
Cat Clowns

Good morning, my friends. I'm happy to say I've finished the main subject of my art quilt. The collage quilts are challenging. Even though I've done many, I always start out not really sure I can get it done. This one worked out better than expected. I'm still thinking about what to do with the background, but the most challenging part is finished.

When I finished yesterday's blog post, I went back downstairs for breakfast. When I looked back up the stairs, Smitty was wondering why we don't get on with the quilting.

Pawssibly you have furrgotten what we were doing?

When we were able to make it into the sewing room yesterday afternoon, he continued to let me know his displeasure. I'll give you one guess how that fabric bin ended up on the floor.

Whoa, Smitty. Did you do that?

Oh, Smitty! You are hilarious!

Uh-Oh. Do you think we made her mad?

Well, he redeemed himself by helping me pick out some fabrics to finish it off.

Since then, I've had a change of heart. I'll probably still use the two on the left, but the two on the right will get put back. Here's your peek. This part is finished. Any guesses?

Also, I finished the fifth kitten yesterday. The outlining was finished in the morning. I finished the last of the gray cross-stitching while we watched the news last night.

Here are the five blocks I have for this quilt so far.

Today I'll start on the 11th block for Domestic Affairs.

As I was lying in bed last night, I realized I'd forgotton to top-stitch around the little cut-out heart on the roof. It's the sort of thing that can keep me awake, but I fell asleep and slept all night. It was the first thing I did this morning...even before I had my coffee, and that's saying something. 

My friend, Kara, asked how I'd done the curtains in the windows. This pattern is the "Gentle Domesticity" pattern from Jenny of Elefantz. It was a free download in 2016, and now it's for sale in her Etsy shop. The curtains could have been embroidered, but Jenny suggested using lace or something else to put three dimensional curtains in the window. I had this little snip of some lacy stuff. It was a bit of a trick, but I carefully fused them to some Heat N Bond, and then fused them to the background like applique. After that I used a zig-zag stitch to hold them in place and secure the edges. I'm hopeful it will hold over time.

So that's where I'll start today. It's a grocery shopping day. With Thanksgiving just a week away, there's plenty on our list. I'll have to pick up a few more things next week. Some things simply can't be purchased this far in advance. We're having the usual stuff for our Thanksgiving dinner. Mae is bringing dessert and one of her wonderful charcuterie boards. (She's especially good at putting one together.) 

When the grocery shopping is finished, I'll be able to get back to my sewing. My hand is feeling better today, and it gave me no trouble yesterday. If it continues to feel good, I'm hoping to get just one of the three borders quilted today. And I swear I will whip Other Me into shape and limit her to just one border. On this I will stand firm. No arguments. No excuses. (I swear Other Me is more troublesome than my shadow self.)

Okay, I'm girding up my loins for grocery shopping. But first, breakfast and some slow stitching.


Barbara said...

I've always said a romance hero can be deeply flawed... as long as he's willing to rush into a burning building to rescue a basket of kittens. ~
Teresa Medeiros

Kathy said...

My latest guess: lizard of some type. I spy an eye and spots!

Nancy said...

You have my deepest sympathy on the grocery shopping. I went yesterday and no one died it it was a close thing. We are having the family here on Saturday for thanksgiving. They are all scheduled to be with the ‘other side’ on thanksgiving day. That day hubby and I will be on our own so we are thinking restaurant for the actual Turkey day. Or maybe I am thinking about it. We do have a workout scheduled in the morning. I am not disciplined enough to do it on my own. Then I am hoping it will be nothing but sewing. I have a large quilt I need to get quilted.

Joni said...

I spy a brook trout. Too pretty to be a skink. Working below the barn I've ran into a few skinks in the last week. Fascinating creature.
That Smitty needs to run around outside and then he won't be so helpful at the quilting table. Bless his heart.
I went to Costco yesterday...47 minutes in line. Went to my favorite Winco in Mac and there was no line! Framily arrives tomorrow to spend a couple of weeks. Plumber left just a few minutes ago to fix the mudroom facilities.
I will not have to leave the farm for anything except fun.

Jenny said...

To me, your art piece looks like green fish, or maybe eels. I'm probably completely wrong. Love those cross stitched kittens.

piecefulwendy said...

Glad your hand is feeling better. Your stitching is looking cute - the lace curtains is a fun addition!

Kate said...

So glad you hand is feeling better. I stopped at Walmart on Tuesday for some odds and ends, it was nuts already. I'm dreading our Thanksgiving grocery shopping trip. Have a great weekend.

Sara said...

I was thinking green fish, just like one of the other commenters. Glad your hand is feeling better.

karen said...

Glad you brought up "other Me". I have quite a few discussions with my more important other me, myself. Glad to know I'm not alone.
Smitty!!! You stinkerbutt! Too much indoor time already?
In quilting I am in hst pergatory. I'd much rather be appliquying. Hst are NOT my friend. Ugh.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

A fish - or a dragon!! I'm hoping for a dragon...
Glad your hand is feeling better. Now to keep Other Me from getting involved and you should be good.

Susan said...

Right now it looks like a ring/circle of fish, but of course that would be too easy a guess, so I will some kind of non-human life.