
On the Edge

Good morning, my friends! Well, I should just stop talking about the weather. It's snowing as I write this, and it snowed most of the day yesterday. Fortunately, it isn't sticking...much. Here's how it looks outside right now.

Happily, today will be an NBS day for me (Nothing But Sewing). My housework is done. The laundry is done. I have nowhere to be. Checking my calendar, all it says is "sewing." Happy to oblige. (It doesn't actually say that, but I could always write it in if you insist on sticking to a schedule.) 

Yesterday morning, I spent a little extra time on the Domestic Affairs block. It's all finished now. I love her pretty and feminine designs. This was a BOM from Jenny of Elefantz in 2016, and I'm only just now getting around to stitching it. The blocks were free when I collected them, and now they are for sale in her Etsy shop.

Here are all the blocks I have for this quilt so far:

There were some things to do in the morning, but I moved to the quilting after lunch. Smitty so dearly wants to help when I'm quilting. It's such a comfy cozy spot with quilts all spread out on the surface of my table. He'd happily take a nap while I'm trying to quilt. And who can resist that sweet face?

Well, I did resist, and encouraged him to find a new job. Then I went to work on the last of the thread drawings.

There was still some quilting left in me, and so I meandered around all the open areas on the thread drawings, and then I finished off the border.

It's the same motif I started with on the first of the quilt blocks.

The motif has significance, but I can't tell you until the reveal day. You can take heart though. You probably won't see much more of this quilt until May 1st. For now, I have the binding sewn on.

When we go on our camping trip next week, I'll take it along for hand-sewing then. Here's how the quilt looks from the back. I found that backing fabric in a remnant bin on one of our last road trips. At the time, I said I thought it would make a good backing fabric, and it was perfect for this quilt.

It was late in the day by then. I hadn't yet made up a new slow-stitching project. I barely started tracing this one when I needed to stop for the day. I'll finish it up today, and it'll be ready for stitching tomorrow. It's from a kit I purchased back when we visited a quilt shop in Meridian, Idaho.

The kits are available on the Gingiber website. I really love some of the designs, but I don't like the fabric or the floss included with the kit. I've reprinted this design, and I'll use my own fabric and floss. It's okay that it isn't ready for stitching, though, because I want to finish off the binding for Mr. MacGregor's Garden. Now that Dominic has arrived on the scene, his quilt needs to be on its way to him. I spent the last of my sewing day clipping the binding for hand-stitching, and it's waiting for me downstairs.

Okay, so I didn't get any more blocks made for Calendula Patterdrip's Cottage yesterday. Today, I'll put as my top priority to finish the four bow tie blocks. If I'm feeling very energetic, I might also finish off the six pinwheel blocks to follow. For sure, I'll get some work done on the binding for Mr. MacGregor's Garden, and I'll finish tracing my next slow-stitching project. And if that isn't enough to keep me out of trouble, there's a new Tiny House to work on. Clearly, there's plenty of sewing for my Monday.

Last night, I took the time to start some Overnight Oatmeal. It's a nice way to start the morning. When it's snowing outside, it feels like comfort food. I can't always remember to start it the night before, and so it's a treat when I remember. And all of that to say I'm headed there now. Have a good Monday, everybody!


Barbara said...

I love oatmeal. To me, it's not boring. I agree that ordinary oatmeal is very boring, but not the steel-cut Irish kind - the kind that pops in your mouth when you bite into it in little glorious bursts like a sort of gummy champagne. ~ Alan Alda

Lyndsey said...

I hope spring finds its way to you soon, continuing snow is no fun. I love the backing fabric you've used. I usually forget to take a photo of the quilt back. Baby Dominic is so cute and what a lot of hair.

Karen said...

It's 57° here. In Michigan. At 4:24. Spring break for school kids this week. Hope they have a good weather week.
I love Jenny's designs too. Is she ok ? I don't see new posts.
Just quilting away and having a good time here. Started a new project in my birthday. Lori Holt's "My happy place". The templates came the day before my birthday, so it was Karma. Just had to start a new project !

Kate said...

We hit the high 80s yesterday, almost a record. It will be warm today, but then back to more spring like temps for the rest of the week. Looking forward to seeing your Maps quilt. Congrats on all the progress with it. Hope you have lots of stitching time today.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Yuck - I'm so over snow and would be perfectly happy to never see it again. Somehow I doubt that we're done with it quite yet. Love that Alcott quote!

kc said...

Ok, so I confess, I am apparently way behind the times. Who is Dominic? When I read your first block, I thought it said in catitude, so I went back and reread it to read properly gratitude. But I guess in your case attitude is probably perfectly appropriate, lol. Sorry about your continued snow, but I guess you'll be thankful when you have water in the summer :-). We are still in our dry season, and kind of looking forward to a hurricane. I just hope it's a small one with minimal destruction. Just rain, just bring rain please. I, for one, could absolutely not resist that adorably sweet face, and I don't see how anyone else could either. I'm glad you can find other jobs for him to keep him happy and content while you work. Can't wait to see the road trip project, I know it will be beautiful. And you have learned so much from doing all the different motifs. I guess I would be a creep if I told you we are enjoying the pool and we are in the low to mid '80s with Sunshine every day. Does that entice you to return? We have plenty of room for you and the kitties here at the new house, but no room sadly, for the big trailer. We could probably manage the truck and its camper shell though. Stay well, warm and dry, and enjoy your days.

Andrew said...

I have read your blog. Honestly I've never read this type of blog before. Appreciate your work and will love to read your incoming articles too.

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