
A Day for Stitching both Fast and Slow

While I hadn't intended to spend the entire day sewing yesterday, I did anyway. Shoot. Missed getting my housework done a-GAIN! The first order of the day was to stitch the second inchy for the National Embroidery Month stitch-along. I realized that I'd colored the yellow flower center with the pink pencil, and so I satin-stitched over that. You won't tell, will you?

And then I got to work on the remainder of the Appalachian Memories quilt block. When I finished up for the day, only this little bit was left to stitch. It was tempting to keep going, but I was getting tired of it by that time.

After that, I got to work top-stitching Cricket's pawtrait. I top stitched around the edges of the fused pieces and then stitched in some iris lines for the eyes.

When I turned around, I found these two little waifs wishing, wishing, wishing someone would open the doors to their clubhouse. Smitty uses the eyes-burning-into-the-object-of-my-desire approach. Sadie prefers the blank-eyed stare.

It was raining outside, and so I opened the doors for them. And by then, I was ready to get to work doing the thread-painting and stitching in details on Cricket. For this, I'm just kind of free-hand zig-zagging around the edges of things and adding shading where it looks as if it needs it. Cats are fuzzy, and so none of their edges should be too well-defined.

When that was finished, I added a French knot at each eye for the eye spot. Adding that bit of "glimmer" brings the eyes to life.

And then it was time to add the back and do the quilting. Digging through my bin of cat fabrics, I came out with this Laurel Burch fabric I've had forEVER. It seemed like a good time to use it.

By that time, Smitty had come down from the clubhouse and did his part scrap napping.

For quilting, I did a meandering loop-de-loop-de-pointe filler on the blue background. (Technical quilting terms...try to keep up.)

In the border I did a right and left hook swoop-de-doo sort of thing.

And then, I sewed on the binding.

Now, it's waiting for me to finish up the hand-stitching and Cricket will be done. I really didn't think I'd get that far with it when I started yesterday, but there you go...all in a day's work. And by "a day's work," I mean the whole day.

Just before turning off the lights for the day, I pulled some fabrics for the next block of the Garden Sunshine BOM. Here's the picture from the block instructions:

When I saw those fabrics, I knew I had just the right ones in my stash, and so I dug around and pulled out these three. The red one was purchased when we were visiting Niagara Falls last year. It isn't the kind of thing I'd purchase ordinarily, but it was so cute, I could resist. And when I saw the fabrics in the image above, my mind went to it immediately. I've been waiting for just the right time to use it, and here it is.

Speaking of traveling, you might remember when we visited an antique/fabric shop while we were touring North Carolina's Outer Banks region last year. I saw this little doll bed on sale, and then marked down. I so dearly wanted it, but sanity prevailed.

We were only in about the middle of our trip with limited space in the RV, and I simply couldn't entertain the idea of dragging it around with us when we still had so many miles to travel. Still, I didn't forget about it, and it wasn't the first time I'd thought about getting one to use for displaying doll quilts.

Recently, I got a bee in my bonnet and started perusing websites and Etsy shops until I found this one. It was delivered yesterday.

The Etsy shop where I got it is located right here. I was drawn to it because, first, the price was right. But also, because of the description, to-wit:
"Originally I made a bed like that for my granddaughter's birthday - and she loved it so much and told all her cousins, so I had do make 4 more for my other granddaughters ( age 2 years-6 years). They are saying that dolls love to sleep in the bed, and I trust them ;-)
I use cedar wood from my backyard, carefully prepare and cover with non-toxic lacquer."

The story related to his granddaughters was endearing, but I liked the idea that the cedar came from the woodworker's own backyard, and that each one was different.

This morning, I folded up some doll quilts to make a nice soft bed, and then I put my two fabric dollies in the bed so they could test it out. No complaints from them so far. The little dolls were made by my dear friend Sharon V. and me. Sharon made the one on the right. I made the one on the left from Sharon's tutorial.

So there. Now I'll have even more company in the sewing room.

This morning I stitched up the third inchy. These are so much fun.

And then I finished off Block #3 of 12 for the Appalachian Memories quilt.

This being Sunday, I'll be linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching.

The weatherman seems quite excited with our weather forecast. They're insisting that snow will fall overnight, and we could have up to three inches of accumulation even down to the valley floor. At our elevation of 1,700 feet, we could see even more. With that in mind, I have plenty of food on hand, but I'm nearly out of bread. It seems like a good idea to make a quick trip into town to get a loaf of bread. Might be a good idea to get some coffee too. You wouldn't want to run out of that. We could die up here without coffee. So there's that. Also...there's the housework I haven't done for the past week. I thought the elves might take care of it, but no. Probably I need to hire some different elves.

