
Slow Stitching Fast

Good morning, my friends, and Happy Winter Solstice.

It was wet and dark here at the Three Cats Ranch yesterday. I did a little packing of items from our freezers. It was a job that produced very cold hands. Well. Don't you know I had a remedy for that. Ordinarily, Spanish coffees are on our menus for cold and wet days. As it so happens, I returned to a long-forgotten recipe I had for Hot Buttered Rum batter a few weeks ago. It seemed like a good time to give that a try.

We used to make this and take it along on camping trips when the kids were little. We were die-hard tent campers then, and sitting around a campfire drinking hot buttered rums was a nice way to spend an evening after the kids were snuggled into their kid-sized sleeping bags. 

As I mentioned in an earlier post, we're meeting up with some friends for a week-long camping trip in one of California's state parks in January, and it seemed like a good time to make up a batch to share. We tried it out yesterday, and it was so yummy. It's a little like chai tea with a kick. A friend from back then gave me this recipe, and I'll share it with you here:

Hot Buttered Rum Batter
makes enough for a crowd


1 cup butter (room temperature)
2 1/4 cups brown sugar
3/4 cup honey
1/8 cup rum extract (1 oz. bottle)
1 tablespoon ground nutmeg
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cloves


Cream together all ingredients.  Chill.  Place heaping tablespoon in each cup.  Add 1 ounce of dark rum.  Fill with hot water.  Store batter in refrigerator.

* * * * *

If you're avoiding alcohol, you can leave out the rum, or substitute an equal amount of apple juice or apple cider. The batter will last in the refrigerator for a long time.

And lest you think I was drinking hot buttered rum before breakfast, you should know I made good progress on the morning's slow stitching project:

While we watched the news later in the day, I stitched the rest of it, and that puppy is finished. That's one day for applique, one day for slow stitching. (Casually blows smoke from the tip of her needle.)

Okay. Well, I didn't expect to finish that so fast, but there you go. Here are the two blocks I have for this quilt so far.

There's been a major change of plans here at the Three Cats Ranch. Looking ahead at the forecast made our teeth chatter. Here's what we saw. And as you look at this, remember that the forecast you see is for the valley floor...not on our hill here at 1,400 feet. It will be worse for us.

Snow starts Saturday night, and we weren't scheduled to leave until Wednesday. You'll notice I said that in the past tense. We've changed our plans and decided to head out on Christmas morning. We've also changed our route. Instead of heading down the interstate (where we are required to cross over the Siskiyou Mountains), we'll be going west to the Pacific coast and driving south from there. It meant changing the first two stops on our trip and adding new destinations along our way.

The other fly in the ointment was that our truck was in the shop to have an oil leak repaired. It's not terribly important that it get fixed before we leave, and so we called the shop and asked them not to do the repairs. Then, we went and picked it up. We'll take care of that when we return home. And all of that to say that the next few days will have us packing things up for an early start on our winter trek south. Oy boy. As if the season weren't stressful enough already.

Since we're hosting dinner here on Christmas Eve, today's plans include a trip to the grocery store to pick up a few last-minute items. I was planning to make a cranberry cheesecake for our dessert on Friday. Did y'all know there's a cream cheese shortage? Heck. Kraft foods was actually paying people *not* to make cheesecake this year. No kidding! Check it out. Well. Learning that made me plenty nervous, and so I stopped at a grocery store yesterday after picking up the truck and found the shelves bare. 

Fortunately, I was able to drive down the street to another grocery store, where I found all I needed. Phew! That was a close call. And cheesecake...there must be cheesecake!

So, I'm going to sign off this morning. I'll catch up again after we get started on our trip. It could be a week before I'm back. I have a post written ahead to participate in the "Best of 2021" linky party over at Meadow Mist Designs

So the latest I'll return is Sunday, the 26th. By then, I should have myself pulled together enough to return with an update the following day. Until then, I'm hoping y'all will enjoy this shortest day (or longest night) of the year and have a very merry and safe Christmas Day!


Barbara said...

What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness. ~ John Steinbeck

Julierose said...

MERRIEST of CHRISTMASES to you and DH....and best wishes for a good getaway..

