
Mostly Sewing Day

Good morning, my friends. The sun is just rising as I'm writing this. It's still fairly dark outside. Our sunset yesterday was around 4:30 p.m., and the days are only getting shorter. It's been bright and sunny, but too cold to be comfortable outside. I'm getting my monthly pedicure today, and it's always a question about what to wear on my lower half on pedicure days. Today might see me wearing loose sweat pants. Also, I have a vague recollection of bumping into something somewhere sometime. Whatever happened has long since left my steel trap of a brain, but I have a big purple bruise on the inside of my right calf as proof that it happened.

There was more time spent on my slow-stitching yesterday than I'd originally planned. Sometimes I find it hard to stop...especially when I'm procrastinating about something. Yesterday I was procrastinating about getting on the Bowflex and doing a workout. Later, I procrastinated about deboning the turkey carcass. In the middle, I finished two blocks for the Shop Hop quilt. Smitty was my reluctant kitty helper. The blocks are partially paper-pieced, and the kitties are getting pretty tired of paper-piecing.

The first one was from So Simple Hobbie House in Hico, West Virginia. Just as I linked to the post about this shop, I realized I'd misspelled the "So" in the name. It should have been "Sew." Oh well. I stitched what I stitched, and it stays as I stitched it. (Try saying that five times fast.) I selected this fabric for the many rustic barns, covered bridges, and grist mills we saw in the area. We were there to see our newest national park (at the time) New River Gorge National Park. The quilt shop was just a delightful side trip.

I purchased enough of this fabric to make a larger quilt. It went along with a panel I picked up at the same time.

Next, this block for The Quilt Rack & Wool Cubby in North Platte, Nebraska. This was another surprise in a small town. We were in North Platte to see the Union Pacific Bailey Yard. (You can read about it at that link I've given you.) Bailey Yard was recommended by a friend, and it was worth the trip. The quilt shop was another bonus, and the train fabric was a no-brainer.

From there, I was ready to make up the next barn block. I'm on Block #9 for this quilt.

I've been doing these in the colors for 2023's Rainbow Scrap Challenge, and I've lost track of what colors I was supposed to use. I flipped through the blocks I already have to see what colors I've missed.

Orange seemed like a good choice, and so I selected a light and dark orange and then cut all the pieces I'll need.

It was tempting to go to work right away, but I was still procrastinating on deboning the turkey carcass. It's a messy job, and I was dreading it. Rather than continue torturing myself at the thought of it, I decided to get busy and actually do it. As it turned out, there wasn't much meat left on the bones. We started with a 14-lb. bird. Mike and I had three Thanksgiving-style dinners from it (including Thanksgiving day), the kids made up plates to take home with them, Mike had been eating it for sandwiches all week, and so I had just enough to make up my turkey noodle soup last night. It was a nice way to end the day.

I suppose everyone has their own way of making soup from leftover turkey, but this is the recipe I use. It's easy and tasty.

So today I'll get my pedicure, and I need to stop at Staples to have three more enlargements made for "When Quilters Gather." Window guy didn't come yesterday. We spoke on the phone, and he had us measure the window ourselves and send him the measurements. In the meantime, Mike and I had already decided to put off replacing the window until next summer. Instead, "carpet guy" is coming today to measure the upstairs and give us a carpet quote. Happily, Home Depot called yesterday to say that carpet is on sale right now. If we make our purchase before December 3rd, we can get a significant discount. That was good news. I'm still dreading the carpet job with every fiber of my being, but at least the fibers devoted to cost were appeased somewhat.

If there's time for sewing, I'll get busy sewing together the pieces for the Barn Block. After that, I'll get busy making the next vertical row for the Painted Ladies quilt. Here are the "painted ladies" I have for this quilt so far.

And with that, it's time to get going. Have a good day, everybody!


Barbara said...

Another suggestion is to cook a meal, maybe not every night, but a couple more times a week than you usually do. That way you have leftovers, and you take your lunch to work. ~ Michelle Obama

Sara said...

The rail yard at North Platte was a fascinating place I got to visit while doing some education eval work there a few years ago. Then in 2022 I made my husband stop there on our way to Colorado for a wedding. He enjoyed it too. Fun chunk of fabric for that particular shop. Good find!

Yummy looking soup!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

We had a 'baby turkey' - roast chicken per Mom's request. I made up prep meals for her to use over the next few weeks. I no longer get you in my read feed - so lost from this blogger thing. You have so many projects on the go. I need to just finish. Next year my be the year of miniatures - they at least get done.

Anonymous said...

Your turkey noodle soup sounds amazing, Barbara! We always host the family dinner on Christmas Eve, and it is always a challenge to come up with ways to use up the turkey leftovers. Of course there are always turkey sandwiches for lunches, and I usually make a turkey pot pie, but I haven’t found a turkey pot pie recipe yet that wows us. The ones I have tried are good, but always seem to be lacking ingredients that pushes it over the top…. I haven’t given up, though…still looking for “THE ONE”… thanks so much for sharing your turkey noodle soup recipe!!
It has been really cold here in Virginia today….and so windy!! BRRRR!!! Lows tonight are predicted to be 18 degrees!!
Sandra B

karen said...

Yes, it's winter here. I'm going to be like Sadie...where to find me.No more raking leaves. They won't appear until spring again. Yea!
So,, it's sewing,reading, catching up on TV..oh yeah and eating.

Kate said...

I really hate the early evening and morning dark. We still have 3 weeks before the dark decreases rather than increases. You've made good progress on all your projects. Happy stitching today.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Isn't that always the way - the biggest bruise leaves you wondering how on earth you got it and then when you seriously bump yourself and it's a definite 'owww' - it doesn't bruise at all.
I'm hopeful we can get a turkey between now and Christmas but at the moment there's absolutely no room in the freezer so it will have to wait until we get rid of some of the Christmas baking. The soup looks tasty!