. If the rotary cutter doesn't work on my throat, I can always use the seam ripper to go for the jugular. 

So, I first made this section. It was here I was using those tiny pieces. The hands require lots of little bits of fabric.

Next, I did a little bit of the face, arms, and clothes.

Then, I could sew those two sections together.

This section was ready from the day before. (I'd also added a little piece to the bottom right.)

And then I could sew those sections all together. 

And then I could sew the whole of it to the whole section I already had.

And that was enough sewing for a single day. With so many implements of death nearby, it seemed ill-advised to continue.

Looking at the picture in the book, I have only the portion to the right of the pink line to sew together today. I've already done the smallest and most tedious parts of the block, and so it shouldn't take too long to finish it off.

Today I have a little housework to do...some I put off from yesterday. I figured running all around town was enough for a single day's accomplishments. I'm happy to be staying home now until the 3rd of January. Unless there's something I've forgotten, it'll take blasting powder to get me out of the house for the next few days.

We're planning our annual ham dinner for New Year's Day. I'm making Maple Baked Beans, Skillet Cornbread, and a Seven Layer Salad. Seven Layer Salad is Erik's favorite, and he and Mae will be joining us for dinner. I'm going to make a Skillet Apple Cake too. I only mention this because tomorrow will be a day of cooking things ahead, and so I want to get the housework done today. Also, I want to finish up this quilt block before it drives me insane. (It might already be too late.)

Right now I'm heading downstairs to do my slow-stitching. I expect to be moving my hoop again this morning, and possibly, I'll be heading into a more interesting stitching area with more color. It's a day for a Bow-flex workout, and so there's plenty to keep me out of trouble for the next few days. In any case, I think my New Year's trouble-making days are long behind me.

There was no kitty help yesterday. Sadie is still sneezing a little, but her eyes aren't watering. She's sneezing less often than the day before, and she has enough energy to make an occasional mad dash through the house for no apparent reason. She might have picked up the Catrona virus when she visited the vet, but she's on the mend now. Smitty has been lazy. He comes by it honestly living in a household with people who put "take a nap" on their list of to-do's for a day.

What's on your list of to-do's as we close out the year? I'll be back tomorrow with my annual "year in review" post, and then I'll probably take a day off for the New Year's Day holiday.


Barbara said...

I'm paranoid about shopping. I get irritable. I find it tedious and taxing. People say shopping is retail therapy, but I need therapy after shopping. ~ Anushka Sharma

Sara said...

Grocery shopping - not my favorite activity either. This morning I bit the bullet and got it done. Except of course once I got home I thought of a couple other things that should have been on my list. Oh well.

Those paper pieced blocks may be a bit frustrating but they'll be fantastic in the quilt. So much tiny detail.

Auntiepatch said...

I don't know how you do the paper piecings! I would Lose my mind!

bcarlf said...

As I have mentioned to you previously, I have Great admiration for the patience you have to do that intricate piecing. In your response to me you tried to make it sound easy. Ha! I guess easy is in the eye of the beholder. I would go grocery shopping every day rather than try to do something like that. I wouldn't have tried to harm myself but my attempt would have gone in the scrap basket in nothing flat, I am sure. My quilting attempts are of the simplest nature, and maybe that is why I really love following all the beautiful and interesting you do. Your sense of humor only just adds to enjoyment. Thanks so much for sharing with us!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Oh my word - just SEEING the size of those itty bitty pieces is enough to give me the vapours! You are a Wonder Woman to even contemplate sewing anything that small.
Been wet and foggy here for days and I'm getting beyond tired of it. I think the sun has forgotten about us. Good thing I have my 'Happy Light' or I'd be a depressed puppy.
No plans here for New Years - very happy to stay home and will no doubt be in bed long before the main event.

Anonymous said...

Hats off to you re: the teeny, tiny paper piecing. I am very patient, but you must have the patience of saints! We've already been doing the 'end of year' tasks the past few days...cleaning up the Christmas decorations, hubby is going through his computer cleaning out old files, etc. I've been doing the PC (which is my computer). It paid off -- I'd forgotten I'd saved a DIY from a young woman who built her own mantle. I re-acquainted myself with her tutorial and hubby looked at it, too. He came up with a tweak or two he'll do. I suspect it will be our next DIY project. Our fireplace is one of those huge lava rock surrounds (ugly!) clear up to the vaulted ceiling. We already primed and painted all the rock so it blends into the wall color. I want a mantle to finish it off. Having one made would be $400-$500 (I've checked). The cost for us to do it will be way less than $100, and the mantle we'll build is 8 feet long and will be 8" deep & high. We may be retired but we're NEVER out of projects to do.... Deb

Vicki W said...

I'm really impressed with these blocks and all the tiny little pieces. It reminds me of the Legit Kits Goldfinch I made earlier this year. Not sure I ever want to do that again.

kc said...

Those ARE some itty bitties! It's hard to see the big picture when it's all chopped up like that, but you sure do seem to have it all under control and it's coming together nicely. Reminds me of you Wind and Whiskers by McKenna Ryan.

I had some excitement today too....I bought a new machine...yeah, I did. The Babylock Solaris 2. I found it for sale on Facebook, so seller and I both were concerned about the other being a scammer. Turns out, machine was just too much for Mom and she was willing to take the hit. My lucky day! Got an almost brand new machine for half price. But, no warranty. Fingers crossed!! I'm afraid I used up all our fresh yesterday and today, so, even though it's NY Eve, we must brave the hordes. Not looking forward to it, for sure. Luckily for us, most locals around here don't ship the produce aisle...they either dine at "The Club" or buy the prepared dishes at the deli and meat counters. Or fried chicken...Publix does make good fried chicken. But, that all leaves the lettuce to me alone!Happy New year to you all!!

Kate said...

Sounds like a very busy day. Hopefully you've gotten lots of stitching time in along with all your meal prep. Enjoy the last day of 2023!

Cat Words said...

Excellent artwork about cat design. Thanks for sharing.