We've just gotten back from our (hopefully) last food shopping trip and just as I walked into the store Mr. Sciatica decided to grip my butt!! ;(((
Just made it through until checkout which my Darling hubby did...
I am on the heating pad and hoping for some relief...!! Yeesh--this has been going on way too long...

My kids will be bringing most of the food on Sunday for our get together and, Tom will make his chili in the slow cooker-- so easy peasy!!

Have a safe trip and enjoy Christmas Eve...
MERRY CHRISTMAS hugs Julierose

Darlene S said...

It sounds like you are certainly going to have a busy time this coming week. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a good & safe drive as you head out before the snow. Good to know after today, everything is going to get brighter every day!

Quilting Babcia said...

Merry Christmas and safe travels!

Anonymous said...

Cream cheese has been in short supply here in central Virginia since before Thanksgiving…. As soon as I realized it could last for a while, I bought whatever I could for the holiday needs, checking to be sure expiration dates would get me past Christmas, so I am all set through the end of the year. Thank goodness! I don’t make cheesecake, but do make cheese balls, so I was glad to find what I needed! Wishing you a very merry Christmas, and an easy getaway to begin your trip!
Safe travels….
Sandra B

Dorothy said...

Have a very Merry Christmas
Safe travels; I'll be sitting on your back bumper again enjoying the views and learning new things about our country through your eyes.
(hope the truck behaves itself until you get back)

Rebecca in AK said...

I hope you and your family have a Very Merry Christmas (Eve) and a Blessed New Year! Safe travels.

MissPat said...

When I checked at the grocery today, there was plenty of cream cheese (store brand, not Kraft), but I still have an 8 oz package and no plans to use it right now. I can't wait to see where we're going this year, but I'm sure it will be interesting. Merry Christmas.

Jenny said...

Merry Christmas to you as well. Have a great trip, and hope the weather plays nice for you.

Christine said...

Checked our temp in F..... 26.6....no snow but very frosty.
Hope all goes well and you get away safely before the temp drops much more.
Take care my friend.

SJSM said...

Yesh! All I see is bands of cold rain coming in from the Pacific. Our mountains will have snow on Christmas according to the weather. If so, you will find snow on any mountains you cross. Are you taking Howay 1 all the way down? You will hit rain but since this series is a cold storm not as much as if it were a Pineapple Express. Our rain started this evening and will continue. Each storm wave will have a brief break before the next one starts. This is good as the soil should be able to absorb it. It’s the perfect weather to resolve part of the drought without mudslides.

Have a merry Christmas Eve. Traffic should be light for Christmas Day. Safe travels and Gods speed.

piecefulwendy said...

I hope your packing goes smoothly and you get out of Dodge before the first flake flies. Merry Christmas to you, Mike and the rest of the family (and kitties, of course!). Safe travels!

Katie said...

A cream cheese shortage? A few months back I would have believed you, but that is one area of the grocery store that seems okay. Well, the brick kind. Maybe the whipped in a tub kind is in short supply? (I never look there, as it cannot be made into cheesecakes!) But it has not only been reasonably stocked, but on sale the last few weeks! Needless to say, I'll also be making the sake for Christmas. I do believe you, as it has been the weirdest two years of my life lately. Anything is possible! Have a safe trip!

Pam Dempsey said...

So funny - casually blows smoke from tip of needle :) We were down to 30 the last few mornings here in northeast Texas but by Christmas our high will be 81. Bummer! I hope y'all have a safe and fun trip!

Lyndsey said...

I don't like the look of those temperatures, although it was down to 2 Celsius here in London this morning. At least there is no snow forecast for us at the moment but I did love seeing your snowy pictures. I hope your Christmas Eve is lots of fun and wishing you a very Happy Christmas. Safe journey and I look forward to reading your posts. This time I'll keep up to date with your travels.

Susan said...

It is really weird what becomes a shortage. Fortunately you were able to find what you needed. May the weather fairies be with you as you skedaddle out of town. Merry Christmas to you and all of your family.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Hadn't heard about a cream cheese shortage, but had heard about there being one on Rice Krispies (who knew!).
Be safe on your drive - Merry and blessed Christmas wishes to you and Mike and the kitties.