
Approaching Many Finish Lines

It snowed most of the morning yesterday. There was a weather alert to expect more snow overnight, but it doesn't look as if any new snow fell. The wind has died down, and so it's less bitterly cold. We're expecting some warmer weather today, and so I'm expecting some of the snow will melt. This is the view from the living room this morning.

It was nice seeing blue sky and sunshine while I stitched up the last inchy. What a fun little square with the button there. My button was almost too large, but I went with it anyway.

Now the embroidery is finished. We'll be filling in the two blank squares with fabric somehow, but that will have to wait for a future reveal.

The kitties are bereft at the weather. It's been so boring for them, stuck inside. Yesterday, Smitty leaped over the snow you see there to a relatively dry spot on the deck.

He dearly wanted to play, but the snow was more than he could take.

I took a picture of his paw prints so that we could reminisce about his courage at some point in the future.

Sadie even walked to the edge of the deck, but that was enough for her too.

You might notice I took all of those pictures through the glass and inside the house. I'm not going out there. You'd have to be crazy...or a cat...or something.

Instead, I finished off the 11th of the 12 sundress blocks.

And then traced out the next embroidery. This is Bunny Garden from Lynette Anderson.

Ever feel as if you're being watched?

Here's the picture of the Bunny Garden from Lynette Anderson's website. So cute.

My embroidery projects are organized so that I have five going at any given time. Four of them are worked on in turn and one block at a time. The fifth is a small project that can be finished all in one "turn." This is the newest short project. This morning I got started on it. I'm using all leftover floss from my stash, and so this morning's stitching consisted of using up little leftover bits.

Tomorrow I'll get going on it in a more organized way.

Also yesterday, I dug through my stash and found the fabrics I needed to sew the Tuxedo Tales blocks into a flimsy. With so many fabrics, it made sense to use masking tape to keep them organized.

That will be today's project. I don't know how far I'll get with this, but a finished flimsy wouldn't be out of the question. There's some housework to do today, but it shouldn't cut into my sewing time too much. Mike and I went out last night. A local bird shop had suet on sale during the month of February, and I didn't want to miss it. Suet is expensive, and we are completely out. And all of that to say that I need to trudge out to the bird feeders to fill the suet feeder. My birdy friends are looking gaunt and pale and guilting me into taking care of their feeders despite the cold weather and snow-covered field...or perhaps because of it.

How is March looking at your end? I'm afraid we're getting the in-like-a-lion March here. Spring is coming, my friends. Just a little bit longer.


Quilting Babcia said...

Bunny Garden is adorable, either as a stand-alone design, or the beginning of a medallion quilt. Makes us think of something other than snow and cold!

Robin said...

Your embroidery stitches are perfect. Remember when they actually had butcher's in the supermarket and depending on who waited on you the suet or fat was free or fairly cheap & you rolled it in your own seed that you got cheap from the farm stores? Around here, no more butcher, no more farm store (in small nonrural towns). quiltyladyrr@gmail.com

Julierose said...


Sarah said...

Even my Zorro is upset about the weather - he just seems so sad. On Tuesday evening he went outside no less than 5 times to sit on the porch for 5-10 minutes and then wanted back in to warm up for the next trip outside. At least my fitbit was happy with the exercise. Anyone around you do butchering? We have a local business that does venison, etc and he sells the suet cheap. My Dad's birds love it but mine, not so much.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Sounds and looks like everyone's kitties are thinking the same with this weather. Your yard looks very similar to ours. There was sunshine today and even though a bit nippy I ventured out twice for a walk. Moe ventured as far as the porch and Bella sat in the 'cat' window. That little emroidery a day is such a cute piece.

Quilting Tangent said...

At least the cats got out and you worked on your projects. Still winter in NY.

piecefulwendy said...

Maybe the word "bunny" is what turned on Smitty's radar as he watched you at work. Haha -- if he can't find 'em outside, might as well look for 'em inside, right? I'm kind of sad to see the end of the inchy blocks. I wonder what those two blank spots will be -- they will be small, for sure! We are having balmy 11 degree weather here today, and it's supposed to start snowing at 10. Of course. I have meetings all afternoon, so there will be little sewing going on today. Have you heard from Matthew at all? Hope he's enjoying his time there.

quiltzyx said...

The Bunny Garden is sweet! I'm sure it will done in no time a'tall.

Smitty made some very handsome paw prints in the snow! Definitely worth framing...

Nice colors for the Tuxedo Tales blocks too.

Kate said...

Your little embroidered squares are so pretty. It's been fun to watch as you finish each one. I don't blame you for avoiding the great outdoors as much as possible. I'm ready for spring, but with snow in March it doesn't seem like it's all that close.

Brown Family said...

I am so behind on your blogs! Now some of your photos do not come through!

Lyndsey said...

I bought the bunny pattern. You warned me the website was a treasure trove and it certainly is. I managed to just buy the one pattern as I'm very slow with hand stitching but I will be visiting again as there were so many fabulous patterns.