There wasn't much time for sewing on Monday, and so I didn't get to my mask-making until yesterday. As I mentioned, I purchased a Creative Grids mask template from Shabby Fabrics. If you click on that link, you'll find an unnecessarily long video explaining how to use it. It's only just a different shape from the tutorial I've been using, and so I sewed it together using the same instructions from Edyta at Laundry Basket Quilts.
The template made cutting so simple. I cut all four layers at once, but I'll share that an 18mm rotary cutter makes it easier to cut that concave curve.
Oh yes, and I read from several sources this morning that homemade masks made from quilter's cotton are the most effect at preventing spread of COVID-19, so make your masks and wear them proudly! Here's a link from CNN about an experiment from Florida Atlantic University. Interesting!
From there, I took a break. We're trying an experiment with Smitty. We're taking him out for walks, but trying to train him to stay beside us so that we won't need a leash. The first time I tried this, he was a stinker and ran away from me. When I caught up with him, I took him back in the house immediately. Since then, he's been better behaved. He's been out with Mike, and then I took him out yesterday. He was a pretty good boy, staying close. He still loves grazing on the grass, even though he has some nicely potted cat grass inside the catio. Wild tastes better, don't you know.
If we can revive the blue one, I have a spot picked out for it on the other side of the house. And, if not, we'll look for another one next year.
Okay, so back inside, I made some more progress on Luna's pawtrait.
It was getting close to dinner time by then, and I was trying a couple of new things. Shown in the image below is the sorrel from my culinary herb garden. It was planted the first year, when we created the garden, and it just grows and grows and grows. It comes back beautifully every year, no matter how cold the winter, but I've never used it for anything. Something tells me I might have used it in a soup once, but I can't recall for sure and certain. It could be used in salads, I suppose. Biting into a raw leaf, it has a slight citrus flavor. This year, I wanted to try making some pesto from it.
So I linked to the original recipe for the stuffed portobellos, but I made some changes to it. For one thing, there wasn't nearly enough filling for the mushrooms, and so I added some pesto and some pine nuts. Also, I used parmesan cheese rather than get all fancy with an "Italian blend." Really? So's how I did it:
Pesto-Stuffed Grilled Portobello Mushrooms
Serves 2-3
3 portobello mushrooms
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 shallot, minced
1 clove garlic, minced
1 splash Chardonnay wine, or as desired
1/2 cup Sorrel Presto, or any pesto of your choosing
3 tablespoons pine nuts
½ cup shredded Parmesan cheese
Remove stems from mushrooms and finely chop stems.
Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium heat; cook and stir chopped mushroom stems, shallot, and garlic until softened, about 5 minutes. Pour wine into the skillet; cook and stir mixture using a wooden spoon until liquid is evaporated, 1 to 2 minutes. Cool mixture to room temperature, about 10 minutes.
Preheat an outdoor grill for medium heat and lightly oil the grate. (Or use a grill pan on the stovetop.)
Drizzle olive oil over the top each mushroom and place on a grilling pan. Mix pesto and pine nuts with the mushroom stem mixture together in a bowl; spoon into each mushroom. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese over the filling.
Grill mushrooms on the preheated grill until edges are blackened and stuffing is bubbling, about 10 minutes.
Note: If you wanted to try roasting them, I'd probably roast them at 400 degrees for 20-30 minutes. It might even be better than grilling.
* * * * *
Okay, so that brought me to the end of the day. Matthew is off camping with some friends in the Steens Mountains of Southeastern Oregon. Yesterday, he called with the exciting news that he was hired for a new job to start in two weeks. He probably won't be staying with us much longer. He's been getting out camping now that the weather has improved. Later he texted these images. There were wild horses just a few yards from where they were camped.
Interestingly, Mike recognized this herd as the Kiger mustang herd. When he was a working stiff, a project he'd worked on had been code named Kiger Mustang, and that was how his knowledge of the herd originated. You can read about them right here.

And that final link gives me an opportunity to tell you about something I've discovered in the new Blogger platform. You know how when you click on a link, and it takes you away from the page you're reading? If you check the box I've circled in red, you can create links that will open in a new tab, but preserve your page in a separate tab for the reader. The reader can see what's at the link, and then just close it and go back to reading your well-thought-out-and-extremely-wise blogging prose. At least...that's what you'll get when you're reading my blog. Obvi!
Okay, so the weather is crappy again today. As I've said many times and for years and years, summer doesn't really get rolling in Oregon until after that Fourth of July. This year is no different. That doesn't stop me from whining about it. Give it another week and I'll be whining about how hot it is. It's the Oregon way. Oregonians are never happy with the weather.
I was making some masks today too so great minds must have been thinking alike. Something that occurred to me about the clematis - what if you cut it back so that it could concentrate on strengthening its root system and not have to deal with the leaves situation. Just a thought. Luna is looking wonderful - can't wait to see what you do next. And we love portabello mushrooms and will often have them as a 'hamburger'. And wow - wild horses that close! Lucky!
Not a mushroom fan, but love pesto. I make it with basil as mine has taken over one section of the flower bed. I;ve seen those articles about the masks - yeah sewists!
