
In a Bind

It was another day of rain, rain, rain. Certainly there's plenty of time for sewing. I finished off January's block for A Joyful Journey quilt. 

These are going to be fun to stitch. 

With that finished, I took it downstairs for pressing and photos, and then turned my attention to the next section for Calendula Patterdrip's Cottage. Since readying it for stitching, I realized it was going to be difficult to hoop it for stitching the many broom straws at the bottom.

If I'd been thinking when I cut the muslin backing, I would have extended it out toward the bottom of the piece to give myself space for my embroidery hoop. (Yes, I know that not everyone uses a hoop, but I prefer it.) It wasn't too late to baste a muslin strip to the bottom of the one already present, and so I did that. I used a long stitch, and when this is finished, it'll be easy enough to remove.

Okay...now we're talking. That's where I'll start this morning. I predict many weeks of stitching ahead on this large piece.

There was just a little bit of quilting left on the Garden Sunshine quilt. Already I'd quilted one side of the border, and I just needed to make my way around the remaining three sides. When it was finished, I laid it out in front of the living room windows where I can get good lighting to bring out the contrast.

Here are a couple of photos of the back. Looking toward the right...

Looking to the left...

And then, the only thing left was to square it up and sew on the binding.

It's good to have it this far. When I finished with the binding, I folded it up, draped it over the arm of my living room chair, and that is where it stayed for the rest of the day. Today is laundry day, which also translates into a good day for hand-stitching a binding. It's a large quilt at 61 x 64 inches, and so I doubt I can finish it in a single day. It does sound like a good challenge, though, doesn't it?

Okay, so we'd hoped for some better weather today, but it isn't looking very promising. For sure it's a good day to stay in and sew. Unless I get a better offer, that's what I'll be doing.


Barbara said...

Our human compassion binds us the one to the other - not in pity or patronizingly, but as human beings who have learnt how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future. ~ Nelson Mandela

Mary C said...

Garden Sunshine is beautiful!

Julierose said...

I really love your garden Sunshine quilt--so pretty--with all those great blocks.. Nice work on these...
I began sewing my Many Trips, but soon realized that I cannot handle sewing large pieces into sections--my back won't let me yet--so I will box the squares up until (hopefully when!!) I am more flexible...also, matching all those squares is quite a challenge--definitely a "pin job"!! '(((
Your snowman is adorable--neat stitchery...hugs, Julierose

Quilting Babcia said...

Garden Sunshine is definitely a winner! Love all the clear bright colors. Your stitching pattern in the borders is one I'd forgotten, must make a note about it. It reminds me a little of lily of the valley.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Pretty quilt, Barbara! Laundry day does sound like a good day for some hand binding. Enjoy!

Sherrill said...

Oh my gosh, that little snowman stitchery is perfect!! I know I've said it multiple times but your stitchery is just perfect. That big project though..WOW, that'll be a bear. Love how your quilting came out. Beautiful.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

The wee snowman is so cute! I love the addition of just a tiny bit of colour.
Garden Sunshine is aptly named because not only is it such wonderful bright colours but the blocks are very summery-y too.