
A Day for Slow Stitching

While I had every intention of machine sewing yesterday, the Resident Electrician had other ideas. In fairness to him, he was finished with his work around 2:00 p.m., but it seemed late in the day to drag everything out by that time. Instead, I spent the day on slow-stitching.

First up was the day's inchy. This one took a little longer than the rest. It's stitched in backstitch, cross-stitch, French knots, and double lazy daisy stitches.

After that, I worked on finishing up the fourth snowflake. I needed to finish stitching around the outside edge...all stem stitch with one strand of floss, and so those are tiny stitches. The pattern had them in the lightest of the three blues, but I wanted to use something darker.

After that, it was time to sew on the beads.

And then to rinse out the Sticky Fabri-Solvy. Now it is pressed and finished.

While I was rinsing it out, I made up the fifth snowflake, and I'll probably get a start on it today.

Up until now, I've done them in the same three shades of blue. The next one will be done in aqua blues.

We've been enjoying the hummingbirds. This one here is the thug hummer. He's been sitting in a nearby tree for two straight days, chasing off any other birds who come by to feed.

Although he seems to consent to this one other hummer...possibly a sibling or a mate? Who knows why.

Nevertheless, he keeps a weather eye out for other intruders and chases them off whenever they come near. Sometimes they ignore him. Yesterday there were four lined up to feed from the two holes. He was stamping his little birdy foot with wild abandon, but nobody was listening. (Sorry for the dirty window, by the way.)

And now can we all pause with a moment of silence for the terrible life of the RV cats. It's all sunbathing...day in and day out...how is a cat supposed to get a moment's peace?

 As for the Resident Electrician, he was busy doing some re-wiring yesterday. When we're dry-camping, meaning no water or electricity, we run things on battery/inverter power. However, there are only about three plugs in the whole RV that will operate on battery power. He re-wired the RV yesterday so that *all* the plugs will operate on battery power. It's an important and convenient change. It meant that the power was shut off to all the plugs yesterday, though, and so no machine sewing for me. I'll get back to it today. We have a couple of errands to run in town, but I'm confident I'll be able to sew the Tiny Tuesday quilt into a finished flimsy by day's end.


Julierose said...

Lovely finish on that snowflake..I haven't as yet begun my inchies..your kitties look so cozy--;))) [yawn] lol
hugs, Julierose

Teri Russell said...

Love those snowflakes but not the ones that are falling right outside my window right now. There must be 4" or 5" right now and it is still coming down fast. Enjoy your warm (or almost warm) temps.

Sally Trude said...

Your love of cooking is appreciated worldwide, but NO ONE wants to see how cat jerky is made. Respectfully, Molly Kitten

Vroomans' Quilts said...

I saved the inchy, but not sure I will get to it. I adore those snowflakes and look forward to seeing one done up in those luscious Aquas. Like Teri - we have real snowflakes going on (with ice). Oh Molly Kitten - never read her retorts with a full mouth of coffee.

Kate said...

I love those snowflake blocks! Those are going to make a really pretty quilt. So sorry the kitties have such a tough life when you are on the road. Poor thug humming bird, I guess even in the bird world bullies don't fair well.

piecefulwendy said...

I think we need a tour of all snowflakes soon. They are all so pretty! Those hummers are fun to watch, aren't they? Definitely territorial. I can see this is a high stress trip for the cats. Go easy on them, wouldya?

Charlotte M. said...

I am loving your snowflakes Barb. And I too feed the little hummers. So cute.

Angie in SoCal said...

Your snowflakes are so beautiful. Loved the hummingbird photos. Oh, the life of a cat.

quiltzyx said...

More lovely, lovely stitchery! Of course blues of all sorts are my favorites. :)

I see you are torturing those kitties again. Oh my....

Good job Mike the electrician!!

QuiltGranma said...

Isn't it nice to have cat perches that are not where you want to sit/work? But you can still keep an eye on them. And perhaps they get into whatever you are doing (in the middle of your hand stitching or machine sewing) less as well?