I learned that clematis need cool roots, but do like sunshine up top. My s-i-l taught me to always plant a ground cover at the base of the roots of the clematis. Your flowers are lovely!
Always enjoy reading the escapades of Smitty, Exploratory Cat Extraordinaire, and what’s happening in your corner of the world. Today is Canada Day, and since our local quilt store is still restricting visits inside for a few more days, our Guild’s annual outdoor display along the verandah has been cancelled this year. In our little retirement complex we are having a “Quilt Walk”, displaying about 80 quilts on balconies for the locals to view as they wander around, only our weather forecast was for more torrential downpours, so we changed the ate to the weekend. Yep, you guessed right, the day was gorgeous! Let’s hope it continues to be sunny for our alternate date. Many of us have started to feel the isolation, after three months of pretty much lockdown, and this will be a good way to revive our sense of community.
Many of us are snowbirds, and wonder if we will be able to head South this winter, or if the border will stay closed.
Waving to you from Cochrane,Alberta. Jill
I didn't get round to making the additional masks yesterday so that is on today's agenda as he'll need them for work on Saturday. Congratulations to Matt on his new job. These are such worrying times on the job front with many employers going bust or reducing staff to save money and their companies. I love the pictures from his camping trip of the horses.
A Bird Called Enza by Dawn Meier is based on the Influenza epidemic. First free online book I read & it added a lot to my understanding of the times.
Oh, those portabella look so good. I've never had sorrel that I know of, but I do like a good pesto. I was making masks and thinking on that template, wondering if it would be worth the purchase. So far, I'm just using the paper pattern repeatedly. Yay for Smitty, learning to stay close. Smart cat. The grin on Matthew's face is really fun to see as he explores!
Enjoy! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project.
Thanks for the recipes. We try to eat meatless at least once a week as well. Luna looks Terrific! Did you know that your side bars have disappeared and your search bar too? I wanted to find one of your old recipes today and couldn't search. Maybe it's me...Thanks!
I've been on the backburner about that mask template. I love Creative Grids but didn't know if I would make anymore masks. It seems hard to breath with them on compared to my 3M molded masks I've worn over 30 years since getting asthma. I've never worn them during warm/hot months. Did you skip the interfacing, I noticed she said optional. I'll be wearing one for the rest of my life when I'm out and about it seems. I also have to find a way to pull the elastic to the back because the loops hurt my ears or maybe I'll just use one long piece. I have lots of cute novelty fabrics and it would be nice to have some FUN looking masks. We're in the midst of a heatwave here and I'm hoping it won't be like the summer before last where it turned hot and stayed hot until fall. It was awful. I skipped trimming and just mowed today because I can't take next to 100 degree weather and there's no cool spell predicted. Have a great holiday.
oh wow, I've been "working in the field," so I've missed LOTS of your posts! When we come back to base camp, it's HOT, and I'm TIRED, so we shower, and then I fix dinner, then I am DONE. soo, having said all that, Luna looks fantastic! As do your hydrangeas and lavender! I've found clematis typically likes cooler feet, so even if the leaves are more exposed, as long as you keep cover on their roots and base stems, they do alright. But I'm sure you'll figure out where yours wants to be and it will thrive. Or die trying!
I've only made 2 masks since we left Rockport, giving one of them away. Can't find a taker for the other, go figure. Here in Austin, there were lots of youngsters (ha!) congregating in protests, so, now, rates of infection have skyrocketed and everyone is blaming the bars. I think everyone is afraid to say...being all politically charged and all. (not meaning to be any reflection whatsoever on my feelings on the protests and/or riots, nor the tragedies that started it all)
Interesting read on those pretty mustangs. Amazing that RE could pick 'em out just like that! After all this time.
Looking forward to hearing more about this job offer for Matthew. I know you've enjoyed having him around. Will he be going far away or at least staying somewhat local? Our daughter is suffering after having lost BOTH her jobs, with not a prospect in sight. But, truth be told, she's clearing more money on unemployment than she had been making, soooo....there's not a whole lot of incentive...but, then again, that is NOT how we raised, I dunno what she plans to do. She's always too busy to talk and forgets to call back. Life must be pretty good up there in VA.
It's hot here, too hot to put in full days, mostly. We purchased a kiddie pool and set it up behind the camper. Why one here but us and the coyotes! Unless you count the hummingbirds...we are now up to about 8 that are staying close by all hours of the day and into the evening. Hungry little boogers they are. We bought a 10 pound bag of sugar at Sam's Club when we went to get our tires rotated. Wish I had a 10 pound canister in which to keep it!
Stay well!
You could also read The Plague by Camus.
Are you fusing to some sort of pressing sheet? I don't recall doing that with the pet portrait that I have in the works. That recipe looks delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe with us. What a spot Matthew and his friends found for camping, also congrats on his new job!!
Wow, I didn't know there was a Creative Grids ruler for rotary cutting contoured face masks! I'd heard of the special die cutters, but those seemed ridiculously expensive considering that precision cutting isn't really necessary for the masks. But rotary cutting is a different matter altogether. What diameter rotary cutter blade worked best for you on that inside curve?
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