Here's the third plate for Pieces of the Past.

Just before I took that picture, I realized I'd neglected to finish stitching one of the roses. And that made Sadie and me so mad!
She gave me soothing cheek rubs while I finished stitching it.
When that was finished, she manned the phone and took messages when people called. She's an excellent admeownastrative assistant.
Here are the three plates I have for this quilt so far:
After that, I traced out the next block for Appalachian Memories. I always color in the quilt block. This time, I colored in the cardinal as well. There is only one other block with any extra coloring on it...the one with the American flag.
Okay, and so now it's hooped up and ready to go. This will be the next stop on today's agenda.
We were expecting Erik and Mae to arrive at 2:30 for our wine-tasting event, and so I hurried up in the garden. Honestly, it's been so long since we grew vegetables, I'd forgotten how gratifying it is. The garden is looking fantastic. There are zucchini close to harvest, and I expect I'll be inundated with beets soon enough.
Behind where I'm standing, the garden wasn't planted, and it has all grown up into flowering weeds. The bees love it. We call it the "bee garden." I really should take a picture to show you. We've learned from this year's garden that I can probably handle a little more. We've also learned the bee garden is probably worth keeping, but we need about a five foot perimeter around it to keep the tallest weeds from casting shadows over the vegetables. I'll try to get out and take a picture soon, and this will all make more sense. For now, just enjoy this visitor. I saw several ladybugs yesterday. They were hanging out on the sunflowers.
As for the rest of the fruits of the garden, the plums are nearly full sized now, but a long way from ripening.
The apples are still coming along. They are about the size of racquetballs now.
Checking in on the tomatoes in the greenhouse...there are lots of tomatoes, but they too are a long way from ripening.
Kitties do not like the greenhouse, but usually when I leave the greenhouse, I find Himself sitting on the wall across from me. It's the catbird seat. A cool, mossy wall to cool his tummy furs, and shade from a tree overhead to keep his back furs from getting too hot. Although...just looking at him, I'm saying the lady cats think he's hot all the time.
In the rest of the garden, the echinacea are putting on quite a show right now. I'm charging the battery on my DSLR camera so that I can get some macro shots of these flowers.
I'm checking the purple poppy obsessively. I can't wait for it to bloom.
There was just enough time left to finish my housework before our wine event. Erik and Mae are members at the Gran Moraine Winery in Yamhill, Oregon. What a lovely tasting room and location!
We took a little walk around the grounds before being seated for our tasting. The grounds were beautifully landscaped.
You'd be disappointed if I didn't show you every blooming thing, wouldn't you? They had the most beautiful gladiolas.
I always love the echinacea.
More gladiolas...
and black-eyed Susans.
I don't know what these are, but they were pretty.
The valley here is expansive and beautiful.
We enjoyed the tasting very much. We shared two "flights," which meant we each sipped 12 different wines.
It was a lovely way to spend an afternoon. By the time we left, it was late in the day, and so we got takeout Thai food and took it home to eat.
I can't end today without telling you it's Smitty's Gotcha Day. This is the first picture I took of the little squirt, 12 weeks old.
All I can say is it was the first day The Troubles landed on the doorstep of the Three Cats Ranch.
Today I'll get back to quilting the Shop Hop quilt. I really want to get it finished and out of the quilting room. There's also some watering to do, and a little housework. (When isn't there?) Time to get going.
Gorgeous flowers, and you have a lovely garden. Great stitching projects too!
The unknown blue flower is a variety of Salvia. Not certain, but think it is "Black and blue".
Happy gotcha day to Smitty. I think that's about the time I started following your blog. Cheers to many more years with sweet Smitty.
Love those three embroidered plates and love too, your gorgeous garden. It is blooming beautifully, isn't it. It must give you such joy every day you walk in it, not to mention all that delicous looking produce you get to enjoy.
Happy Gotcha Day Smitty. You are as beautiful now as you were when you arrived at three cats ranch. Pretty little pink toes and and adorable pink nose.
A little more about the blue salvia....there are a number of cultivars of that salvia, of which “black and blue” is one. Depending on your winters, they are probably annual (mine die to the ground but usually come back, North Texas, Zone8b). They are easy to dig up and overwinter, also easy to root from cuttings. Good hummingbird plant
Flowers, wine, cats - it doesn't get much better, other than hanging with family! We are soon on our way for some cherries, bacon, cheese and wine, so I'd better get packed!
I have a variety of the blue salvia or sage in my garden here in middle Georgia. It was a gift last summer and bloomed well and was covered in pollinators, which is what I was going for. I thought it had died but it came back in abundance this year, again covered in bees. I plan to take cuttings and plant more and give as gifts to encourage pollinators.
I love all the pictures of your garden and the winery. So glad that you enjoyed your afternoon. Your stitching is looking very pretty. Happy Gotcha Day to Smitty.
I always enjoy the walk through your garden. Happy Gotcha Day to Smitty - give him special skritches for me. And that backing fabric -ooooooohhhh.....fondling is definitely in order!
Happy Gotcha Day to Smitty. I am jealous of your garden. I wish we had that much space. Love that blue backing fabric.
Awe, Smitty's Gotcha Day! He got your heart with those eyes, and pretty furrs. Trouble, who me?
Pieces of the Past is looking good. You've got a knack for finding such fun and interesting embroidery projects. Wow Smitty has certainly filled out in the last few years, it's easy to forget he was a kitten once upon a time.
The plates are looking nice.
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