
Approaching the Last Minute

My day started with a run around town, belt-way style. I needed to accomplish three things, and each thing was in a different direction. The apple orchard has opened for business, and so I stopped off to get some apples. There was a new pair of walking shoes in the mix, and then I picked up some prescription sunglasses made from an old glasses frame I had on hand. When I got home, I unloaded 15 lbs. of apples from the car. Applesauce is on today's to-do list.

My post is a little late this morning. I had just a few stitches left on the first block for Domestic Affairs, and so I finished that up.

Now, I'm without any slow-stitching projects, but I have some ideas to get me through until we leave on our trip. For one thing, the next Posies block will be released tomorrow...September 1st. Can you believe we're into September already? So, anyway...that will give me something to do in the next week. 

But I've been thinking ahead to our trip. We're taking the truck camper this trip...six weeks...our longest trip ever in the truck camper. My friend Dorothy asked where we were going. This trip, we'll be traveling east through Oregon and Idaho and then south into Utah. We'll do a little sight-seeing there, and then east to Colorado (Ouray and Silverton this time). We'll be riding ATV's there. Then south into the northwest corner of New Mexico, where there's going to be quite a bit of sight-seeing. Then west into Arizona where we'll do more sight-seeing, and then we'll be riding ATV's with Oracle, Arizona, as our base. Then northwest again to do a little more sight-seeing in northern Arizona and southern Utah, and then home, via Nevada's Great Basin National Park. We're going to see so much stuff! It's my favorite kind of trip. I posted pictures of our route as mapped out on Google maps. If you're interested, you can see them right here.

Okay, and so space is limited in the truck camper. I won't be taking my sewing machine, and I was trying to figure how to take enough slow-stitching to keep me busy, while simultaneously taking up as little space as possible. Enter the Grandma's Thimbles quilt pattern I found just recently.

These are small blocks. The thimbles are only 5 inches tall, and the backgrounds are cut 6-1/2 x 8 inches. So I've cut all the backgrounds and also the stabilizers for each block. Then, I printed all of them off onto Sticky Fabri-Solvy. I could print three thimbles on each sheet, and now I have them cut apart and bagged up.

These should keep me busy the whole time we're gone, and I'm hoping I can get them mostly done before we return home.

So I spent a little time in the sewing room getting the first block made up. Sadie, my ever faithful sewing cat, was there helping me when Smitty showed up. This big boy is looking so much better today. He seems to have taken a turn for the better yesterday, and he's much more active than he has been. When he came down to the sewing room, he was thinking he might like to spend some time in the clubhouse.

Sadie has been missing her friend, and she ran to greet him.

So I opened up the clubhouse for them, and they were up and into it in a flash. And just, FYI, you can never have too many cats, unless you're trying to accomplish something in the sewing room. Then, even one cat can be too many cats, especially when its name is Sadie.

Okay, so back to my quilt blocks...no doubt I'll finish the newest Posies block very quickly, and then I really will be out of made-up slow-stitching projects. I figure it's not too soon to get a start on the first thimble. So, I prepared the first block. That black smudge you see across the top of the thimble is just some smudge from my laser printer. I think it needs its print heads cleaned. It won't affect the block at all.

Now it's hooped up and ready for stitching, whenever that might be.

The only downside of this idea is that I won't have easy access to a washing machine. I've found it more difficult than it needs to be to hand-wash the Sticky Fabri-Solvy out of the block when it's finished, and so I put the quilt blocks in a mesh bag and run them through my machine's rinse cycle. While we're traveling, I won't be able to do these as I finish each one. We will need to do some washing here and there, and so I'll probably just toss them in at the laundromat when I have a chance. Or maybe I'll just wait until we get home. We'll see how it goes. And that is the only project I'll be taking along. (Crosses one thing off packing list.)

Okay and so in the "ways with zucchini" category, I tried a new recipe from the NYTimes last night. These are Chicken-Zucchini Meatballs with Feta

It was very easy to make. I used my food processor to shred the zucchini and shallot, and the meatballs went together very nicely. I ended up with 14 meatballs...enough for two meals. The sliced zucchini on the side is roasted in a 425 degree oven along with the meatballs. While those are roasting, you make up a kind of "sauce" using shallot, olive oil, crushed red pepper, and feta cheese. We looked askance at the sauce since it seemed a little weird, but it actually added a nice flavor to the rest of the dish. One is supposed to drizzle it over, but we kept it on the side until we were sure.

