Good morning, my friends. It was a rather unproductive day here yesterday. Even the kitties were lazy. Mike and I have determined that this kitty paw-over-the-eye position is the way kitties request that you Do Not Disturb.
So, I'll continue on with that today. It's pretty much all I'm going to be able to do sewing-wise. I believe slow-stitching is still on the table. My left hand is the one causing me grief, and fortunately, I'm a righty. As for quilting, there's no way I'm going to wrestle with that big quilt for at least a few days.
Annoyingly, I need to head into town for a blood draw today. I'm going to try to tell this sad story in as few words as possible. It's time for my annual physical. I have an appointment. Last week, I tried to get some refills on two expired prescriptions. My doctor declined. Well, you might know that pissed me off royally. I wrote a rather snarky message on their online communication system. That was last Thursday.
Late yesterday afternoon I received a reply that said I needed to come in. The message acknowledged I already had an appointment, but added that I needed to get a blood draw "at least one week prior" to my appointment which is a week from today. And that pissed me off even more. If you're going to decline a prescription refill, don't you communicate with the patient and explain? And don't you respond to messages sooner than five days later? And don't you inform the patient they need lab work in a more timely manner? Okay, I'm going to give them the "too busy" and three-day weekend benefit of the doubt, but it's still maddening from where I sit. End of rant.
Okay, so I have a letter to mail while I'm in town. It's going to be a nice day. I might take a little walk up and down the main street of our little town. November started out very wet here, but we're expecting some nice weather over the next week or two. It would have been a good time to be camping at the beach, but that will wait until next month. It should be raining again by then. And on that happy note, I have an appointment with the bloodsuckers. Hopefully, they'll find a vein on the first try.
Phlebotomist: It's a bloody job, but someone has to do it. ~ Unknown
I read somewhere that the paw over the eyes means the cat is cold. Don't know how they figured that. Good luck with the blood draw.
I can sure understand your frustration with your doctor's office. Good luck with the blood draw, and the rest.
The paw over eyes pose is so cute. Our cat did that frequently, and I always figured too that he didn't want to be disturbed.
I'm thankful for stumbling upon your post; it was a great read!
Sometimes a down day is just the thing, even though I always feel a bit guilty when I take one. Hope you got your walk in. The last time I had to have blood drawn, they brought in this machine the uses infra-red light to find veins close to the surface. The nurse nailed it first go using that.
I'm so sorry that your wrist is giving you grief again. Perhaps doing that particular part of your Rack routine is something you should consider giving up. That, and blood letting too - enough already!
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