
A Few Blocks

Continuing on with my "Projects of Mystery" series, I decided to trace out a new embroidery project that you can't see. I will show you peeks from time to time...like this one:

Since it doesn't appear I can get the zebra finished to take along on our weekend jaunt, I decided to trace out another short embroidery project. Embroidery really is the best take-along project. It takes up almost no room, and it fits in my lap with no spill-overs. So there's that.

As I mentioned yesterday, I was interspersing sewing with housekeeping chores yesterday. A few chores got done, but sewing was on the winning side of that deal. I finished last week's Tiny Tuesday block. This is a Wonky Star. I think my star has gone nova, however. Really, this one didn't turn out very well. Not only is it poorly pieced, but my fabrics weren't chosen very wisely. Anyway...it's done. I might have to call it something else. In fact, "Nova" works just fine.

I have 30 blocks for this quilt now. Here they are laid out on my design floor.

After that, I got to work on the next two Countdown to Christmas blocks...only mine are Countdown to Earth Day, I guess, since mine are all done in blues and greens. (And I could swear I have more blues and greens than I did when I started using them for this project.) The first one worked out pretty well. The first one is the "Christmas Candy Star," created by Jen Daly who blogs at Jen Daly Quilts. I might have done that center block from strata rather than half square triangles, but there you go.

As for this next one, I have more questions than answers. I finished the block, but it came up half an inch too small. I'm not sure if that was a design error or user error. Probably the latter, but let's just take a look, shall we? This block is called "Mary's Merry Go Round," and it was created by Barbara Esposito.

I followed the instructions, but when the block was finished, I had all these pieces left over. She went to some length describing the cutting process. She took pains to make sure I'd end up with some of the points on the right-side triangles in blue (rather than white, as they are in the finished block above). But then I didn't even use them. And what about those HST's on the left? Baffling, I tell you.

I went to the Moda website just now to see if the comments would give me any clue, but there were none. In fact, comments were shut off. It kind of bugs me since this is the second time (that I know of) Moda has done this on these Christmas blocks. I'd like to know if I'm going crazy or if there is mass hysteria about the instructions for a given block. Now, I'm only left to wonder...and wander about aimlessly, looking for something to do with these extra pieces.

Oh well. Moving on. I didn't get any more sewing done, but the backing fabric for the zebra arrived. I think this is going to be perfect. I should have put something there for scale. The little zebras are about the size of a quarter.

The only other thing I've done with this since finishing off the paper-piecing was to sew a strip of binding together. You can see my fabric choice on the right in the image below.

So this is very high on my list of priorities to finish off, but it will probably have to wait until next week. My batting arrived yesterday, and so I can finish off the remaining three quilt sandwiches. After that I need to do some cooking for our weekend jaunt. I'll say more about that in tomorrow's post. For now...I have many miles to travel before I sleep today.


Jeanne said...
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Shepherdess55 said...

You could make another block from the extra pieces with the four HST on point in the center and the larger pieced triangles at the corners. The finished block would look like the one in the upper left of the photo in the link you provided.

gpc said...

Wait - are you saying you should NOT have a million extra pieces left over when you finish a pattern? Wow, life changer. Love the zebra, it's going to be adorable.

Katie said...

It looks to me like you have the makings of a second block, somewhat in reverse. But I get the frustration. As for having fewer greens and blues, perhaps they've been sewn into the blocks already? (Okay, okay, I know that's not what you meant, but I had to say it!)

Anonymous said...

It's not an user error. For the block to work out properly the diagonal of those four HST joined togetherwould have to equal 12" (finished) and it won't. (8" X 1.414 is 11.312 which is where your missing 1/2" is )
I love the zebra by the way!

Dots said...

I love the zebra. Stunning with all the deep reds around it. That little girl is going to love that quilt FOREVER! Great work on that. I shy away from paper piecing. I love the look, but I don't get it. One of these days it will click in my brain. I always enjoy your blog. When you embroidery or quilt, cook or sew, I just love how you explain as you go about whatever you are making.
About the two coyotes you had a picture of last post. They were hunting. They work together. It is really brilliant how they close in on the prey. But they all encircle the victim. So I caution you to take care when out and about. The two you see, plus the ones you don't see, can be dangerous. If your cat sees them, they see your cat.

piecefulwendy said...

I had to go read through the Moda instructions, and I'm as baffled as you. I'm almost tempted to make a block. After my Moda Blockheads "fun", I'm much more particular about what I take on these days. (I still haven't looked at MB2; really should get the top done.) Curious about what new little embroidery you're working on!

Kate said...

Your tiny Tuesday blocks are looking good. Sorry about the problem with the Moda block. It's annoying when the instructions don't work.

quiltzyx said...

You are so mysterious these days!

I looked at the directions for the "Mary" block & I did see an off-hand comment that if you were doing the 12.5" block that there would be enough to make 2nd block from the strip sets. Very annoying though, that it didn't finish the correct size.