
'Tis the Season

Good morning, my friends. I'm taking this morning's sunrise as a warning. "Silly season" is officially upon us.

There were a few errands to run in town yesterday, and I barely got home without losing my life. One of my stops was to pick up my glasses with new lenses at Costco optical. Good grief. There was gridlock in the parking lot, and it only got worse from there. My business at Costco took no more than a minute, but I still waited approximately a half-hour for my number to be called. And then, I confronted more gridlock in the parking lot. The people I saw had that wild-eyed look of panic. Probably I did too. By the time I got home, I was wiped out. Of course, I needed a nap after all that.

Before leaving home, I used my slow-stitching time to hand-sew the binding to my art quilt. This is your final peek. I won't tease you with it again. Look for the reveal on February 1st. I know...it sounds like a long time from now, but it will pass quickly. Christmas, you know. It seems as if everything moves faster during the months of November and December.

When I'd gathered my wits about me, I headed into the sewing room to trace the Bumble Sampler. It was a lot of tracing.

Since breaking my thumb a couple of years ago, it's been hard for me to hold a pencil or a pen for very long. My thumb continues to improve, but this was just a little too much pen-holding for me. It was hurting by the time I finished. But finish, I did, and now it's hooped up and ready for stitching.

I'm expecting the floss for this to arrive in today's mail. For this morning's slow-stitching, assuming there's time, I'll work on the book spines for my Shop Hop quilt.

I'd planned these as a take-along project. For now, they can served as my emergency back-up project. I'm going to need some slow stitching this morning because I'm heading out again. Today's outing is my "annual wellness exam." Do you like that little euphemism? When my insurance claim comes through it notes that it was billed as a "geriatric assessment." (Sigh.) They seem to enjoy rubbing it in. I'd be happy if they'd just pay the bill and stop with the wisecracks.

So, I'm hopeful I'll have a little more time for sewing today. I'm cooking this week, and so I have some get-ready things to do as well. It's going to be a busy week ahead. Gird up your loins, my friends.


Barbara said...

Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand. ~ Mother Teresa

abelian said...

Do you get to draw a clock face, and remember three words? Dot

Cathy Smith said...

I feel your pain on two fronts. I had an appointment yesterday afternoon and thought I'd stop at Costco for gas. Luckily, I could see the line before committing to turn into their lot. Nope. Gas can wait until next week.

I just had a birthday. Turned 71. Good grief! How the H-E-double hockey sticks did THAT happen? My vacation mode of choice is cruising. So, received the obligatory animated Happy Birthday email from the cruise line. I scrolled on down the page, and in small print below the graphics, was the message "Note: You may book a wheelchair-accessible stateroom online. For assistance reserving them or other reasonable accommodations, please call 1-800". Hmmpf! How rude is that? Needless to say, I shared it with all of my age contemporary friends who laughed as hard as I did!

Quilting Babcia said...

Yeah, definitely the season to stay out of malls and their parking lots. Hello my good friends Amazon and UPS! Around here the doctors mock the annual "wellness" exams for the sham they are. Cold and rainy here today, hoping for a sunny day soon so we can get some photos of the latest finish. Happy Thanksgiving!

Cathy Smith said...

Here's something else for the "blue haired set". Just spotted this article in the online news - "The Rolling Stones announce tour sponsored by AARP". Ha ha ha!!!!

Julierose said...

I did the shopping early this morning thinking that I would beat the crowd--ummmm Nope!! Total nightmare city in the store and the parking lot...I used to like food shopping--not anymore...hugs, Julierose

MissPat said...

Gretchen Rubin just posted on her Happier app today, that the Tues before Thanksgiving is actually busier because everyone thinks it will be too busy on Wed. Tis the season to practice patience.

Vicki W said...

You went to Costco on Thanksgiving week? That's bold! I won't even drive near that place on a holiday week.

dgs said...

I also needed to go to Costco on Monday and my location was a zoo, even though I arrived early and was at the cashier by 10am. Sadly, the cashier had to have the supervisor come reset the cash register electronics twice and on the 3rd visit they took me to another register. Geez, there went my crazy quick pop in/out Costco holiday shopping experience. But I survived and bought new dishes, pots & pans and silverware we decided we needed. LOL! No sewing time for me this week, but I always love seeing what you are working on. Happy Thanksgiving!

Joni said...

I drove around the parking lot 3 times until I found a suitable parking spot (bad knee, will only park on the side of the warehouse, my picky, my bad). Found the 3 things that I needed, got rear ended by 5 people and one motorized crazy cart ugh. Waited 30 minutes in line, the self line was even longer. Got out of the parking lot and saw a wicked accident. Will be going to a different Costco until the crazy season is over.
Have you ever used the silicone pen wraps for hand fatigue? I love mine.
I loved your sunrise photo...red skies at morning, sailor's take warning.

Kate said...

Traffic was a mess just about everywhere on Tuesday and even worse on Wedesday. Thankfully you got home with your life, if not your sanity. Hope you've had some time to get in some slow stitching.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

'Geriatric assessment'...really???!!! Geez.
Ah, Costco, I remember it well. Driving around and around trying to find a parking spot was enough to put me off before I even got so far as into the store. It rankles me to have to pay the membership fee just for the priviledge of shopping for things that most often can be found cheaper elsewhere. I do miss a couple things they had but not enough to want to go back.