
Lotsa Blocks

Good morning, my friends. We'll have to catch up a little bit today. Since yesterday's post was the reveal of the Circles and Squares quilt, I'm a day behind on updates. So, let's back up to Tuesday's comings and goings. I have lots of pictures for you. First, I finished off the "To Bed, To Bed" stitching.

We've been good about getting in our morning workouts so far. Tuesday was my day, and so I did my penance in the Chamber of Horrors before getting back to my sewing. I was in the process of making the next block for When Quilters Gather. There was just a little left to finish on the left side before I could sew it together.

It was about then that my little helper cat showed up.

This looks 'spiciously like papurr-piecing.

I'll just snoopervise from here.

So, I didn't get any kitty help, but managed to finish it off on my own. This one is called "Your iron is your friend."

These are the five blocks I have for this quilt so far. The plan is to make nine. If they aren't too large, I might make 12 instead.

After that, it was time to finish off the two blocks I'd stitched for The Story of My Day. First, "Type Something Inspirational." These are a little bit of a puzzle to put together. I like that I can use my smallest scraps.

Then, I moved on to "To Bed, To Bed."

And these are the 12 blocks I have for this quilt so far. I'll need 25 before it's finished.

Next up, I wanted to make two blocks for the Shop Hop quilt. This quilt will have 20 blocks in all. I took some time to count out the fabrics I've accumulated, and took into account the four I just added from our last trip. It brings me to 18 fabrics. You might also remember that I've already embroidered the names and places for the book spines I have so far. I decided to match up the newest fabrics with appropriate "spine" fabric.

And then I traced out those names and places. I'll take this along on a short camping trip we have planned in a couple of weeks. (More about that later.)

Of course, I'll be collecting more fabrics. With only two slots open on Shop Hop 3.0, it seemed like a good time to think about Shop Hop 4.0. For that one I've already planned to use these suitcase blocks. This is a free pattern from Paintbrush Studio Fabrics. Of course, it will be a while before I'm ready to start on this, but I'm happy to know what will come next.

With that settled, I went to work making the next two blocks for Shop Hop 3.0. This one is from JK Quilts in Meridian, Idaho. I chose this fabric because it reminded me of the old green Ford truck my grandfather drove. When my paternal grandparents were alive, they lived only about five minutes away from this shop.

Next up, I made the block for Quilt Stitches in Beatrice, Nebraska. This fabric reminded me of huge oak trees we encountered in the city-owned RV park. They were in their fall foliage, and they were dropping acorns everywhere.

These are the eight blocks I have for this quilt so far.

Finally, yesterday morning, I took the first stitches on September's block for "Joyful Journey."

That's where I'll head next. I have overnight oatmeal sitting on the stove top waiting to be finished off. Sometimes I get a yen for oatmeal. 

There isn't much else on today's agenda, and so I'll have plenty of time for sewing today. Next up on my list of WIP's is to make another block for the Barn Block Sampler. I last worked on this quilt back in August when I made this block. It was a bugger to sew together.

Here are the other six blocks I have for this quilt.

Some of them have been fairly complicated, and so I'm only hoping to get another one finished today. 

Okay, so we're up to date and today's agenda is set. Time for some oatmeal. We're expecting lots of rain today. Seems like a good day to stay inside and sew.


Barbara said...

I love oatmeal. To me, it's not boring. I agree that ordinary oatmeal is very boring, but not the steel-cut Irish kind - the kind that pops in your mouth when you bite into it in little glorious bursts like a sort of gummy champagne. ~ Alan Alda

Sara said...

Sometimes snoopervision by a bossy cat is all the help you need. LOL Thanks for sharing the link for that suitcase block because that is just what I've been picturing for my own Shop Hop project in the future.

Quilter Kathy said...

I just love the embroidery blocks together! And the books too... awesome!

piecefulwendy said...

I enjoy seeing the fabrics from the shops for the shop hop blocks and hearing the reasons behind the choices. Those paper-pieced blocks are coming along well.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Seeing the typewriter design made me think of learning to type on old manual typewriters in high school. They switched to electric ones a couple years later.
Of course I love the books design but have to say that the suitcases you've chosen for the next one are going to be fun too. You find the greatest designs!

Kate said...

Your book Shop Hop quilt is really fun. The suitcases will be another fun project.