
One Day, One Block

Good morning, my friends. It's a hazy day here at the Three Cats Ranch. The air is smoky from fires burning all around us, and fortunately, none locally. If you're living in one of the affected areas, I'm crossing my fingers for y'all to stay safe. 

Yesterday started with a trip to the farmer's market with Erik and Mae...always a good way to start the day. I was able to find the tomatoes I wanted, and so gazpacho is on the menu for tonight. I'll post the recipe tomorrow after I've made it. After that, it was time to water the annuals and harvest vegetables from the garden. The sunflowers are having their best year ever. I have around 14 varieties, and some have not yet bloomed. It makes it fun to check in each day to see what's new.

Also, it helps to distract me from my sad bean poles covered in dead bean vines. Sigh.

Back inside, Smitty is feeling a little better, but still sleeping a lot. He was excused from sewing again yesterday. He's sneezing a little less than he has been, but he's still pretty snuffly.

When I made my way to the sewing room, the whole day was spent making this one block. It's definitely one of the more complicated blocks I've ever pieced together. So, I took its picture, but then...what do I see? RATS! Do you see it?

The 4-patch in the lower left corner is rotated 90 degrees. 😠😠 

By that time, I was really tired of working on this. It was tempting to leave it, but I didn't. It took me another 20 minutes to fix it. There we go.

Okay, phew! I'm glad they're not all so complicated. The next one is quite a bit easier, but that won't happen for at least a couple of months.

It was time to stop for the day. It was nice outside. We considered eating dinner outside, but the yellow jackets were going to be pesky. We ended up just sitting outside for a little while. While we were watching, a drama ensued.

What's he looking at?

Oh...now I see it.

There was a long stand-off. Eventually, I looked out and the squirrel was gone. Smitty continued his vigil for a while longer.

For dinner, you'll be absolutely amazed to know there was not a single morsel of zucchini served up. Instead, we went to work on the garden green beans. I measured out about a pound, and that was approximately half of my entire harvest of beans for the year. This is Peanut Butter-Glazed Salmon and Green Beans. It was tasty and simple to make. And, as several of you have noted, I love a meal that can be cooked on a single sheet pan.

It was tasty, and I liked the recipe because the salmon could be prepared this way without the green beans. And, honestly, any vegetable could be roasted and served as a side dish. It's another NYTimes recipe. If you can't open that link I've given you, email me and I'll be happy to send it to you.

On the side, I used some of the zillions of cherry tomatoes from our plant. I simply cut them in half and then added some blue cheese dressing. Simple and tasty. This will be a daily dish while we're trying to keep up with the cherry tomatoes.

Today I have a couple of housekeeping chores to do, and then I'll get to work on the Painted Ladies. Also, I'm going to trace out the next block for the Joyful Journey quilt. These are the blocks I have for this quilt so far.

I'm nearly finished with the two blocks for "The Story of My Day," and I think I can finish the next Joyful Journey block before we leave on our trip. If not, I can always take it along, although I'm trying to keep my project boxes to a minimum for this trip.

With the air quality so bad today, it seems like a good day to stay inside. I'm worrying about y'all in the path of the storm in southern California, and those of you living with fire and smoke. Stay safe and dry, my friends. Let's meet back here tomorrow morning.


Barbara said...

A sunflower field is like a sky with a thousand suns. ~ Corina Abulahm-Negura

The Cozy Quilter said...

That is a great collection of embroidered blocks! How many more do you have to make? I can see why that yellow block took so long to make. There’s always a pesky unit that gets turned around. Glad it was easy to fix.

maggie fellow said...

the embroidered blocks are beautiful - stay safe

Julierose said...

I began KS's Gathered Blessings blocks yesterday, but I am finding the print hard to see...I wonder if it's faded as I bought the KS kit a long while ago...

The other question I have for you is do you "stab stitch"? I am having a time getting my back stitching even right now...of course, not being able to see clearly doesn't help either!! Kind of disappointed as I love the little blocks..and reel like doing embroidery...

That salmon looks so yummy--salmon is a fave of mine, sadly not so for DH..
We have smoke filled skies today--no bad smell as yet, but very hazy...
Hugs, Julierose

Susie H said...

Incredible block. Glad you went ahead and fixed it. Too pretty to have almost-right. Lol! That Smitty sure is a cutie. His little friend made a good get-away but certainly was entertaining!

Jenny said...

Does Smitty chase after the squirrels or just give them the death stare? Your collection of stitched blocks is looking great.

Deb A said...

I think my cat's would have chased after that squirrel! Love the sunflowers - so cheerful. Hope the gazpacho was yummy. I need to try making that again sometime soon. Have a great week.

dgs said...

We are also experiencing smokey air and skies in southern BC. A bit of coughing, but not as bad as what we've seen in past years. We are also hearing wind will shift soon to onshore winds and clear the skies on the coastal side of things. But, for those inland, I fear that means it will be worse air quality for them. Still, I'm hopeful all these fires will soon be controlled and ultimately put out. As to Hillary hitting So Cal and beyond, from what I can tell remotely at least San Diego looks to have had minimal wind & rain. The storm has been downgraded quite a bit. But I am still concerned about mountain areas and watching closely. From my perspective your garden looks awesome late in the year and in such a hot and dry year. And your quilting really looks amazing.

Happy Summer.


Magpie's Mumblings said...

Between storms and fires it's certainly been a year. We're supposed to be flying out to BC in September so we're hoping the fires out there are under control by then.
The salmon certainly looks tasty - I certainly wouldn't have thought to add peanut butter to salmon.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Ugh! All that time spent piecing your YELLOW block only to find a mistake? SEW easy to accomplish! At least it only took another 20 minutes to repair. :o))