Okay, so applesauce is in my future today. If I'm feeling very energetic, I might make a batch of tomato-jalapeno jam. Probably, that will have to wait until tomorrow, but that will bring an end to Canning Season 2021 for the time being. I still want to make some spicy plum barbecue sauce when we get back. While I'm hoping to have some time for sewing this week, there is a lot to do to get ready for our departure. I'll fit in sewing when I can. 


Barbara said...

In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable. ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

Sandra W said...

Considering how fast and disciplined you are there's no way those thimbles will take 6 weeks. You need more to work on! Maybe some english paper piecing, another embroidery project, sashiko (it's mindless). But you need more, honestly. Have you every done a constellation or city embroidery? Now that's a project.
So are you an official tester for ATK? And if so, what does that mean?
And did I miss it? But I don't think you mentioned what kind of pie that was. It looked like a really odd pumpkin to me. Do tell.
That one photo of Smitty with his tongue half out was a little disturbing. That's what really sick cats do, with a bit of a pant. I'm hoping it was only a one-off bad photo.

Betty said...

So good to see Smitty looking and acting more like his usual handsome self. Are the kitties going on the trip with you?

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Hmmmm - looking at the number of thimbles you have to stitch makes me wonder....are you sure you're taking enough?? I think I'd be finding a teeny little corner in the camper to tuck another project. Better to be safe than stitchless!!!

Lyndsey said...

Mmmm I think I might agree with the other comments that the thimbles doesn't look enough to fill your stitching time for 6 weeks even with sight seeing and other activities. I guess you'll have loaded several books on your e reader or whatever device you use. That would help slow your stitching if you were really steaming through them. I'm looking forward to this trip, I don't have to drive, just follow along and enjoy the pictures. It's great to see Smitty looking so much better.

Dorothy said...

Wow what a great road trip "we're" going on. Glad it's you two doing the ATVing though. Smitty is looking much better which makes me happy on this side of the monitor.

Unknown said...

Your trips always sound like such fun, Barbara. This is a great time of year to drive around the southwest. When you go through Flagstaff, AZ, wave to my alma mater--NAU. Spent 3 years there in the late 70s. :)

Cathy said...

Looks like you’ll be in our neck of the woods next week, or shortly thereafter (Salt Lake Valley). Unfortunately/fortunately, we will have family visiting from AZ and staying with us. And we’re still in a mess from the remodeling due to our summer basement floods. Both literally and figuratively, when it rains, it pours. Have an enjoyable and safe trip!!

MissPat said...

I'm afraid I have to agree with everyone, that the thimbles project won't be enough d=for a 6 week trip. Unless you plan on being so exhausted you won't have time to stitch. Or maybe you're figuring a stitchery shop stop might be in the cards. I'm glad SMitty is perking up and will be ready to roll.

Nancy said...

I look forward to seeing your pictures. My oldest grandson just moved to New Mexico State for college. The Beaverton kid has been taking some great pictures of the region when he can get out of town. Before he left for college he bought himself a nice camera.
The posies block actually came out a day early down under time so I saw it yesterday. It is very cute. I think you are going to need more stitching. Two days max for each thimble at the rate you stitch. I don’t think you can drag it out much longer than that.
Nice to see the improvement in Smitty.

Christine said...

So excited! I haven't been away since your last trip! I'm so pleased I don't have to do all the thinking and packing although I do feel a teensy bit guilty about that.....
Love the thimbles idea, my mother used to collect thimbles.

piecefulwendy said...

Good to see Smitty up and about, and I'm sure Sadie enjoys having him back to feeling better too. Hope your apple canning went well. That thimble project is a cute one!

Created by Kathi said...

Have fun making applesauce! I love the embroidery and appliqué block for domestic affairs… I also am so in love with that thimble project you are taking on the road! I have searched online and in Etsy for that thimble fabric and can’t find any! :(. So I will enjoy all your makes with it :)
Have a blessed day and take time for a deep breath too Barbara! Kathi

Susan said...

I will look forward to reading about your trip. If for some reason you run out of something to slow stitch, I am sure you can find a quilt store and find a new project to work on. I love homemade applesauce, so much better than the commercial stuff. Finally, I am so glad Smitty is showing greater improvement.

Kate said...

Glad that Smitty is finally feeling more himself. Those thimbles are really fun. You'll have lots to stitch on during your trip.