
Frosty Morning

It's a chilly morning out there, my friends. Very cold weather is on its way. So far, it's very pretty. We had a nice view of the mountains with a pink-tinged sky.

If sailors should take warning at a red sky in morning, what do you suppose they're to do with a pink sky?

It was a busy day yesterday, with almost no time for sewing. I got my monthly pedicure, and I did some grocery shopping. Whole Foods didn't let me down on my mushroom hunting expedition. I found a good supply of chanterelles there, and so I'll be making Chanterelle Mushroom Risotto for dinner. It's a favorite of ours and good for several meals. It's going to be a busy kitchen day because I'm also making a lasagna to serve when we have guests for dinner tomorrow. They're bringing a salad. I have some store-bought garlic bread, and tomorrow I'll bake a Dutch Apple Pie from the apple pie filling I made this past summer. It'll be an easy dinner for when they arrive since it can all be made ahead.

But let's just get back to the little bit of sewing that was accomplished yesterday. I didn't get home until almost 4:00 p.m., but I had enough time to stitch the binding for the Tucson Tabby.

Here's how it looks from the back:

And since I promised it a good home, I went straight to work finding an open spot on the first floor of the Mewseum.

I can fit a few more small quilts on this wall, but it's getting pretty full at this point.

It's okay. I can still make more cat quilts because there's plenty of room on the second floor of the Mewseum.

So if there's time to do anything outside the kitchen today, I'll get started on the thread-painting for the challenge piece. I like the one-hour rule I set up for myself at the beginning of this project. An hour is enough time to make visible progress, but it's not so long that I want to quit before time is up. I can always sew longer if I want to, and one-hour minimum is an easily do-able goal. 

If there's time left over, I'm going to start quilting this quilt I call "Waste Not What-nots." It's another quilt from my trashy series. This one was made up of bits and bobs and a lot of orphan blocks. I have some ideas about doing some fancy stuff for this one.

So it's a full day ahead. Slow-stitching awaits. Very cold weather is coming.


Barbara said...

Scarves, mittens, and hats are a great way to express your personality in the cold weather. ~ Brad Goreski

Quilter Kathy said...

I love the new addition to your mewseum! So fun!
There is still lots of wall space to fill!

Jean said...

We've had some snow here in Globe, AZ (90 miles east of Phx) and it's REALLY cold!!!

Sara said...

I really like how you're displaying the small quilts along the stairway. I have one in my stairway, but should hang more. Your risotto sounds delicious.

CarolE said...

Your view is so pretty! Sorry to bother you but I sent an email to you inquiring about your Heartland Barns pattern. Maybe my email went to spam or maybe you already sold it. I am still interested if it is available. Thanks so much.

Kate said...

Love your Tucson Tabby! Hope it doesn't get too cold or stormy. We'll see the artic blast sometime late next week if you can believe the weather forecast. Happy stitching today.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

You managed to find the perfect border and backing fabrics for your cactus project - that doesn't always happen.
I love those bright bold colours of your Waste Not quilt. The black (charcoal?) shows each block off wonderfully.

SJSM said...

I agree on the black to contrast the blocks on your Waste Not quilt. The Tucson Tabby turned out well.

On the mend here. Our weather is dry. Oregon and Washington need to push that rain southward! We’ve had a decent start to the rain year in November. December is below normal.

Most of my sewing area is rearranged and mostly cleaned up. I hope to finish in the next day or so. Then I’m ready to get projects going. Cleaning up bits and bobs of "extras" from previous sewing marathons. Many are being gifted to friends and family. It’s creating more space for the tabletops for work. The fabrics are going into the vacated storage bins.