
Passing for Normal

Good morning, my friends. Happily, my vaccine malaise has passed, and my usual energy level has returned. I still felt a little dragged out for most of the morning yesterday, but I felt good enough to get back to sewing yesterday afternoon. I managed to get Jericho Walls halfway sewn together when I ran out of fabric.

I was able to glean just a few more sashing strips from the odd pieces I had left, and so I used those to sew the far corner together.

When I quit for the day, I had it this far. Just three rows to go.

I'm hoping I'll get another yard of fabric sometime this week, although the tracking number indicates it hasn't budged an inch from where it was on Friday. I suppose the weekend has something to do with its lack of progress. By the way, if you like this quilt, you can find the free pattern with several different layouts right here.

Later in the evening, I wanted to show Mike my progress, and this is what I found. Apparently, Sadie has other ideas about how these blocks should be arranged.

Good thing I took a picture before she made her changes, huh?

Since I can't continue on that, I'll move on to the next project on my list: to quilt this little "Time to Stitch" piece. 

This was last year's "stitched inchies" project from Crabapple Hill Studios. I believe we've done this project about five years running for International Embroidery Month in February. Mine is sewn into a little wall-hanging now, but it still needs quilting and binding. Probably I'll use at least one fancy stitch from my sewing machine for this.

If I can get that finished, I'll move on to my next small project: Dwell in Possibility

The stitching for this was finished back in June. I want to add some borders to it, and then sandwich it for quilting.

After that, I'll be back to my list of WIP's. So you can see that a little gap in my fabric supply won't keep me from sewing. Clearly it makes sense to have a long list of unfinished projects to avoid any sewing emergencies.

It's good to be feeling better. We're hoping for a short break in the wet weather in the next few days. I have about 20 new daffodil bulbs to plant. They only arrived a few days ago, but after the rain returned. We're at the point in our season when it could be a while before we'll see any sunshine, but those daffodil bulbs still need to get planted for next spring's bloom. On the other hand, with next year's travel plans, we might miss their first season. Only time will tell.

Speaking of time, it's time for our Sunday morning pancakes. I have a couple of small housekeeping chores on this morning's agenda, and I'd like to get in a workout. Erik and Mae were going to join us for dinner this evening, but then they got too busy with travel plans of their own. We'll put that off until they get back. Nevertheless, I purchased ingredients to make a dessert for tonight, and I might just go ahead and do that anyway. After spending two days feeling terrible, we deserve a dessert, don't you think? I'm glad we can agree on that. And did you notice how "deserve" and "dessert" are practically the same word? I rest my case. Onward.


Barbara said...

Picasso said that no one has to explain a daffodil. Good design is understandable to virtually everybody. You never have to ask why. ~ Hugh Newell Jacobsen

CathieJ said...

Thanks for the link. I have saved that quilt pattern. I love how yours looks. I hope you get that fabric soon. I am looking forward to seeing the quilting on Time to Stitch. Enjoy your stitching! Glad you are feeling better after the vaccine.

Sara said...

The inchie piece is so pretty. Enjoy that dessert. Yes you’ve earned it.

Karrin Hurd said...

Beautiful projects! I love that inchie piece. Hope you have a great week!

Linda said...

Your quilt is lovely, and what a helper in arranging blocks you have. I did the Crabapple Hill stitching too and added it to a sewing bag. Your Dwell in Possibility is gorgeous.

Jenny said...

You two both certainly do deserve a dessert - desserts are always a great pick-me-up to make you feel better!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

For sure! That dessert is definitely well desserted.
I'm sure Sadie wasn't making changes so much as she was testing to be sure you had, in fact, documented your plan. Good thing she reminded you of the need so you remember in the future.

Kate said...

Jericho Walls is coming along beautifully. Fingers crossed the fabric shows up this week. Hope you decided to have dessert, everyone should have dessert after feeling crappy for several days. Happy stitching this week.

Quilter Kathy said...

So many beautiful projects making progress!
I find an on point layout to be quite challenging to get together.
I love your Time to Stitch project and remember you making it! How wonderful to be finishing it - love the perfect border print you found!
Enjoy your slow stitching!

piecefulwendy said...

I was just wondering how you were doing after the vaccine, so it was good to find your post today. Sadie definitely has her own kind of style, eh? Haha. Wilbs was being very helpful in my studio this weekend as well. Gotta love those kitties!