
Finding Joy

Good morning, my friends. I'm a little late posting this morning. I took time to finish off the fifth Domestic Affairs block before writing.

Here are the five blocks I have for this quilt so far. I love how feminine and dainty these blocks are.

This morning brought another pink sunrise.

While we ate our breakfast, it cast a pink hue over Mt. St. Helens.

Backing up to yesterday, I had a busy day in store for myself. It was my day to work out on the Bowflex. It's a good workout. With just a ten-minute warm-up on the treadmill, it still gets our heart rates up and causes us to work up a sweat. Of course...ladies do not sweat, but I'm not claiming to be a lady.

Afterward, I checked my email and discovered that our dinner guests expected this evening were canceling. It seems they were both sick with RSV. Sigh. Fortunately, I hadn't yet done any cooking for this event, although I had done the grocery shopping and housework. Oh well. It's two less things I need to think about today and next week. 

The only sewing I did yesterday was my one-hour commitment to thread-painting the challenge piece. I started my journey with this YLI 40-weight variegated tan. I'd hoped for something lighter in weight, but this was my best color choice for the skin tones. I went ahead with it. I used other colors yesterday, but I was so consumed with the task, I neglected to take pictures of any of them.

For this, I attached my Bernina Stitch Regulator. 

Usually I use an open-toed foot for this. Some of the pieces on my challenge quilt are so tiny, I feared the needle going up and down would lift them from the quilt's surface. For this project, I decided to switch to the round disc foot. (Disk?) Okay, I wasn't sure which "disc/disk" to use here, and so I inquired of The Google to help me out. This is what I learned:

Although disc and disk are listed as variants for something round and flat in shape, each one seems to have a preferred usage. Disc is seen more often in the music industry and throwable objects such as Frisbees, whereas disk is the preferred spelling in computer-related lingo such as floppy disk. (From Merriam Webster)

Okay, well that was no help at all since my disc/disk has nothing to do with either. I'm going with "disc." Feel free to chime in with your own ideas about this. And speaking of chiming in...CarolE, you are set at no-reply. I'm hoping you'll read this and email me the conventional way since I have no way to respond to your inquiry about the Heartland Barns pattern.

As I was getting started with my sewing, Smitty came to inquire if he could be of assistance. I told him he could best encourage me by acting as my kitty cheerleader.

And then I went to work. It's more than halfway finished. It's going pretty well. There are a couple of places where I wish I could have done better. It's the best I could do, however, and by my standards, the best I can do is good enough. Here's your peek:

Purrobably I owe any success on this to my excellent cheerleading cat. 

For sure, I'll be able to finish up the thread-painting today. The thread-painting is done through the quilt top and batting. I'll add the backing when that is finished, and then do a little bit of quilting. If I'm really speedy, I might get a binding sewn on today. I'll be glad to have this finished. I enjoy the challenge pieces, but I wish I could show them as I go along.

For dinner I whipped up the promised Chanterelle Mushroom Risotto. It's our once-per-year splurge on some very expensive and difficult-to-find chanterelle mushrooms. Always a treat.

With our dinner plans for tonight canceled, we'll have the leftovers for dinner tonight. And that leaves me with an NBS day. It's very cold outside today...freezing and windy. Staying inside and sewing sounds like the best possible way to spend the day.


Barbara said...

When Paul and I were first friends, starting in the sixth grade and seventh grade, we would sing a little together and we would make up radio shows and become disc jockeys on our home wire recorder. And then came rock and roll. ~ Art Garfunkel

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful view from your breakfast table!
When you mentioned sweating, it reminded me of something from many years ago….we were attending an outdoor wedding on a late August afternoon (that translates to high temps and lots of humidity here in Virginia!) ….anyway, one of the bridesmaids was quite distraught due to much sweating..one of the other bridesmaids walked up to her and told her ‘Don’t worry about it…southern ladies don’t sweat, they glisten’….so your exercise routine doesn’t cause you to sweat…you just glisten!!
For the life of me, I have no earthly idea what your challenge project could be! Once you finish the piece, and can show it to all of your followers who are waiting to see it, I am going to compare the finish with all of the clues to see what I could have picked up on, but missed…for tips on trying to figure out your future challenge projects!
Thanks for sharing!
Sandra B

Katie said...

I've seen a similar foot called a cup foot, but this one doesn't seem to have the extreme curvature of other cup feet, so maybe it is a disk/c foot after all? It functions the same, though. And though I feel badly for the friends who are ill and hope they recover quickly, I'm also shaking my fist at them for you since you've already risked your life grocery shopping on their behalf! The view of the mountain is gorgeous. All I get is the neighbors barn that they built in their front yard. (Can you hear my eyes rolling?) I'm intrigued at the challenge piece, but if I had to guess, I'd say it's a photo of a person from about the hips up? But who is the bigger mystery! What was the challenge theme again? I can't for the life of me remember. (I also can't remember what I ate for dinner two nights ago, so...)

Kate said...

The Domestic Affairs blocks are really cute. Sorry your plans for the evening are canceled, hopefully you can reschedule soon. Looking forward to seeing your challenge project.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

My mother always insisted that women don't sweat - they glow.
RSV isn't something to be trifled with - our #2 son and his entire family are down with it and the baby is really sick. Of course there is no children's Tylenol available anywhere. They lucked out and found a pharmacy that would compound it for them but it's not as good as the original. So sorry that your guests have succumbed to it.
Interesting discussion on the use of disk and disc. I had always thought it was one of the words that is different between the US and here.

Carol in Texas said...

Barbara, whose pattern is the Domestic Affairs quilt you are making? I just realized that I am no longer getting posts from the beautiful designer in Australia whose name I can’t bring up at the moment. This has happened to several of the blogs I love. Canadian Needle Nana no longer shows up in my email list….I have to remember and go looking for it! I love reading about your work and about your cats!!!!! We are a cat household of three, sometimes 4, but our outdoor population is quite large. We live in the country and we love cats! The photos this morning are breathtaking!

piecefulwendy said...

I agree about the Domestic Affairs blocks, they are so feminine and lovely. Yay for you, getting your workout in. Would you send me a little of that mojo that makes you get up and do it? I could use some! What a gorgeous view to enjoy over breakfast. I'm enjoying the snow-covered trees out my window this morning. Sorry about the dinner cancellation, but yay for the NBS day. I'm making slow progress on my challenge piece, but it's moving forward!

MissPat said...

While it is disappointing to have your dinner guests cancel at the last minute, it's certainly better than having them show up only to notify you the day AFTER that they are sick.

Quilting Babcia said...

Your Domestic Affairs blocks are so pretty. Your mystery piece looks to me like a woman with a baby or pet on her lap. I guess we'll have to wait til February to know... Sorry about your dinner guests, but it did give you extra sewing time. A lot of snow predicted for here, very little so far. Thankfully.

SJSM said...

The Risotto is in my recipe file. I, too, love chanterelles.

The tripledemic IS taking its toll. I cancelled on my girlfriends surprise 70th birthday party (how did we get so old!) to not share whatever I contracted. It is mostly over however my husband contracted it after me. I’d be the life of the party but don’t want to be the death of a friendship.

Feminine and soft is a good way to describe your Domestic stitchery.