
Focus on Slow

Slowly, we're all recovering around here. Smitty is far from 100%, but he's improving. This morning, I found him on the top shelf of his kitty pole. It's his purrimary place of residence when he's not helping me with sewing, and he hadn't felt strong enough to jump to the top for at least several days. Although he's still sneezing some, he feels good enough to jump high. If you missed the update on what we learned from the vet, you can read it right here.

It was lunch time when I was home from my grocery shopping yesterday. There was just a little bit left to finish off Plate #8 for the Pieces of the Past quilt. When it is sewn into the quilt top, it will be positioned vertically, as you see it here:

These are all the plates I have for this quilt so far. There will still be one more plate, and then I'll start working on some of the other designs for the quilt. There is a lot of embroidery in this one.

With that one finished, it was time to make up my next embroidered quilt block. Having finished all the blocks for Dancing Chickens and Flying Pigs, there was an opening on my embroidery dance card. 

As I've mentioned before, I have so many embroidery patterns that I can't choose among them. I want to make all of them, all at the same time. And so I made a numbered list of patterns (a version for long-term and short-term projects), and I use a random number generator to select the next one I'll work on. (I do the same thing with my list of books to read.)  As it so happens, the random number generator selected Jennifer Reynolds' (Jenny of Elefantz) 2016 free BOM offering of "Gentle Domesticity." There are 12 quilt blocks in the set, but no finishing instructions. Here's a look at the 12 blocks she designed and stitched:

You can find her post about this BOM right here. I've done some poking around on her website. It seems some of the designs are still available for a small fee in her shop. I'm starting with the first block released in 2016. Jennifer's version looks like this:

There's very little offered up in the way of instructions or color choices. I'm just eyeballing hers and doing whatever looks similar. Yesterday, I did the applique and tracing. 

Also, I'm changing the name of mine to "Domestic Affairs." I'll admit to enjoying domestic challenges, and I've often said I was born 50 years too late. I would have loved being a stay-at-home mother and housewife, but it was not of my time. When Mike and I were raising our kids, one income just didn't cut it. That said, I'm not nearly as squishy about homemaking as Jennifer is.

This morning, I'll start stitching my version. It's hooped up and ready to go. 

And that's about all that happened yesterday. I did a few things around the house, including filling the birdfeeders and watering the flowers. Today has been designated NBS (Nothing But Sewing), but I'll still need to get out into the garden and harvest green beans and zucchini. The corn is also ready for harvest, but we'll hold off until the kids come up Sunday. Won't it be nice to have fresh garden corn for our little get-together? After we've eaten our fill, Mike and I will harvest the rest for freezing.

Aside from vegetable harvesting, there's just one miniscule item on my list of housekeeping chores. Other than that, I'll be spending the day in the sewing room. It's time to get a start on the Vintage Linen quilt. I've been chomping at the bit to get after it.


Barbara said...

I am not exactly Mrs. Good Housekeeping, although I love to cook, bake, even iron, but only because it's not mandatory. ~ Rita Moreno

Edith said...

Glad to hear Smitty is on the mend. My cat had something similar but we were given antibiotics and it cleared up. No mention of the virus.
I’ve often wondered if the work at home mom was a bit of a myth. All the stay at home moms in my small town seemed to work helping their husband’s business but they got no credit or pay! I saw my mom and my friends moms at stores and at the vet (my Dad) helping in many ways to keep things running. My mom switched to teaching but she helped my dad for years before that. Enjoy your trip next month.

Anonymous said...

I was so relieved that Smitty is on his way to recovery… the picture you posted in the update yesterday afternoon was a welcome sight. He looked so much better than the earlier picture. So encouraging to hear he is feeling stronger and is back on his top perch! Still sending positive thoughts out to him for a full recovery in the near future!
Sandra B

Robin said...

Thank you Barbara, did my heart good to see Mr. Smitty looking better. I'm sure Sadie is glad as well. As always, your embroidery is magnificent. Looks like sorcery to me and I'm here for it!

Cherie in St Louis said...

I'm so glad to hear Smitty seems to be recovering. Lot's of purring has been sent his way.

Katie said...

I'm so very glad to hear Smitty is already feeling better. I hope with a few more days of meds and extra loves (I know he is getting them even if you don't say so!), he'll be back to his old self again. I love Jenny's embroideries, but no matter how much I tell myself I'm going to do projects like that, they end up abandoned to the UFO pile, so for now I'll just enjoy yours from here!

Lyndsey said...

Picasso is very relieved to hear Smitty is feeling better. I've just been reading about his illness and our vet has a warning on their webpage as they are getting a lot of cases at the moment. I hope Sadie doesn't get ill as well. I love your new embroidery. Like you, when we started our family being a stay at home mom was not an option. About 7 years later it was a possibility but I was enjoying my job so kept on working.

Sandra W said...

Poor Smitty. I have heard in the past that it's a bit like HIV. But I may have got that wrong. I know there i a kind of leukemia disease they can also get. My husband is a bit of a cynic. When I told him about the teeth cleaning and subsequent illness he declared that is a vet rip-off. That you just need to fee cats some dry food. I, of course, believe that teeth cleaning is important for cats.
It's interesting that he hid in a new place. Apparently cats do this because they don't want to appear sick (vulnerable) in front of their predators (it's in their genes). They also feel safe when something is over their heads. Who knew.
Well best wishes for Smitty. I hope he comes through this. There is a reason cats have nine lives. If you want to see Smitty perk up, have the vet give him a liquid trip. This is a miracle treatment, although doesn't last too long.

Sandra W said...

Liquid drip, not trip. Just got cataract surgery and not seeing that well.

gpc said...

What a scare, it is just so awful with we are helpless in the face of a loved ones illness. I am so glad he is improving. I agree about the house-wifery. It was how I expected my life to go, and I was ill prepared to become independent, although I pretty clearly managed. Still, under my self sufficient (what, stubborn?) shell, I always had a squishy domestic soul.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

So relieved to hear that Smitty is going back to his old self and obviously feeling better.
It was nice to reminded about the "Gentle Domesticity' series of designs. I think those were being featured on Jenny's site about the time I first discovered her. I haven't done any of her things yet - but hoping to one day.

piecefulwendy said...

Glad Smitty is continuing to improve. What a week, huh? Your embroidery project looks like a fun one!

Created by Kathi said...

I’m glad you kitty is getting back to doing normal things!
I love the plate you finished and how you choose the next pattern to do using a random number generator!!! Lol. Have a fun day today and I love the print you appliqués for the heart!!! Much better than the light print of the pic :)

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Poor Smitty. I get stressed when I go to the dentist, too. Hope he is better by now.