
Caution: Long Day Ahead

Today is the day I'll drive north to Kalama, Washington, to hand off Semper Fi to its forever home. It's packed up and ready to go. I'll put in a couple of jars of cranberry pepper jam and cranberry chutney as long as I'm at it. As I tell my family when I'm loading them up with canned goods, everyone has to do their part.

There wasn't quite as much procrastination yesterday as the day before, but I spent a good part of the morning getting a new stitching project packed up for the trip south. I've been going over and over in my mind what to take and what to leave behind. Two of my four stitching projects require crayons, and one is applique. I'd already decided to leave the project requiring applique behind, and the crayons add another dimension to creating the blocks. They were also on the chopping block. Then, I got the bright idea to stick with the hand quilting for Mulligan Stew.

That should be enough to keep me busy for the entire trip. But I know myself well enough to know I'll want something as a diversion, and so it seemed a perfect time to start something new. I KNOW! Am I the most creative person you know when it comes to making excuses for starting a new project? I decided to go ahead and start the hand embroidered blocks for Snowflakes.

It'll be an efficient project when it comes to packing space...and it scores high on the instant gratification scale. You can find the instant downloadable eBook for the snowflakes right here. I've been busy stocking up on floss and beads to make this project. Everything is so pretty, I've been dying to get started on it. 

After doing the 12 Trees, I decided I wanted to find a better way to trace all those straight lines and little circles. For this project, I'm going to use Sulky's Sticky Fabri-Solvy. I used it when I did the embroidery for Vintage Tin, and it works pretty well. It adds a little more to the hassle factor, but I think it will pay off for ease of creating the blocks. The snowflakes can be stitched in four different sizes, and I've decided to do the largest ones that come to 6 inches. Yesterday, I printed out all the patterns on the Sticky Fabri-Solvy

Also, I selected all the floss colors and beads I'll need. Now I just need to cut the fabric to the sizes I need, and this project will be ready for packing along.

The only other sewing I did yesterday was to finish two of the CTC blocks. This one is called "Peppermint Twist," and was created by Pam Mildren. I kind of like this block.

The next is called "Rocky Mountain Christmas," and was created by Anne Wiens. I had a little trouble getting my HST's pointed in the right direction, but it's all finished up now.

So, there are still a few more of these, and I'll just keep plugging away at them. I'm hoping to get them finished before we head south.

For my drive north today, I'm leaving early enough to visit a quilt shop along the way. Then, I'll meet up with Andy and his wife, Karie, for lunch and to hand off the quilt. Then...grocery shopping, so you can see I'm not just kidding around when I say it's going to be a long day.

For your viewing pleasure, I've added a couple more used patterns to my Yard Sale. If you're looking for something new to you, check it out there on my right side bar. I'll be right back here tomorrow to tell you about the quilt shop. Exciting, no?


QuiltShopGal said...

Definitely going to be a very long day, but it does sound like a fun one. I'm sure the recipient of your Semper Fi Quilt will treasure it always. Have fun, be safe.

Kate said...

Oh those snowflakes are so tempting! I may have to spring for that book for my retirement stash. Hope the drive wasn't so long and the quilt shop worth the visit. Hope you had a nice visit with friends. Lastly hope the grocery shopping was fast and painless.

kc said...

Well, you are the most creative person I know, period, so I would expect your excuses to procrastinate to be equally creative, you don't ever disappoint! Hope the fun of the quilt shop and visit with Andy offset the tedium of grocery store at pre-Christmas bustle level. I know we dread setting foot in one during this time. We have noticed a definite increase in traffic and general distracted driving here in Phoenix area.

This snowflakes promise to be done kind of pretty, especially since beads are involved.

I made some progress on quilting my placemats, and I must admit, your ideas were super! And, most importantly, within my skill set! I have all the blue sections done, with the arc echos and have stay stitched the green triangle section. I'm hoping to use my fancy embroidery machine to program the swirlues in the pink watermelon sections, that way, I can buzz thru them and have them come out all the same. Hope I can remember how to use the designer functions! But, will have to wait, as we are fixin to travel for the next 5 or 6 days. Y'all stay safe!!!

piecefulwendy said...

Oh, those snowflakes are so cute! I've never heard of Sticky Solvy, but if it works, great! I know you had fun on your trek. I might have to sneak ahead in your posts so I can read up!