If I get through all that, I'll get to work making some blocks. There's the block for the Garden Sunshine BOM above, and I'd like to get going on my Rainbow Scrap blocks. Also, I still need to sew the binding and rickrack on the Emerald Isle table runner. With the barn block finished, I need to trace out the next block for the Snow Globes quilt. There's plenty of hand work to keep me busy for a couple of days, and so that might have to wait until tomorrow. Oh yes, and the next challenge for Project Quilting will be announced today.

Plainly, there is plenty to do around here, and so I guess I'll get to it.



Oh yes there is always plenty to do--in both stitching and that dreaded housework--Instead of elves cleaning up for me--I swear they do show up--but to mess things up--I mean I live alone, and no pets--so who--I ask you 'who' gets this apartment so messy??????
I did get the first 2 blocks done--thought maybe she would give us today off seeing it is a fabric square--ha ha!!!!! I won't have to worry though about my 2 pcs raveling--as I will do them both in applique!!!
Have fun grocery shopping--I know how you love to do that chore!!!!:-)
luv, di

Renee said...

Wow! You have been so productive! Your cat quilt is absolutely fabulous. Amazing work! And I love your little inchies. (I may have to check the weather on the news forecast. I had not heard up to 3 inches yet. The weather website I checked indicated less than an inch. We'll see!)

quiltzyx said...

The little inchy embroideries are so cute! BUT...I'm going to tell EVERYONE that you made another design decision!!!
So cool to see the close-ups of Cricket. You've really done a bang-up job of her pawtrait. Are you going to hang your grandcat's pawtrait on your mewseum wall, or gift it to Erik & Mae?
That is a beautiful doll bed! And love the story behind it too. Have either of the cats hopped in for nap time yet?

gpc said...

You already know I love your projects and that Cricket is AMAZING so I'll skip that part -- but here's the thing: I never ever saw any point in making the little doll quilts, although I knew they would be a perfect way to dip my toes into trying to quilt things myself. But now that I see your doll bed I also SEE THE LIGHT. But of course, that is what has been lacking, so I'll do some etsy shopping of my own this week. How wonderful to have another sewing project to add to my endless endless project list! Thanks ever so.

DeeDee said...

Love the doll bed! It's beautiful. My husband is a woodworker, so knowing where the wood came from is incredibly special.

I have to say, I'm mighty impressed and envious of your free motion skills. I'm terrible at it. I know practice makes perfect, but I get so frustrated. I really enjoy seeing how you finish your quilts.

Thanks for sharing!

Julierose said...

Cricket is so lovely--you did a super job on this!
We are only 68 feet above sea level here in the House on the Hill...
about 1 mile =/- from our little beach--no snow in our forecast--only rain and more rain...strange Winter this year...
Your embroideries are really coming together well...
We will be watching Super Bowl tonight..and munching away...;)))
hugs, Julierose

Vroomans' Quilts said...

The blues you used really set off the new pawtrait - this went really fast. Go girl go on all the stitchery. Housework and paperwork for my Mom today so maybe I will get some cross stitch in later.

Brown Family said...

That is a tiny doll bed! I have mine from childhood that is big enough for a large baby doll or small baby. I think all of my mothers grand-kids slept in it at least once!

piecefulwendy said...

I passed up a doll bed at our thrift store a year or so ago. It was only $4 and I pondered long and hard, then walked away. I've regretted that many times! Hoping the no-reply is fixed. I've spent most of the afternoon twaddling with it. Ugh.

Quilting Babcia said...

I just want to know, will it be Sadie or Smitty who discovers that nice soft bed first?

mangozz said...

That doll bed is adorable and I love the little story behind it! Like other commenters, I was wondering if your cats would show any interest in sleeping in it. I recently bought a doll bed myself for the same reason as you. I don't need to worry though, as my 20 lb. cat would never fit in it!

QuiltGranma said...

I can just imagine one or the other of your kitties taking over the doll bed! Oh, so nice and soft these dolls are to rest a kitty head on!

Kate said...

Love Cricket's pawtrait! It's a fun to watch you create one of those. Love the doll bed. I had a little girl but the only dolls she had were so her collection of super hero figures had wives to take care of their house, so no doll beds around here. (I have no idea where she go the idea that wives take care of the house, that behavior certainly wasn't modeled at home!)